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Structure of an opinion essay

1 A general statement about the topic and
background. State your opinion by saying
whether you agree or disagree with the topic
2 Justify your opinion

3 Justify your opinion

Summarise your thesis with reference to the
arguments made in previous paragraphs
Methods of Opening a Discursive Essay
1) It goes without saying that …
2) It would be foolish to think that …
3) It should come as no surprise that …
4) Ever since the appearance of ….
5) This day and age …
6) It is a widespread belief that…
7) Focus must be brought to the fact that the Internet is meant to
positively contribute to our welfare. Yet, a question should be posed to
those who endorse such an idea. Why …?
8) Too much hype is applied to the positive use of social media at
schools. Yet, I can´t help wondering if social networks may trigger more
drawbacks than benefits.
Support your opinion; Get the reader´s attention and introduce the topic
Reasons and details; Help the reader understand the importance and controversy of the issue.
(Think of 3 good reasons to support your opinion)
The counter- Argument can also be introduced; It is the opposing view or the view of a person
who disagrees with your opinion.

Good Example

To begin with, the introduction of a toll to enter the city centre is a positive approach by
the government to prevent pollution. Conmuters who have access the city on a regular
basis for work by car will pay a toll, while others will obviously choose an alternative way
to get to their destination, for example by public transport. Moreover, by paying a toll it
will help governments mantain the environment and invest back into public transport.
Therefore, this kind of approach can help make the city a better place to live and work
by decreasing the overall number of cars within the city centre.
First (ly), secondly .. Next,
Furthermore, In addition, Added to this,
Likewise, Moreover,
Also, Similarly,
Moreover, as well as
Not only … but also
along with California, along with Florida and Hawaii, is among the
most popular US tourist destinations.
On the one hand, Yet,
On the other one, / Be that as it may
Nevertheless, Nonetheless,

However, Even though

Otherwise, Although, while, whereas

Alternatively, Conversely,

In spite of (+noun) In spite of his injury, Ricardo will play in Saturday's match.

Despite (+ noun or + gerund) I still enjoyed the week despite the weather.

Therefore, As a result,
Hence, Consequently,
That is (to say), Thus,

Needless to say, Without question,
Without doubt, Unquestionably,
Because Due to (+noun)
Owing to (+noun) As / Since
Because of (+noun) On account of (+noun)
For instance, For example,
On grounds of +noun
In conclusion, All in all,
To sum up, In brief,
By and large, Long story short,
Last but not least, On the whole,
In a nutshell, So overall, one can
conclude that …
The bottom line is that… There is no escaping
the conclusion that
Sum up your opinion / thesis with reference to the arguments
made in the previous paragraphs

Avoid introducing new ideas.

End with a strong statement

Good Example
By and large, as has been shown the approach of a toll system or having a no entry
zone for cars inside the city centre can have a huge benefit on the environment and
people´s health.
It is clear that through the implementation of these measures , restricting the
number of cars whithin the city centre to only those that need to be there, people
can enjoy a healthy lifestyle in the city.

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