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Administrative Process: Rule/ policy making

Resource Person: Dr. Nagina Gul

Assistant Professor of Public Administration
Faculty of Management Sciences BUITEMS
Administrative Process: Rule/ policy making

What is meant by
administrative process?
The state activism has led
to result that to improve
physical and economic
welfare of people, the
state has assumed more
and more powers and
Administrative Process: Rule/ policy making

What is meant by
state activism?
It means assuming
more and more powers
and functions by the
administration in a
Administrative Process: Rule/ policy making

A state has three organs of a viz., legislature, judiciary and

executive. Increase in state activities has meant increased work
for all organs of state. Yet the largest extension has taken place
at the level of executive cum administrative organ. These day
administration is all prevailing feature of life today. It makes
policies, provides leadership to the legislature, executes and
administers the law and takes manifold decisions.
Administration also exercises legislative power and issues a
plenty of rules, bye laws, and orders of a general nature which
is designated as delegated legislation. The administration has
indeed acquired powers of adjudication over disputes between
itself and private individuals and thus have emerged a plethora
of tribunals diversified in structure, jurisdiction, procedures and
powers connected with the administration in varying degree and
giving binding decisions like courts.
Administrative Process: Rule/ policy making

The administration
also got control over
extensive power to
grant refuse or revoke
Licences, impose
sanctions and take
action of various
kinds in its discretion.
Administrative Process: Rule/ policy making

To enable the administration to discharge effectively its rule

making, adjudicating and other discretionary and regulatory
functions, it has been given vast power of inspection, inquiry,
investigation, search and seizure etc. these day it is a simple
truth that in a modern democratic state, the administration
has acquired immense power and discharges varies
functions multifarious in scope and consequences. Pertinent
here to note that extension in functions and powers of
administration has led to the complex socio economic
problems which practically can be handled only by
administrative process instead of the normal legislative or
judicial process. In this regard the legislature has to restrict
itself with laying down broad policies and to leave the rest to
Administrative Process: Rule/ policy making

Administrative adjudication has arisen enormously

as the multitude of cases arising for adjudication
under the modern legislation needs to be decided
expeditiously with the minimum formality and
technicality, at the minimum cost, and by persons
having specialized skills to handle such cases. The
courts are not in a position to fulfill these
conditions. So the administrative tribunals have
come in to vogue.
Administrative Process: Rule/ policy making

Another advantage of
the administrative
process is that it could
evolve new techniques,
processes and
instrumentalities and
acquire expertise and
specification to meet
and handle new
complex problems of
modern society.

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