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Thatcher’s Political Reforms

• Lead conservative Party to become pm in 1979

• Encouraged and steered privatization of state owned companies.
• Reduced over regulations dampening new jobs, business etc
• Taxpayer subsidies were cut to failing industries e.g. coal mines
• Curbed the power of trade unions.
• Deregulated and opened up London stock for foreign investors
Effects of thatcher’s politics
• Growth in the economy of certain areas but losses in industrial areas
in the north
• Income inequality
• Social unrest
• Impact on global politics
Falkland wars and Thatcher’s role
• Falklands Islands a matter of dispute between Argentina and UK
• Argentina invaded and took control of the islands in April 2, 1982
• Thatcher at once mobilized British naval task force, troops and
carriers rejecting any ort of advice of negotiation.
• Thatcher also engaged in diplomatic efforts to build international
support for UK and isolate Argentina.
• Under thatcher’s leadership asuccessful military campaign was
started and after a long and challenging journey the task force landed
in san carlos bay on May 21, 1982
The Iron Lady
• Thatcher provided strong leadership to the military and ships to boost
their morale.
• Thatcher’s determination to reclaim Falkland's was unwavering and
made it clear there will be no negotiations. She remained steadfast
for her people when other leaders would have faltered.
• On June 14, 1982 Argentine forces surrendered and the war was over
• This victory boosted Thatcher’s political standing both domestically
and internationally and even given the title of “The Iron Lady” as she
was seen as a strong and decisive leader
Thatcher’s ideology or “Thatcherism”
• Believer in individual and free market
• Believed in limited involvement of govt in people’s lives
• believed in powering individuals and not having them to rely on govt
• Believed in strong national defence and sovereignty
• Held conservative and traditional values

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