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Learning Faculty of Communication - UMN

Guide (3)

Project Based
Design Thinking
Learning Guide
MSC 2104 - “Subject Matter” - steven

Project Based Learning (PBL) is a golden bridge between

concept and application of Design Thinking knowledge.

Without application, we are stuck in the theoretical realm

and untrained when we are in the realm of action..
Pertemuan ke 3
Capaian Pembelajaran
C 3: Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan konsep dan menunjukkan manfaat Project Based Learning dan Design Thinking
Pokok Bahasan
Design Thinking dan Project Based Learning sebagai metode pembelajaran
Strategi Pembelajaran

Subpokok Asinkron Mandiri Asinkron Kolaboratif Sinkron

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AD, Aset Digital Quiz Tugas Online Langsung Maya
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• Definisi Paparan Materi Multiple ttg definisi,
1 Menjelaskan • Target belajar Ilustrasi Choice steps dan
• Landasan teori 5 soal manfaat

Video intersktif Tugas individu

• Manfaat dari Paparan Materi Mengerjakan kasus file terlampir
PBL dan DT Ilustrasi Tmultiple 1.di microsoft word
2 Menunjukkan Choice
2.Upload dg format: NIM-Nama-Tugas –
• Parameter 5 soal
sukses, Pertemuan ke
Rooney, 1996 says
Project – based Learning
enables students to make
decisions which will have direct
impact on their learning
processes, develop their
problem – solving skills and
provide deeper learning while
they are tackling various idea
and concepts
The Comparison of Traditional Instruction
and Project - Based Learning

Criteria Traditional Instruction Project-Based Learning

1. Content  Knowledge of facts  Comprehension of concepts
and principles

2. Scope and  Follows fixed curriculum  Follows students interests

Sequence  Move from unit to unit  Large unit composed of
 Narrow content area focus complex problems or issues
 Broad interdisciplinary
The Comparison of Traditional Instruction and Project - Based Learning

Criteria Traditional Instruction Project-Based Learning

3. Teacher’s Role  Lecturer and director of  Resource provider
instruction  Advisory mentor
 Expert

4. Assessment  Products  Process and product

 Test Scores  Tangible accomplishment
 Reproduction of information  Demonstration of
5. Use of  Ancillary peripheral
technology  Administered by teachers  Central, integral
 Directed by students
The Comparison of Traditional Instruction and Project - Based Learning

Criteria Traditional Instruction Project-Based Learning

6. Type of student  Student working alone  Student working in groups
involvement  Student competing with one  Student collaborating
 Student receiving  Student constructing,
information contributing, and
synthesizing information

7. Student’s role  Carry out instructions  Carry out self-directed

 Memorize and repeat fact experiences
 Listen, behave, speak only  Discover, integrate and
when asked to present present ideas
 Communicate, show affect,
produce, take responsibility
The Comparison of Traditional Instruction and Project - Based Learning

Criteria Traditional Instruction Project-Based Learning

8. Goals  Knowledge of facts & terms,  Understanding and
 Mastery of isolated skills application of content,
 Breadth of knowledge complex ideas and
 Graduates who have the processes
performance on  Mastery of integrated skills
standardized achievements  Depth of knowledge
tests  Graduates who have
knowledge, disposition and
skills to engage in sustained,
and autonomous
Through Activity
Students will develop an
educational project includes
a specific outcome while
learning academic skills.
Project Objectives
When students complete this project,
they will be able to :
• Identify projects components and needs.
• Interview community members or people
outside the campus if necessary
• Locate place where project is needed.
• Measure and Calculate all things needed
for project.
• Assemble required materials
Project Objectives
When students complete this
project, they will be able to :
• Design and Create the project itself.
• Apply scientific method where
• Write instructions, summaries,
statements, findings, or creative
Learning is more
than just a “doing
a project”
The Comparison of Doing Project and Project - Based Learning

Criteria Doing Project Project-Based Learning

1. Outcomes Knowledge  Case-specific understanding;
practical products

2. Main activity Learning fact  Producing application results

3. Organizing Following instruction  Project Management


4. Self-directed Teacher – directed Learning  Student centered Learning

learning within predefined project frame
Problem-Based Learning Project-Based Learning
Strategy Final Product
Shared with Larger
Project - Based Learning
Consultation Input
or Feedback
Set the
Parameters For
Completing the
Present a Real
World Problem that
Student Can
Working Groups
PBL - Framework
How does
PBL helps
the students
PBL - Rationale
Projects allow students opportunities to :

 Develop in-depth knowledge of a topic

 Use critical thinking skills
 Make real – world connections
 Demonstrate understanding through products
 Use technology
Instructional - Approach
Projects allow students opportunities to :

 Student Centred : Choosers, Designers

 Self Directed
 Discover – Apply - Present
 Use multiple source of information
 Use 21st Century Skills
 Make real – world connections
Let’s take a closer look at what 21st
century skills are and how we can
integrate them into our projects…
I. Learning and Innovation Skills
1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
3. Communication and Collaboration
1. Creativity and Innovation
 Demonstrating originality and inventiveness

 Developing and communicating new ideas to


 Being responsive to new and diverse


 Acting on creative ideas and making useful

2. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

 Making complex choices and decisions

 Understanding the interconnections

among systems

 Framing, analyzing and synthesizing

information in order to solve problems
and answer questions
3. Communication and Collaboration
 Articulating thoughts and ideas
through speaking and writing

 Demonstrating ability to work

effectively with diverse teams

 Able to make compromises to

accomplish a common goal

 Assuming shared responsibility

for collaborative work
II. Information, Media and Technology Skills
1. Information a. Accessing information efficiently and effectively
and using information for the problem at hand
Literacy b. Understanding the ethical/legal issues
surrounding the access and use of

a. Understanding who media messages are

2. Media constructed using which tools
Literacy b. Examining how individuals interpret
messages differently
c. Understanding the ethical/legal issues
surrounding the use of information

a. Using digital technology, communication

3. ICT Literacy tools and/or networks appropriately
Information b. Using technology as a tool to research,
organize, evaluate and communicate
III. Life and Career Skills
1. Flexibility and Adaptability
2. Initiative and Self – Direction
3. Social and Cross –Culture Skills
4. Productivity and Accountability
5. Leadership and Responsibility
• Tugas Mandiri pada Pertemuan ke 3

Menjawab Kuis
Bubuhkan tanda (X) pada kolom yang tersedia sesuai dengan pilihan anda.
a b c
Contoh . Juara bulutangkis putra Asian Games 2018 di Jakarta adalah
a Rudi Hartono

b Liem Swi Liong

c Jonatan Christie x

1. Yang dimaksud dengan Project Based Learning adalah a b c

a Metode pembelajaran yang mirip dengan metode Design Thinking, berfokus pada manusia

Metode pembelajaran yang menggunakan proyek/kegiatan sebagai media. Mahasiswa melakukan

eksplorasi, penilaian, interpretasi, sintesis, untuk menghasilkan berbagai bentuk hasil belaja
c Metode pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dalam menyelesaikan tugas

2. Project Based Learning berbeda dengan Design Thinking , karena a b c

Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek merupakan metode belajar yang menggunakan masalah sebagai
langkah awal dalam mengumpulkan dan mengintegrasikan pengetahuan baru
b Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek merupakan metode belajar tidak membutuhkan kreativitas

c Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek merupakan metode belajar yang tidak membutuhkan kolaborasi
3. Esensi dari Project Based Learning adalah aktivitas mahasiswa , artinya a b c
Bahwa PBL adalah metode pembelajaran yang menitikberatkan pada aktifitas untuk dapat memahami
suatu masalah dan menemukan solusi dengan melakukan suatu proyek.
b Bahwa mahasiswa diharapkan makin cerdas dan kritis dalam memahami dan menyelsaikan persoalan

c Bahwa apapun yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa tidak ada hubungannya dengan kebutuhan hamunisa

4. Salah satu target pembelajaran Project Based Learning adalah a b c

a Meningkatkan keterampilan membuat perencanaan tugas atau proyek

b Meningkatkan keterampilan management mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan tugas

c Meningkatkan sikap kritisan dan kreatif

5. Menurut John Dewey, Konsep Project Based Learning sama dengan konsep Learning by doing, artinya a b c

a Proses pembelajaran tidak membutuhkan memahami teori terlebih dahulu

b Proses pembelajaran keterampilan seperti pertukangan

c Proses perolehan hasil belajar dengan mengerjakan tindakan-tindakan tertentu sesuai dengan tujuan
6. Klasifikasi hasil belajar dalam Project Based Learning dirumuskan dalam 3 parameter , yakni a b c

a Kemampuan pengelolaan proyek, Relevan dan Orisinal atau asli

b Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan dan Evaluasi

c Koqnitif, Afektif dan Psikomotorik

7. Tingkatan hasil belajar versi Taxonomy Bloom yang menjadi fokus Project Based Learning , adalah a b c

a C1 – C6

b C1 – C2 – C6

c C3 – C4 – C5 – C6

8. Manfaat tertinggi pembelajaran Project Based Thinking dalam ranah akademis adalah a b c
Mahasiswa melakukan proses internalisasi dan habituasi untuk ketiga ranah belajar versi Taxonomy
Bloom : knowledge, skills and attitude
b Mahasiswa menjadi makin tolerans dan senang bekerjasama

c Mahasiswa makin sadar bahwa sebagus-bagusnya ilmu kalau dapat meningkatkan harkat manusia
9. Kesamaan ilmu Design Thinking dan Project Based Learning adalah a b c
Keduanya berawal dari observasi, mempertanyakan dan menggali masalah atau kebutuhan dan
berujung pada tindakan nyata yang terus menerus di evaluasi.
b Keduanya merupakan pengembangan ilmu berpikir kritis dan kreatif

c Keduanya merupakan ilmu terapan.

10. Piaget dan Vygotsky, para akhli pendidikan, memiliki pandangan yang sama tentang Project Based
a b c
Learning , yaitu
Sebagai Metode pembelajaran yang menumbuhkan pengetahuan baru bagi mahasiswa dengan cara
melakukan tugas proyek bersama.
b Sebagai Metode pembelajaran yang sama-sama menggunakan proses High Order Thinking Skills

c Sebagai Metode pembelajaran tingkat tinggi

Tugas Kelompok Pertemuan ke 3
Project Based Learning
Anda adalah (Tim) dari Wedding Organizer . Menerima penawaran dari Kades A.
Jenin Penawaran : Rancangan Pesta Perkawinan
Sebagai manager perusahaan , anda ditugaskan untuk menangani proyek ini. : “merancang sebuah pesta perkawinan” sesuai dengan informasi
dan ekspektasi yang telah disepakati dengan Customer. (Anak pak Kades seorang gadis, anak tunggal, termasuk generasi milenial. Dari
Bandung. Calon suaminya adalah kakak tingkat waktu kuliah, Suku Jawa yang besar di Flores). Tim anda harus melibatkan tim Finance,
terutama untuk membahas budget.
a. Pak Kades ingin rancangan diserahkan dalam bentuk proposal dalam waktu sebulan, sesuai Surat Perintah Kerja
b. Rancangan dibuat berdasarkan Framework Project Based Learning ala Lucas

• Video Pendalaman Mandiri pada Pertemuan ke 3

Bagian 1 -

Bagian 2 -
• Grant, M.M. 2002. Getting A Grip of Project Based Learning : Theory, Cases and Recomandation. North
Carolina : Meredian A Middle School Computer Technologies. Journal vol. 5.
• Kemdikbud. 2013. Model Pengembangan Berbasis Proyek (Project Based
Learning). http//
• The George Lucas Educational Foundation. 2005. Instructional Module Project Based
Learning. http//
• Design Thinking , Steven dan Hendar Putranto, Materi Ajar untuk Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas
Multimedia Nusantara, Serpong, 2017. Revised by Steven based on RPKPS 2018, 2019, 2020,2021, 2022,
2023, 2024
• Video :
• Project Based Learning (2015). In Edutopia. Retrieved April 17, 2015, from
• What is Project Based Learning (PBL) (2015). In BIE. Retrieved April 17, 2015, from
• Miller, A. (2014.April 16). Resources for Assessment in Project-Based Learning. In Norm’s Teacher’s Blog.
Retrieved April 26, 2015, from http: //

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