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A pleasant day to each and

everyone! My name is Vince

Abatayo, my friends call me
Bensot,others shortened my
name and call me sot, I am
spending my life now for about
23 years, and praying for more
years for me to have.
I am currently a 4th year BSHM student, and let
me tell you why I take up this course 4 years
ago, when I graduated in senior high school I
really didn't know what course should I take, but
one of my cousins stand as one of my
inspiration, for a reason that she was once a
bshm student and I can recall the time where I
really like to observe her when she's cooking
something and I always dream to cook good
food also to my family just like my cousin
Other things that inspire me to get this course is
because of the influence of YouTube, I always
watch videos such as bartending and cooking
show and that what entice me to take and pursue
this course. And if you were to ask me if I could
turn back time and let me choose what course
should I choose, I will definitely choose the path
were where I am now, I love my course and I
enjoyed it, this is where I'm interested into,
specially in bartending that represents my passion.
I have really learned a lot of lesson in taking up
this course, that I could apply in real life, such
as applying proper hygiene in the kitchen,
housekeeping, and also discipline and time
management it’s enable student like me to limit
and take responsibility for my decision and
actions and taught me that proper hygiene both
ourselves and to our things such as kitchen
utensils is important because in that way we
could take care also to our health.
After I'll graduate I plan to prepare myself to find a job
that is related to my course, and process papers that's
needed in applying a job, If I can find myself a job and
can earn enough money I will make my own business.
My journey in this course is a thrill, I experience a lot of
emotions such as stress, sadness, excitement and
happy and I would like to say thank you for all of my
instructor who taught and discipline us that enables us to
enhance our skills in this course and gave us long life
lessons, my gratitude for all of my instructors will cannot
be measured. Thankyou for guiding me right from the
start of my journey up until now.

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