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How Wi-Fi improved our lives

Abhinash Suyash
Samita Suman
Tushar Kamaldeep
What is Wi-Fi?

 Wi-Fi is the “technology” which allows devices to

connect to internet without any wires
 Best analogy: walkie talkies
Life before Wi-Fi Necessity

56k Modem

DSL Modem
Advantages of Wi-Fi

 Convenience
 Mobility
 Cost
 Expandability
 No use of wires
Importance of Wi-Fi during COVID

 Everything is online
 Students: Online Classes
 Working Professionals: Work from home
 Entertainment
 Keeping in touch with closed ones
Public and Mobile Wi-fi Hotspots

 Free Wi-Fi is available at train

stations, malls, cafes, uber etc.
 Smart Cities will have public Wi-Fi
 Mobile wireless routers
Smart Cities and IOT

 Smart cities uses wireless networks to

connect to internet
 Traffic lights, security cameras
 Digitization of everything
 Houses are fitted with devices like Philips
hue, Amazon Echo, Nest Thermostat

 Security
 Limited Range
 Slower as compared to LAN
 More devices means less bandwidth and
 High Latency, as a result not suitable for

 Wi-Fi has become a necessity rather than a luxury

 All our lives depend on Wi-Fi from working to entertainment
 Wi-Fi has a lot of advantages as well as disadvantages too
 During COVID lockdowns we couldn’t have imagined our lives without
 In coming times we will be dependent on Wi-Fi more than ever

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