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Definitions of Training and Development
Training is a planned program designed to improve
performance and bring about measurable changes in
knowledge, skills, attitude and social behavior of employees.
Training is a learning experience. It is likely to produce a
relatively permanent change in an individual in view of
improving the individual’s ability to perform better on the job
Features of Training
 Increases knowledge and skills for doing a particular
 Focuses attention on the individual job
 Concentrates on individual employees
 Gives importance to short term performance
Objectives of Training and Development
1)To impart to new entrants the basic knowledge and skill they need
for an intelligent performance of definite tasks;
2)To assist employees to function more effectively in their present
positions by exposing them to the latest concepts, information and
techniques and developing the skills, they will need in their
particular fields;
3) To build up a second line of competent officers and prepare them
to occupy more responsible positions;
4) To broaden the minds of senior managers by providing them with
opportunities for an inter- change of experiences within and outside
with a view to correcting the narrowness of the outlook that may
arise from over-specialisation;
5) To impart customer education for the purpose of meeting the
training needs of Corporations which deal mainly with the public
Training versus Development
Training and development programs are necessary in any
organization for improving the quality of work of the employees
at all levels, particularly in a world of fast changing technology,
changing values, and environment
The Main differences of between Training and Development
- Training is concerned with teaching specific job related skills
and behavior. It is short term process of utilizing a systematic and
organized procedure by which non managerial personnel acquire
technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.
-It also refers to instructions in technical and mechanical
operations, like operation of some machine. It is designed
primarily for non-managers, it is for a short duration and it is for
a specific job related purpose
- Development is future oriented training, focusing on the personal
growth of the employee.
- It is long term educational process utilizing a systematic and organized
procedure by which managerial personnel get conceptual and theoretical
In other words, development refers not to
technical knowledge or skills in operation but to philosophical and
theoretical educational concepts. It involves broader education. Its purpose
is long term development.
Learning Dimensions Training Development
Meant for Operatives Executives
Focus Current job Current and future jobs
Scope Individual employee Work group and
Goal Fix current skill deficit Prepare for future work
Initiated by Management Individual
Content Specific job related General knowledge
Time frame Immediate Long term
Needs for, Benefits, and Objectives of Training and Development

Needs for Training and development

There are reasons for which training becomes necessary. These include
the following:

1)Employment of inexperienced and new labor requires detailed

instructions for effective performance on the job.
2)People have not only to work, but work effectively with the minimum
of supervision, minimum of cost, waste and spoilage, and produce
quality goods and services
3)Increasing use of fast changing techniques in production and other
operations requires training into newer methods for the operatives
4)Old employees need refresher training to enable them to keep abreast
of changing techniques and the use of sophisticate tools and equipment's,
5) Training is necessary when a person has to move from one job to
another because of transfer, promotion, or demotion.
Benefits of Training and development
Training and development has the following importance;
1.Increasing Productivity: Instruction can help employees increase
their level of performance on their present job assignment. Increased
human performance often directly leads to increased operational
productivity and increased company profit.
2. Improving Quality: Better informed workers are less likely to make
operational mistakes. Quality increases may be in relationship to a
company product or service, or in reference to the intangible
organizational employment atmosphere.
3. Helping a Company Fulfill its Future Personnel Needs:
Organizations that have a good internal educational programm will
have to make less drastic manpower changes and adjustments in the
event of sudden personnel alternations.
4.Improving Organizational Climate: An endless chain of positive
reactions results from a well- planned training programme. Production
and product quality may improve; financial incentives may then be
increased, internal promotions become stressed, less supervisory
5. Improving Health and Safety: Proper training can help prevent
industrial accidents. A safer work environment leads, to more
stable mental attitudes on the part of employees.
6. Obsolescence Prevention: Training and development
programmes foster the initiative and creativity of employees and
help to prevent manpower obsolescence, which may be due to age,
temperament or motivation, or the inability of a person to adapt
him/her self to technological changes.
7. Personal Growth: Employees on a personal basis gain
individually from their exposure to educational experiences.
“Again, management development programme seem to give
participants a wider awareness, an enlarged skin, an enlightened
altruistic philosophy, and make enhanced personal growth
Deciding on Training and Development Needs
why is important Training?
1) Does an actual or potential performance discrepancy exist?
2) Is it important to the organization?
3) Is it correctable through training?
4) Is training the most cost-effective solution available?

Organizations that plan for training and development should on ;-

• the organization’s (or the unit’s) goals
• tasks to be completed to achieve the goals
• The necessary behavior of early job holder to complete his/her job.
• short comings or lack of skills, knowledge or attitudes to do the
necessary tasks
• In addition, in the production areas of organizations in particular, a
drop of productivity or inadequate job performance is a signal of
training needs
Furthermore, a high reject rate and/or a risk in the number of
accidents are indicators of needs of training. At times, changes that
are imposed on some workers, due to job redesign or because of
technological break-through call for more training.
therefore training is important ,for job redesign and technological
Contrary to what has been said, since training is judged on the basis
that performance is a function of: skills / abilities, motivation and
opportunity to perform, managers need to compare results of
performance that is to be obtained by training and development to the
cost incurred in training and development.
Comparativeness of performance after training and that of cost
incurred for traning
Process of Training and Development
1) Need Analysis
Identify specific job performance skills needed to improve
performance and productivity.
 Analyze the audience to ensure that the program will be suited to
their specific levels of education, experience, and skills, as well as
their attitudes and personal motivations.
 Use research to develop specific, measurable, knowledge and
performance objectives.

2) Instructional Design
Design a training system that learners and trainers can implement to
meet the learning goals; typically include:
 Gather instructional objectives, methods, media, description of
and sequence of content, examples, exercise, and activities.
Organize them into a curriculum that supports adult learning
 Make sure all materials, such as video scripts, leaders’ guides, and participants’
work-books, complement each other, are written clearly, and blend into unified
training geared directly to the stated learning objectives.
 Carefully and professionally handle all program elements-whether reproduced
on paper, film, or tape-to guarantee quality and effectiveness.
 Introduce and validate the training before a representative audience. Base final
revision on pilot results to ensure program effectiveness.
4) Implementation
 When applicable, boost success with a train-the-trainer workshop that focuses
on presentation knowledge and skills in addition to training content.
5) Evaluation and Follow-Up
Evaluate training, including before, during and after implementation of training.
Assess program success according to:
 Determining whether a programme meets its objectives or goals.
 Identify strengths and weaknesses in the training process.
 Calculate the cost-benefit ratio of a programme
Training Methods
The following methods are generally used to provide training:
On-the-Job Training Methods:
This type of training is imparted on the job and at the work place
where the employee is expected to perform his duties. It enables the
worker to get training under the same working conditions and
environment and with the same materials, machines and equipments
that he/she will be using ultimately after completing the training.
On –the job-training;-
1.On Specific Job;-
(a) Experience: This is the oldest method of on-the-job training.
Learning by experience cannot and should not be eliminated as a
method of development, though as a sole approach; it is a wasteful,
time consuming and inefficient.
(b) Coaching: On-the-Job coaching by the superior is an important
and potentially effective approach is superior.
It involves direct personnel instruction and guidance
2.Job Rotation: The major objective of job rotation training is the
broadening of the background of trainee in the organisation. If trainee
is rotated periodically from one job to another job, he/she acquires a
general background.
3. Special Projects: This is a very flexible training device. The trainee
may be asked to perform special assignment; thereby he learns the
work procedure. Sometime a task-force is created consisting of a
number of trainees representing different functions in the organisation.
4. Apprenticeship: Under this method, the trainee is placed under a
qualified supervisor or instructor for a long period of time depending
upon the job and skill required.
5. Vestibule Training: Under this method, actual work conditions are
created in a class room or a workshop. The machines, materials and
tools under this method is same as those used in actual performance in
the factory. This method gives more importance to learning process
rather than production.
6. Multiple Management: Multiple management emphasizes the use of
committees to increase the flow of ideas from less experience managers
and to train them for positions of greater responsibility.
Off-the-job Training Methods
Following are the off the job training techniques;-
1.Special Courses and Lectures: Lecturing is the most traditional
form of formal training method Special courses and lectures can
be established by business organizations in numerous ways as a
part of their development programmed.
2. Conferences: This is also an old method, but still a favorite
training method. In order to escape the limitations of straight
lecturing many organizations have adopted guided,
discussion type of conferences in their training programmed.
3.Case-Studies: This technique, which has been developed,
popularized by the Harvard Business School. This
method increases the trainee‘s power of observation, helping him
to ask better questions and to look for broader range of
4. Brainstorming: This is the method of stimulating trainees to
creative thinking , providing for a maximum of group
participation and a minimum of criticism.

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