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 Politics and Press under pressure in the Philippines
 Gentleman’s Agreement
 Territorial disputes in the south China sea
 Government’s Corruption
 First Lady hits Sara
 Addressing the Economic Challenge
Politics and Press Under Pressure in The
 President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. was
criticized for his frequent foreign
travels and inflated travel budget for
2024, despite significant overspending
in 2022.
In 2023 , the Marcos Jr. regime continued its
illusion of calm amid the suffering and repression
of the poor. The situation on the ground reeks of
privilege for the rich and powerful while the toiling
masses struggle to survive.
The year started and ended with transportation
problems. The first of January saw around 56,000
passengers affected by flight delays and diversions
due to a power outage.
 The last few days of December saw
commuters affected by transport strikes in
the wake of the government’s
modernization program, where close to
100,000 drivers and operators in Metro
Manila alone may lose their jobs
Gentleman’s Agreement

Ex-President Rodrigo
Duterte allegedly made a
“Gentleman’s Agreement”
with the Chinese
Government for handling
tensions in the South
China Sea.
Territorial Dispute in The South
China Sea
The West Philippine Sea, designated
as one of the priority seascapes,
covers nearly one-third of Philippine
waters and has wealth of the country’s
coastal and marine resources,
including coral reefs, fisheries, energy
and mineral resources.
Government Corruption
 Refers to abuse of public power for private gain by
government officials and employees.
bribery, extortion, fraud tax evasion, vote buying, lack
of transparency, lack of sufficient enforcement of laws and
government policies and etc.
First Lady hits Sara
The rift between First Lady
Liza Araneta-Marcos and
Vice President Sara
1. Incident at a Rally
2. Personal Sentiments
and Crossing the Line
 The Philippines has a presidential system of government.
 The Philippine Congress is a bicameral legislature, consisting of the Senate and the
House of the Representatives.
 The Philippines has a multi-party system, with several political parties competing an
 Clientelism and patronage politics are also deep ingrained in the Philippine political
 The Philippines is a diverse country with regional, ethnic and religious groups.

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