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Describing different techniques used for oil recovery

• PET 226 , Water injection principle, operation, and treatment
Dr. Waleed El-azab
Dr. Tamer Zaki
Student name:-Abdulrahman Ahmed AbdulRashid
Student ID:-20220406
1. Primary Recover
• This technique involves the
natural pressure within the
reservoir to drive oil to the
surface. It relies on the initial
reservoir pressure and the
natural energy of the reservoir
to push the oil out. However,
primary recovery typically
recovers only a small fraction of
the total oil in place.
Primary Recover
• Artificial lift :-This primary
recovery method is used when
the reservoir pressure is not
strong enough to produce the oil
to the surface. Accordingly, a
pump is equipped down into the
well to be able to pump the oil up
to the surface , There are
various types of artificial lift
systems such as the sucker rod
pump, electrical submersible
2. Secondary Recovery
• Also known as water flooding,
secondary recovery involves injecting
water into the reservoir to displace
and push the oil towards production
wells. Water injection helps maintain
reservoir pressure and sweep the
remaining oil towards the production
wells. This method can recover
additional oil beyond what is obtained
through primary recovery.
Water flooding
• Reservoir Analysis:- Before
implementing water flooding, a thorough
analysis of the reservoir is conducted. This
analysis includes studying the reservoir's
geological characteristics, fluid properties,
and the distribution of oil and water within
the reservoir.
• Injection Wells:-Injection wells are drilled
strategically around the production wells.
These wells are designed to inject water into
the reservoir at specific locations to create
pressure and sweep the oil towards the
production wells.
Water flooding
• Water Quality:- The quality of injected
water is an important consideration. It should
meet certain criteria to prevent reservoir
damage and ensure effective oil displacement.
Water treatment processes may be employed
to remove impurities, adjust salinity, or
control scaling and corrosion issues.
• Injection Rate and Pressure:-The
injection rate and pressure are carefully
controlled to optimize the displacement of oil.
The injection rate should be sufficient to
maintain reservoir pressure and create a
pressure front that moves the oil towards the
production wells.
Gas injection
• This method is similar to water
floodingin principal, and is used
to maintain gas cap pressure
even if oil displacement is not
required. Usually the produced
natural gas is re-injected to the
reservoir in order to maintain
reservoir pressure rather than to
displace the hydrocarbon.
3. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
• EOR techniques are employed to
recover oil that remains trapped
after primary and secondary
recovery methods. EOR methods
aim to alter the properties of the
reservoir or the oil to improve oil
recovery. There are several EOR
techniques, including
Thermal Recovery
• This technique involves the
injection of steam or hot fluids
into the reservoir. The heat
reduces the viscosity of the oil,
making it easier to flow and
increasing the sweep efficiency.
Gas Injection
• Gas, such as natural gas or
carbon dioxide (CO2), is injected
into the reservoir. The injected
gas acts as a displacing agent,
pushing the oil towards the
production wells. Gas injection
can improve oil recovery by
maintaining reservoir pressure
and reducing oil viscosity.
Chemical Injection
• This method involves injecting
chemicals into the reservoir to
alter the properties of the oil or
the reservoir rock. Surfactants,
polymers, and alkali chemicals
are commonly used. Chemical
injection can improve oil
mobility, reduce interfacial
tension, and increase the sweep
Microbial EOR
• Certain microorganisms
can be introduced into the
reservoir to enhance oil
recovery. These microbes
can modify the properties
of the reservoir, break
down complex
hydrocarbons, and produce
gases or chemicals that aid
in oil displacement.

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