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Social Media Ethics

Presented by:
Iqra saleem
Social Media Ethics
• Social media ethics is the practice of using
correct conduct and good character while
navigating social platforms.
• These ethics are designed to ensure that users of
social media platforms conduct themselves in a
responsible, respectful, and ethical manner.
Ethical Issues in Social Media
Privacy and Data Security
Social media platforms collect extensive personal data, sometimes without
user knowledge or consent, raising concerns about how this data is used
and protected. Example: A person shares photos and personal information
on Facebook.

Misinformation and Disinformation

Social media platforms can spread false or misleading information, which
may influence public opinion or cause harm Example: During a health
crisis, rumors about false cures or vaccines spread on social media.

Cyberbullying and Online Harassment:

Online abuse, trolling, and harassment. Consequences for victims ,
affecting the mental health and well-being of victims.
Social Media Addiction and Mental Health
Excessive use of social media and comparison with idealized images
can negatively impact mental health.
Example: A person spends hours on Instagram and feels anxious or
depressed because they perceive their life as less glamorous compared
to the curated photos of influencers..

Freedom of Speech and Censorship

Balancing the right to free speech with the need to prevent harmful or
offensive content can be challenging on social media platforms.

Example: Twitter suspends an account for spreading hate speech, but

some people argue that this action violates freedom of speech,
illustrating the complexity of content moderation..
Social media Ethics at the workplace
1.Respecting Confidentiality and Privacy
Employees must not share confidential or sensitive information
about the company, clients, or colleagues on social media.
2. Boundaries Between Personal and Professional Use
Establishing clear boundaries between personal and
professional social media use helps maintain focus during
work hours and prevents conflicts of interest.
For example: An employee should not use social media for
personal purposes during work hours, unless explicitly allowed
by company policy.
3.Ethical Use of Social Media for Marketing and
Companies should ensure their social media marketing and
communication efforts are ethical, avoiding false advertising,
deceptive and others 'rights.

4. Reporting unethical Behavior and Training

For employees to report unethical behavior related to social

media use. This helps maintain a culture of accountability

and integrity. Providing training on responsible social

media use can help prevent ethical breaches.

Desire for
Power or
Attention or
Why do Validation

Incentives share?
Lack of
Awareness or
Emotional Understandin
Reactions g
Social media ethics include

Individuals and organizations should be transparent about their
identity, affiliation, and interests while engaging with others.
Respect: Users of social media platforms should respect the
privacy, dignity, and rights of others.
Should take responsibility for the content they share and
ensure that it is accurate, truthful, and not misleading.
Users of social media platforms should be authentic and
avoid engaging in behavior that is deceitful or
Accountability: manipulative.
Users of social media platforms should be accountable
for their actions and should be prepared to accept the
consequences of their behavior.
Case Example
A non-profit organization dedicated to mental health
awareness decides to launch a social media campaign
during Mental Health Awareness Month. Their goal is to
reduce stigma, provide resources, and encourage open
discussions about mental health issues.

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