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Reflect on how much power digital technologies have over you:

Digital technologies, such as smartphones, social media, and online services, have a
significant influence on my daily life. They shape how I communicate, access
information, make decisions, and entertain myself. I rely on them for work, education,
and social interactions. Their power over me is substantial, as they are integral to many
aspects of modern life.

2. Think about the devices and apps that you use and how they influence what you think
and do:

Social media platforms, for example, can shape my opinions through the content I see
and the people I follow. Productivity apps help me stay organized, but they can also
create a sense of urgency and stress.

3. Who influences you personally, and who do you influence? How do digital
technologies facilitate this? Are these influences positive and/or negative?

Personally, I am influenced by friends, family and online communities. Digital

technologies facilitate these influences through messaging apps, social media, and
virtual meetings. The impact can be both positive and negative, depending on the
nature of the relationship and the content shared. Positive influences can include
learning opportunities, emotional support, and networking, while negative influences can
involve misinformation.

4. Investigate the positives and negatives of the power associated with:

a. Facial-recognition cameras:

Positives: security, efficient identification, and convenience.

Negatives: Privacy concerns and the risk of false identifications.

b. Social media influencers:

Positives: Influencers can provide valuable information, promote positive messages,

and create a sense of community.

Negatives: Over-commercialization and the spread of misinformation for profit.

c. Apps to track and monitor children:

Positives: Child safety, peace of mind for parents, and opportunities for communication.

Negatives: Children's privacy, potential for helicopter parenting, and negative impacts
on trust within parent-child relationships.
5. Which types of power do these technologies have over you and how are they being

Facial-recognition cameras have the power to identify and track individuals, which is
used for security and authentication.

Social media influencers have the power to shape opinions, promote products, and
influence purchasing decisions.

Apps to track and monitor children have the power to provide parents with real-time
information about their child's location and online activity.

6. How can this power be lessened and controlled – through digital technologies and
other ways?

To lessen and control the power of digital technologies, individuals can:

 Adjust privacy settings and limit data sharing on apps and devices.
 Educate themselves about digital literacy to critically assess online content.
 Advocate for regulations and policies that protect privacy
 Honest communication with friends and family to navigate the digital landscape

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