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Life in the UK

British Social Norms

•The British are punctual. Being late is odd and, in some cases, considered to be rude.

•Never jump lines, known as “queues” in UK. People will definitely let you know how unhappy they are.

•In the UK, it’s acceptable to keep one arm’s length between yourself and those you are speaking with.

•Please, thank you, and sorry are normal parts of everyday conversations and interactions.

•To nip or pop somewhere is to travel a short distance and visit a place quickly. „,, to pop to Tesco“ or „…nip to
the pub for a quick one.“ So if someone invites you to „….pop round for a coffee..“, drink your coffee and leave.

•It is not necessary to say „Good Day“ when entering a room or greeting people you know. A short „Hello“,
a smile or a nod of the head is enough

•When greeting a good friend or family member in UK, you do not simply shake their hand.
Many times, especially if one of the people that are greeting or being greeted is female, you will frequently give
and/or receive a small kiss on each cheek. If you are not a close friend or family member, then the physical touch
is perceived as odd or uncomfortable (you may shake hands, but often a smile and a bow of the head is
acceptable enough).
• Traditionally, the meals are called:
• Breakfast - between 7:00 and 9:00
• Brunch – combination of the words breakfast and lunch.
Usually eaten late morning at weekends after a night out
and often an English breakfast (good hangover cure). Or
by people who simply don’t eat breakfast.
• Lunch - between 12:00 and 13:30 (A small meal is typical.
Mealtimes A packed lunch is common – eg. Sandwiches (commonly
called Butty or Sarnie) and a packed of crisps or fruit.
• Dinner (The main meal) - between 18:00 and 20:00. It is
also called Supper (a light meal at the end of the day –
Southern UK) or Tea (Northern UK – Manchester,
Merseyside, Newcastle) depending on where you live.
Some popular foods are Chicken Tikka
Masala, Fish and Chips or Shepherds pie
Faggots are meat balls
made from left over pork
The British love pies which are made from
pastry (pečívo) – sweet and savoury
Essentially the British
version of Lays chips,
Walkers offers more
unique flavors than their
American relative,
including Prawn
Cocktail, Worcester
Sauce, Beef and Onion,
Roast Chicken, Pickled
Onion, Cheese and Onion
and everyone's favorite:
Marmite is a British
food spread made from
yeast extract, a by-
product of beer brewing.
Marmite is produced by
Unilever. Other similar
products include the
Australian Vegemite, the
Swiss Cenovis, and the
German Vitam-R. Love
it or hate it.
Larger is light beer served
in pints (0.47 litre), half
pints or bottles – People
like beer to have a „head“
in the UK.

A „Larger Top“ has a

dash of lemonade
on top of the beer
dark beer
Ale is darker and brewed differently to Larger.
Stout is very dark beer, such as Guiness
In a pub in the UK, you
must go to the bar to
order your drinks, there is
no table service.
The bell for Last Orders
rings at 22:50 and Time is
called at 23:00. You then
have 20 minutes to finish
your drinks
If there are no free
tables in the pub,
people will stand
up to drink.

On Sundays you
cannot buy alcohol
until 12.30pm.
What's the drink drive limit in England,
Wales and Northern Ireland? In England, Wales and
Northern Ireland, the drink
driving alcohol limit for drivers
• 80 milligrammes of alcohol
per 100 millilitres of blood
(the ‘blood limit’)
• 35 micrograms per 100
millilitres of breath (the
‘breath limit’)
• 107 milligrammes per 100
millilitres of urine (the ‘urine
There are many regional
accents in the UK
The North


The South
The North
Yorkshire is well known for being the
biggest county in the UK.
A Yorkshire accent is flatter
A Lancashire accent is different to a
Yorkshire, one but the main feature in all compared to a Lancashire
Northern accents is the flat/short letter one. They also cut off a lot of
"A: bath, last, past, laugh, after, grass. their words. Think of actor, Sean
The Letter H“ is also omitted when it is Bean, in Lord of the Rings or Game
at the beginning of a word.
of Thrones.
Merseyside is where people typically
have a scouse accent. The th (ð) sound is
proununced as a d (though, they) and the
letter k at the end of middle of a word is
pronounced as a hard ch (back, look, fake,
bake). There is also a fricative t in the
middle or at the end of words (water,
right, don‘t)
•Cob on



The Midlands: Accents •Birmingham is where the series ‘Peaky
Blinders ‘ is based. Also where singer,
become flatter and more Ozzy Osbourne, is from.
nasal, especially in •The ‘U’ sound in words such as ‘up’ is
Birmingham. pronounced differently.
The South West: In
the West Country the
accent is rounder.
Common is a Rhotic
(long/vibrating) „r“, in
words like farm,
warm, lover, cider and
first. Also the letter
„g“ in words ending in
ING is always omitted.

Gurt Lush – very good

• Traditionally spoken by working-class
Londoners. Cockney is also often used to
refer to anyone from London—in
particular, from its East End.
• The th(ð) sound at the beginning of
words is usually pronounced as „f“: thing,
Thursday. Shorter words like this, that are
pronounced as „d.“
• The th in the middle of words is often
pronounced as a „v“ sound: brother,
mother, weather
• The „g“ sound in words ending in ING is
also omitted: going, doing
• The „h“ at the beginning of words is also
omitted: hands, head, hat
• The „t“ sound in the middle of words is
omitted: water, butter

London (Cockney) accent • The letter „l“ is often pronounced as a

„w“: girlfriend, milk
On average
the Brits contribute six per
cent of their disposal income
to charity and those that
volunteer give up about the
same proportion of their free
time for important causes.
Inside you can buy
clothes, ornaments……
and they are a great
place to buy books.

• Charity shops are very

common on British High
Streets. People donate to
them and the people who
work in them are volunteers.
There are 2 main political parties: Labour (čSSD) and Conservative (ODS)
Elizabeth 2nd was Britain`s longest reigning monarch (1952 – 2022).
She was much loved and respected
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are also highly respected.
William‘s Mother, Lady Diana was much loved by the people
Charles is now king. However, only 25%
of the people wanted him to be King

•He was also known by his staff as the Pampered Prince.

•Charles has two men, paid for by the state, to help him get
dressed in the morning.

•His pajamas are pressed every morning, his shoelaces are

pressed flat with an iron, the bath plug has to be in a certain
•He has staff squeeze toothpaste out of the tube and onto
his tooth brush for him.

•The king supposedly doesn’t grab items himself that fall out
of his reach and will instead call people from other rooms to
retrieve them.
The most hated Royal
Other crazy things we
Cheese Rolling
The annual (end of May) Cooper's Hill
Cheese Rolling competition in
Brockworth, England, involves
people chasing eight-pound wheels
of double Gloucester cheese down
a ridiculously steep hill.
The winner gets the
Summer & Winter Solstice and at Stonehenge
This is a very ancient ceremony held at Stonehenge, which was built around 2000-3000 years ago and was an important
place in the Pagan religion. Modern day pagans gather to see the stones lit up in a particular way by the sun at the solstices.

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