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Other Properties of

W Oxidation Inhibitors
W Rust Inhibitors
W Dispersants and Detergents
W Anti Friction
W Saponification
W AntiWear
W AntiScuff
W Extreme Pressure Additives
Oxidation Inhibitors
W 1hese compounds lead Lo vlscoslLy
lncrease formaLlon of sludge and varnlsh
dlscoloraLlon acldlc odor corroslon of
meLal parLs promoLe foamlng and
Lendency Lo emulslfy 8eslsLance Lo
oxldaLlon ls a crlLlcal properLy for all
machlnes buL especlally crlLlcal for
machlnes requlrlng exLended llfe aL
elevaLed LemperaLures such as Lurblnes
alrcrafL englnes and hydraullc sysLems
W ood oxldaLlon reslsLance prolongs
sLorage llfe CxldaLlon reslsLance may be
due Lo naLural lnhlblLors or commerclal
addlLlves lour Lypes of oxldaLlon
lnhlblLor addlLlves are zlnc
dlLhlophosphaLes aromaLlc amlnes
alkyl sulfldes and hlndered phenols
MeLal surfaces and soluble meLal salLs
especlally copper usually promoLe
Rust Inhibitors
W 8usL lnhlblLors prevenL Lhe
formaLlon of rusL (hydraLed lron
oxlde) on lron surfaces by Lhe
formaLlon of proLecLlve fllms or by
Lhe neuLrallzaLlon of aclds 1yplcal
anLlrusL compounds are hlghly
baslc compounds sulfaLes
phosphaLes organlc aclds esLers or
W 1he rusLlng of ferrous parLs ln a
lubrlcaLed sysLem ls undeslrable
1he rusL conLrlbuLes Lo sludge
causes loss of meLal sLlcklng of
meLal parLs and Lhe formaLlon of
solld parLlcles of rusL LhaL are
abraslve 8usL lndlcaLes Lhe
presence of waLer ln Lhe sysLem
D|spersants and Detergents
W 1hese addlLlves keep sludge flne
solld and semlsolld conLamlnanLs
dlspersed ln Lhe oll raLher Lhan
seLLllng ouL as deposlLs 1he
compounds used are succlnlmldes
neuLral calclum and barlum
sulfonaLes phenaLes polymerlc
deLergenLs and amlne compounds
W eLergenL dlspersanLs are also baslc
calclum sulfonaLes/phenaLes whlch
neuLrallze sludge precursors Ash
conLenL ls Lhe percenL by welghL of
noncombusLlble resldue of an oll
1he meLalllc deLergenLs and
dlspersanLs are Lhe prlmary
conLrlbuLors Lo ash and may cause
unwanLed lnorganlc resldue Lo form
Ant| Ir|ct|on
W is defined as the abiIity of a
Iubricant to reduce friction, other
than by its pureIy viscous
properties. Anti-friction additives
reduce friction beIow that of the
base oiI aIone under conditions of
boundary Iubrication. The
additives are adsorbed on, or
react with the metaI surface or its
oxide to form mono Iayers of Iow
shear strength materiaI.
W aponlflcaLlon ls a chemlcal
process of converLlng faLs Lo
soap CerLaln lubrlcanLs such as
worm gear olls sLeam cyllnder
olls machlne Lool way lubrlcanLs
and pneumaLlc Lool olls conLaln
faLLy Lype addlLlves Lo lmprove
anLlfrlcLlon properLles
W Ant|wear add|t|ves are those wh|ch
reduce or contro| wear 1hey form
organ|c meta||oorgan|c or meta| sa|t
f||ms on the surface S||d|ng or ro|||ng
occurs on top of or w|th|n the f||ms
thus reduc|ng meta|tometa| contact
Ant|wear add|t|ves on|y reduce the rate
of wear wh|ch st||| occurs but w|thout a
catastroph|c fa||ure 1he f||ms are
sacr|f|ced so that the wear fragments |n
the o|| are pr|mar||y the f||m mater|a|
W cufflng ls deflned as damage caused
by solldphase weldlng beLween
slldlng surfaces AnLlscuff addlLlves
reduce scufflng by formlng Lhlck
fllms of hlgh melLlng polnL meLal
salLs on Lhe surface whlch prevenL
meLal Lo meLal conLacL whlch when
exLenslve may cause scufflng
W 1he mechanlcal properLles of Lhe fllms
such as melLlng polnL shear sLrengLh
ducLlllLy and adheslon Lo Lhe meLal
surface deLermlne Lhe effecLlveness
Common anLlscuff addlLlves are sulfur or
phosphorous compounds more
chemlcally acLlve Lhan anLlwear
addlLlves A common gear oll anLlscuff
addlLlve ls a mlxLure of an organlc sulfur
compound and an organlc phosphorous
compound usually ldenLlfled as /
W xcesslve chemlcal acLlvlLy of anLl
scuff addlLlves creaLes a danger of
corroslve wear lor example an
acLlve sulfur compound may reduce
Lhe rlsk of scufflng of sLeel gear
LeeLh buL severely Larnlsh any
corrodlble meLal
Lxtreme ressure Add|t|ves
W Cxygen
W Su|fur Compounds
W hosphorous Compounds
W Ch|or|ne Compounds
W Cxygen
1he oxygen ln alr dlssolved ln oll forms
meLal oxlde fllms whlch have anLlwear
and llmlLed anLlscuff properLles lron
oxldes especlally le3C4 on sLeel are
effecLlve ln reduclng meLal Lo meLal
conLacL 1hls oxlde ls frequenLly found as
wear fragmenLs ln used oll when low
wear occurs Conversely lf oll ls
deaeraLed so LhaL Lhe oxlde fllm cannoL
be conLlnuously repalred hlgh wear and
scufflng occurs lmmedlaLely
W Su|fur Compounds
ulfur compounds ln lubrlcaLlng olls and
Lhelr chemlcal acLlvlLy are dlrecLly relaLed
Lo anLlwear and anLlscuff properLles
lemenLal sulfur was a hlsLorlcal addlLlve
used ln a gear box Lo reduce oll
LemperaLure ulfur conLenL ls useful ln
undersLandlng boundary lubrlcaLlon
performance 1he sulfur compounds may
be naLurally occurrlng ln Lhe base oll or
added as addlLlves
W hosphorous Compounds
Iarlous phosphorous conLalnlng compounds
are added Lo lubrlcaLlon olls Lo lmprove anLl
wear properLles 1he mosL common ls Lrlcresyl
phosphaLe (1C) CLher organophosphaLes
and phosphaLes are used 1hese compounds
are LhoughL Lo adsorb on or reacL wlLh Lhe
rubblng meLal surface Lo form proLecLlve fllms
of organomeLalllc or lron phosphaLe ome
Lrlbologlcal parLs such as cam shafLs are
preLreaLed Lo form Lhlck lron manganese
phosphaLe coaLlngs Lo mlnlmlze meLalLo
meLal conLacL durlng breakln
W Ch|or|ne Compounds
Chlorlne compounds conLlnue Lo be used
ln some olls and commerclal addlLlves
based on Lhelr repuLaLlon for reduclng
frlcLlon and lmprovlng anLlscuff
properLles Powever conslderable
danger of corroslon ls presenL because of
Lhe chlorlde lon 1herefore lf a problem
of corroslon lncludlng rusLlng ls found a
chlorlne analysls ls suggesLed lurLher
any halogen compound ln oll creaLes
dlsposal or rereflnlng problems
Manutaerurers may
reeommend IubrIeanrs by
brand name or by speeItyIng
rbe IubrIeanr ebaraererIsrIes
requIred tor a maebIne.
DependIng on rbe maebIne,
IubrIeanrs speeItIearIons may
be resrrIerIve, or rbey may be
generaI, aIIowIng
eonsIderabIe IarIrude
Tbe prIme eonsIderarIons
are tIIm rbIekness and wear.
AIrbougb tIIm rbIekness ean
be eaIeuIared,rbe wear
properrIes assoeIared wIrb
dItterenr IubrIeanrs are more
dIttIeuIr ro assess.
ProtessIonaI soeIerIes bave
esrabIIsbed speeItIearIons and
eIassItIearIons tor IubrIeanrs
ro be used In a gIven
meebanIeaI appIIearIon.
Ir sbouId be nored rbar
rbe equIpmenr
reeommendarIon sbouId nor
neeessarIIy be eonsIdered rbe
besr seIeerIon. IndIvIduaI
manutaerurers may bave
dItterenr opInIons based on
rbeIr experIenee and
equIpmenr desIgn.
AIrbougb some
manutaerurers may
reeommend a speeItIe
brand name, rbey ean
usuaIIy provIde a IIsr ot
aIrernarIve IubrIeanrs rbar
aIso meer rbe operarIng
requIremenrs tor rbeIr
ubrIeanr Produeer
Wben manutaerurers
reeommend IubrIeanrs tor
rbeIr produers In rerms ot
speeItIearIons or requIred
quaIIrIes rarber rban
parrIeuIar brand names,
rbe user musr IdenrIty
brands rbar meer rbe
W Many IubrIeanr produeers
empIoy produer engIneers ro assIsr
users In seIeerIng IubrIeanrs and
ro answer reebnIeaI quesrIons.
GIven a manutaerurer's produer
deserIprIon, operarIng
ebaraererIsrIes, unusuaI operarIng
requIremenrs, and IubrIeanr
speeItIearIon, produer engIneers
ean IdenrIty IubrIeanrs rbar meer
rbe manutaerurer's speeItIearIons.
&ser seIeerIon
Tbe user sbouId ensure
rbar appIIeabIe erIrerIa are mer
regardIess ot wbo makes rbe
IubrIeanr seIeerIon. SeIeerIon
sbouId be In rbe eIass
reeommended by rbe
maebInery manutaerurer
RO0, EP, AW,ere. and be In
rbe same base sroek earegory
parattInIe, napbrbenIe, or
It rbe manutaerurer's
speeItIearIons are nor
avaIIabIe, derermIne
wbar IubrIeanr Is
eurrenrIy In use. It Ir Is
pertormIng sarIstaerorIIy,
eonrInue ro use rbe same
GeneraIIy, rbe user wIII make a
seIeerIon In eIrber ot rwo possIbIe
W SubsrIrure a new brand tor one
prevIousIy In use.
W SeIeer a brand rbar meers an
equIpmenr manutaerurer's
speeItIearIons. TbIs wIII be
aeeompIIsbed by eomparIng
produeer's speeItIearIons wIrb rbose
ot rbe manutaerurer.
GEARING~Do nor use Exrreme
Pressure EP IubrIeanrs or
IubrIeanrs wIrb anrI-wear
addIrIves or IubrIeanr
tormuIarIons IneIudIng suItur,
pbospborus, ebIorIne, Iead
derIvarIves,grapbIre .
IND&STRY~EP IubrIeanrs
may eonraIn roxIe subsranees
and sbouId nor be used In rbe
tood proeessIng Indusrry
wIrbour rbe IubrIeanr
manutaerurers' approvaI.
IubrIeanrs may eonraIn roxIe
subsranees and sbouId nor be used In
rbe tood proeessIng Indusrry
wIrbour rbe IubrIeanr
approvaI. ubrIeanrs wbIeb meer
&SDA "H eIassItIearIon are
suIrabIe tor tood proeessIng

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