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Google Search Treasure Hunt

1. Use Google Web, Google Images, and Google Maps to find answers to the questions below. 2. Select good Key Words for your searches (NOTE: in some of the questions, key words are suggested in bold text) 3. Write the answers in the blank spaces below. 4. When you have finished, show your answers to your teacher

1. What is the weather like in Lima, Peru right now?

2. Where was the epicenter of the recent earthquake in Chile? How big was the earthquake?

3. When was gold discovered in California? Where was it? What are forty-niners?

4. Where was Arnold Schwarzenegger born?

5. When was San Franciscos Bay to Breakers race last year (2009)?

6. What are the business hours for the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco? What days can you visit the museum for free?

7. Where was Barack Obama born? Where was his father from?

8. How is the traffic on the San Francisco Bay Bridge right now? (use Google Maps)

9. How many miles is it from the Downtown campus of CCSF to the main Ocean campus? How long would it take to get there by car? (use Google Maps)

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