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VERTICAL LEAP RECORD Guinness Book of World Records reports that German shepherds can make vertical leaps of over 10 feet when scaling walls. If the distance s (in feet) off the ground after t seconds is given by the equation s = -16t2 + 24t + 1, for t > 0 During what time interval is the dog more than 9 feet off the ground? Show all work on your word document. Underline your final answer. Answer: { required distance = 9 feet}

{Taking out 8 as common factor }

(2t-1)(t-1)=0 Now either (2t-1) or (t-1) will be equal to zero to satisfy the given constraint . Which implies either 2t-1=0 or t-1=0 Either t=1/2 or t=1 So the time interval within which the dog is more than 9ft of the ground = 0.5-1 sec So the dog is more than 9 feet off the ground between 0.5 and 1 second.

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