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Wyvern (Pronounced wivern) The Dragon's Rage

Wyvern can either be a support champ or an AP carry. Depending on your preference. Wyvern's passive is Draconic Instinct. Wyvern gains increased movement speed depending on his percent remaining health. If his health is full, or more than half, he has normal movement speed. If his health is below half, but more than quarter, he gains 10% movement speed, if it is bellow 25% health, he gains 25% movement speed bonus. Q: Breath of Fire: Wyvern shoots a line of fire out from in front of him that does initial magic damage and lingers on the ground for five seconds, slowing and burning any enemy that walks through it. W: The Drake's Scepter: Wyvern throws his scepter at target ally. Giving them a temporary spell shield that stays for 5 seconds unless activated by an enemy spell, which is then canceled. It does have a short range however, and can be used on yourself. E: Winged Escape: Wyvern calls on the powers of the dragon to give himself spectral wings as he dashes in one direction, leaving a fireball in his original position that then explodes when the short range dash is complete. Slowing all enemies in the center of the explosion and dealing reduced damage to enemies at the edge of the explosion.

R: Summon Pit Drake: Wyven takes 2 seconds to pray to the Dragons, and then summons a powerful dragon in target location, dealing damage to all enemies in it's location equal to double Wyvern's AP as well as stunning them. It remains static in a single location, but will shoot fireballs at any enemy that passes through dealing damage equal to half of Wyvern's AP. (Basically a turret.) It can be recalled at any time within the 20 seconds it is on the battlefield for, and gains reduced cooldown depending on how long it was on the battlefield.

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