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Mr a trtnelem eltti idkben is pirkadatkor az ember lombl val bredsnek egsz rituljt hajtotta vgre. Az els gondolkod ember fellt s lnken drzslgetni kezdte arct, vgtagjait, azutn egsz testt, vagyis sztnsen felmelegtette magt s letet lehelt elgmberedett tagjaiba. A tudattalan pihen pozcibl tudatos s t gondolt mozdulatok sorozatn keresztl jutott el az brenlti aktv tudat llapotba. s mivel minden emberi lny sztnsen rzi a kozmikus elemektl val fggst lgzs: egyesls a Levegvel; a talaj rintse: kapcsolat a Flddel; napi tisztlkods: kzssg a Vzzel , ezeket az letelemeket mindig belefoglalta e reggeli ritu lba. A tisztlkods s az nmasszzs tette a korai embert kpess arra, hogy buzg szorgalommal s kifogyhatatlan energival vla szoljon a napi kihvsokra s vgezze munkjt. Ezt kveten nagyon alaposan s tgondoltan vgigtanulmnyozta testnek minden znjt s az ezekhez kapcsold bels szerveket, hogy megvizsglja nem fenyeget-e valamilyen baj. gy, e sajt maga ltal fellltott diagnzistl fggen alaktotta ki aznapi programjt vigyzva arra, hogy le tudja kzdeni a legkisebb fizikai gyengesget is anlkl, hogy az komolyabb betegsghez vezetne. Ily mdon, a Do-in gyakorlatok, a napi ndiagnzis, a tisztlko ds s a meditci kpess tette arra, hogy lettjt kijellje s nagy bels vltoztatsokat vigyen vghez anlkl, hogy a termszettel va l harmnijn csorba esnk. A nagy kozmikus rtelemmel val l land kapcsolattarts testi-lelki egszsget, bkessget s boldog sgot biztostott szmra. A kihvsok s a kemny munka, mellyel az sembernek nap mint nap szembe kellett nznie, a Do-in gyakor lst szinte ktelezv tettk s gy vlhatott az ember tkletesen felkszltt a nehzsgekkel szemben.

In remote prehistory, dawn witnessed the ritual of the human awakening from sleep. The first thinking homosapiens sat up and vigorously rubbed his face, his extremities and his entire body in an instinctual warming-up and starting-up ritual. To purposely effect the change from the unconscious ,rest position' to that of .upright activity consciousness', he used specific deliberate and thoughtful movements. Intuitively, all humans know of this dependency on the cosmic elements through breathing the partaking of Air; contact with the soil-Earth; and the daily ablutions communion with Wa ter, those were always included in his practice. These ablutions and self-massages gave early man the ability to meet the day's challenges and labors with a keen mind and abundant energy. There followed a very thoughtful probing of the body's zones that correspond to every internal organ in order to warn him of any im pending problem. Thus, depending on his diagnosis, he could set guidelines for the day's course that would correct and deal with any slight deficiency well before it became a serious illness. In this manner, the Do-in exercises, daily self-diagnosis, abluti ons, and meditation enabled him to chart the course of his life and accomplish great internal changes while staying in harmony with nature. Maintaining the connection with the great universal memory assured him of health, peace, and happiness within and without. The challenges and arduous work faced daily by primitive people made Do-in mandatory so that they could always be in utmost readiness.


Korunkban az emberisgnek egy sor egyni s kzssgi probl mval kell szembenznie: hirtelen hallesetek, szenvedlybetegs gek, a nyugalom s der hinya, bolygnk slyos problmi. Vajon a megjuls mvszete, mely a test s a llek gygytsra s feler stsre szolgl, hasznra vlhat-e ennek a tlfinomult emberisg nek? Mivel az esemnyeket s tragdikat nem lehet elre megjsol ni, ktelessgnk az emberisget megtantani mindarra, ami segthet megbirkzni e vratlan trtnsekkel. Nem elmleti tantsra van szksg, hanem az egyn fizikai s lelki tformlsra s e mdszer elterjesztsre abban a kzssgben, ahov tartozik. A Do-in jelen legi modern formjban akkor tltheti be ezt az risi szerepet, ha odaadssal gyakoroljk s mg megfelel tpllkozsi kultrval is prosul.


Today, all of humanity is confronted with personal and collective challenges of other sorts: Sudden loss of health, addictions, lack of serenity, and crucial planetary issues. Can an ancient art designed to restore and revitalize the body and the spirit be of benefit to ultrasophisticated humans today? Since events and upheavals can no lon ger be predicted, it is imperative to teach men and women how to cope with the unpredictable, not academically but with a practical formation of the physical and mental person and to spread it widely into the community to which this person belongs. Do-in, in its cur rent modern form, can fulfill this vast role when practiced devotedly along with an intelligent dietary discipline.

A Do-in nmasszzs, knnyed ujj nyomsos s lgzgyakorlatok szervezett sorozata. Ezek a gyakorlatok szablyozzk az letenergia ramlst a gyakorlatot vgz szemly testben s tudatban. A Doin kiegyenlti s helyrelltja a testnkben kering energit s, ha szksges, tbblet kozmikus energihoz juttatja szervezetnket. A Do-in elnye, hogy gyakorlatai sajt testnkn elvgezhetk, mindenfajta kls segtsg, vagy mszaki tuds nlkl. Gygyt ha tsa mr a legels gyakorlatsorozatok elvgzse utn megmutatko zik. Br az akupunktrval megegyez elvekre pl, a Do-inhoz semmifle t vagy ms segdeszkz nem szksgeltetik. A hagyo mny szerint a Do-in mr jval az akupunktra eltt ltezett s ered mnyei gyakran fellmljk az akupunktra eredmnyeit. A kezdk nek ajnlatos mihamarabb megismerkednik a legalapvetbb s igen knnyen elsajtthat gyakorlatokkal, mert csak gy vlhatnak elg rzkenny a Do-in gygyt erejnek befogadsra s biztosthatjk a tiszta gygyt energia beramlst s keringst testkben.

Do-in is an organized series of self-massages, light finger pressu res, and breathing. These regulate the vital energy flow in the body and the mind of the doer. It equalizes and restores the energy circu lating within the body and also draws in additional cosmic energy whenever the need occurs. The advantage of Do-in is that it can be performed on one's own body and requires no outside assistance or technical know-how. Po sitive results are achieved within the very first session. Although it works on the same principle as acupuncutre, Do-in uses no needles or any other device. Tradition agrees that Do-in existed well before acupuncture and provided often superior bene fits. The beginner is urged to become familiar with these first and ea sily performed exercises in order to expand his or her sensibility and to maintain a receptive mind. This attitude assures the free draw and flow of pure restorative energy.

(le bulbe de I'oeil et son energie)

Eyeball and energy

Testnk meridinjai mentn meghatrozott rendben helyezkednek el a nyomspontok n. ablakai". Vletlen csupn, vagy csalhatatlan sztnnk vezet, amikor breds utn els nkntelen mozdulatunk kal megdrzsljk a hgyhlyag meridin s a gyomor meridin el s pontjait? A Do-in gyakorlatok helyes alkalmazsval mintegy 5 perc alatt letet lehelhetnk meridinjainkba s a hozzjuk kapcsol d szervekbe, s ehhez semmi mst nem kell tennnk, csupn kiss enyhn vagy kzepes erssggel ujjunkkal megnyomogatni, megdrzslgetni, hzogatni, s knnyedn megcsavargatni elgmbe redett testrszeinket.


Precisely aligned along our body's meridians are the numerous eyes" of the pressure points. The first point of the bladder meridi an and the first one of the stomach's usually gets an intuitive rub bing upon arising. Is it a coincidence or a remnant of our unfailing instinct? With Do-in practice, in as little as five minutes we are able to bring back to life and keen response all of our meridians and their corresponding organs, using only light to medium pressure as well as some rubbing down, pulling, and easy rotating of extremities.


Az energia ramlsa a meridin vonalak tallkozsi pontjnl, a fels s als vgtagoknl vlt irnyt. Ezeken a csompontokon lehet az ramls minsgn legknnyebben vltoztatni. A csuklnl s a bokknl az energiaram polaritsa megvltozik, s igen ers hul lmlks kezddik. Ezeknek a vkony brfelleteknek a nyomsval vagy drzslsvel igen hatkonyan javthatjuk a hozzjuk kapcso ld szervek mkdst. At the junction of meridians near the extremities of the arms and legs, there is a reversing of direction of the flow of energy. It is at these points that changes in the quality of the flow can be accomp lished more easily. At the wrists and ankles, the energy flow begins to change polarity and creates a surge. By pressing or putting friction on these skin-shallow points, the corresponding organ is po sitively helped.

A korai emberhez hasonlan, aki a Do-in gyakorlsban felfedez te a gygyt ert, a csecsemk s kisgyermekek is lelkesen reagl nak az anyai masszzsra, s korn jval a beszd s a lts tk letes kifejldse eltt megtanuljk sajt maguk ismtelgetni a fontos regenerl mozdulatokat. A szereteten s tpllson tl, az anynak s az apnak igen fontos szerepe van az jszltt fizikai (izomzati) s lelki fejldsnek helyes irnytsban. Ennek fny ben, a Do-in az j ember folyamatos formldst segti el anlkl, hogy annak termszetes ritmusba beleavatkoznnk, gy sztnzve a gyermek mind teljesebb s tkletesebb kibontakozst. A legtbb olyan esetben, mikor a gyermek fejldst valami gtolja, vagy va-

Just as early men and women found growth benefits in the practi ce of Do-in, infants and small children eagerly respond to mother's massage and learn early to repeat regenerative movements by them selves well ahead of speech and visual response. The muscular and spiritual unfoldment of a newborn requires a maternal and paternal intervention beyond just loving and feeding. In this light, Do-in is regarded as a method of continuing the formation of the new person, without ever forcing the natural rhythm, that will incite and arouse the fuller awakening of the child. In most cases of hampered or delayed development, corrective Do-in will assist breathing, assimi lation and most importantly proper elimination of all toxins from the

lami miatt visszamaradt, a Do-in segthet a lgzs, az asszimilci s mindenekeltt a megfelel mregkivlaszts helyes kialakuls ban mr az let legkoraibb szakasztl. Az anyamhen bell a mag zat szabadon mozoghatott s gesztikullsban, hadonszsban semmi nem gtolta. A test minden rsznek ezt a hn htott szabad mozgst ajnlatos a szlets utn is biztostani. A csecsem szigo r, szoros ltztetse, a rknyszertett mozdulatlansg bezrva egy gyerekgyba vagy blcsbe, s a finom ringats megtagadsa, mind a mlt bergzdsei. Az let mozgs, s a jelenkor rzkeny szli megtanthatjk gyermekeiket az egyensly s harmnia egyedlll dimenzijnak lvezetre a csecsemkori Do-in alkalmazsval, mely mind a fizikai, mind a pszichikai fejldsben jelents hats.
Ovum cleavage

very beginning of life. Within the womb, the fetus was free to move and gesticulate unhampered. After birth, it is wise to insure the continuation of this much-nee ded free movement of every member and part of the body. Restric tive clothing, forced immobility, the shutting up in a crib, and the denial of gentle rocking are relics of the past. Life is movement and the sensitive parents of today can teach the infant an extraordinary dimension of balance and harmony with a form of infant Do-in self-help that works on the physical as well as the psychical plane.

(morula) t

(les mridens forment la charpente pour les cellules)

Meridians are the framework for cells

(forme energtique de l'embryon)

Energy structure of the Embryo


A modern embriolgia felismerte az embriban az idegek s a br kzs eredett: az ektodermban (kls rteg) vannak olyan pontok (sejtek), melyekbl a kls idegrendszer s a br fejldik ki, s ezek a pontok kzvetlenl kapcsoldnak az endodermban (bels rteg) tallhat bizonyos pontokhoz, melyekbl a szervek fognak kialakul ni. A bels szervek sajt Qi (csi) energia ramlssal rendelkeznek, de a klvilggal csupn a brfelsznen elhelyezked meridinokon keresztl kerlnek kapcsolatba. Ha megtalljuk azt a helyet, amely nek stimullsval tbblet pozitv energit juttathatunk szerveze tnkbe, akkor kpesek vagyunk megvltoztatni a rosszul mkd szerv energiaramlst.


Modern embryology states that there are points in the ectoderm (outer layer) which will become the skin and the outer nervous system and that these points are directly connected to points in the endoderm (inner layer) that will become an organ. Internal organs have their own circulation of ki energy, but it is through the meridians on the skin surface that they come in contact with the external environment. If we know the place where we can cause an intake of additional positive energy, we can re-establish the flow of energy within the particular organ that malfunctions.


Mint minden jelents tudomny, a Do-in is bizonyos kvetelse ket tmaszt mveljvel szemben, melyek inkbb lelki term szetek, mintsem fizikai gyessget vagy ert kvnk. Ha betartjuk az albbiakban felsorolt feltteleket, akkor biztosak lehetnk a siker ben.


Like all significant disciplines, Do-in makes demands of its prac titioner that are more of a psychological nature than requirements for physical dexterity or strength. There will be no failure if the following conditions are met:


Az emberi test egy csodlatosan felptett rendszer, mely kpes kijavtani sajt hibit s legyzni a gyakran bntnak tn fjdal makat is. A modern orvosi ltestmnyekkel krlvett vilgunkban (figyelembe vve az orvostudomny mindent tfog ajnlst, mellyel betegeink gygytsnak szenteli magt), hajlamosak va gyunk elfeledkezni arrl a birtokunkban lev komplex errl, mely kpess tehetne minket az ngygytsra s npolsra. Ehhez vagy hagyjuk, hogy jra sajt autonm szervezetnk irnytson, vagy tu datosan mozgsba hozzuk egyik vagy esetleg az sszes term szeti ernket, ahogy a Do-in gyakorlsa is teszi. Testnk veleszle tett nirnyt s ngygyt kpessgt tagadjuk meg, ha vakon s kizrlag az orvosi beavatkozsban s gygyszerekben bzunk. Az igaz let hiszi s hasznlja isten adta erforrsait.

The human body is wondrously made and capable of correcting its own deficiencies and even what often appears to be crippling ailments. Surrounded as we are with the modern medical establish ment and its all embracing dedication to care for all of our ills, we tend to overlook our complex powers to self-heal and the human ability to self care. To accomplish this we allow our autonomous system to pilot again or we consciously actuate one or all of the natural forces, as the practice of Do-in by ourselves. To rely blindly and solely on medical intervention and its spectrum of pharmaceuticast denies our body's innate capabilities for self-rule and selfheal. The true life is one that affirms and utilizes one's own divine resources.



Egyes Do-in gyakorlatok egy kis fjdalmat okozhatnak, kln Certain Do-in exercises will cause some measure of pain, especi sen a kezd Do-in gyakorlk szmra, illetve akkor, ha elzleg n ally when performed for the first time, or after some food or drink mi tellel s itallal vtkeztnk". Ha a Do-in gyakorlat vgzse kel indulgences. When discomfort occurs during do-in practice, it indi lemetlen rzseket kelt, azt jelenti, hogy mreganyagok halmozdtak cates that toxins have accumulated somewhere in the body and the fel valahol a testnkben, s hogy pontosan melyik szervnkben vagy location of these sore points on the skin accurately designate which letmkdsnkben van a hiba, a fj pontnak a brn val elhe internal organ or function is affected. The meridian charts included lyezkedse jelzi. A knyvben tallhat meridin trkpek", vala in this book and published separately as wall Atlas of Do-in points mint a Do-in pontokat feltntet fali atlasz segthetnek az ndiagn- aid in self-diagnosis and guide the hand for a restorative and healing zis fellltsban s fontos szerepet jtszhatnak keznk irnyts self-massage. Soreness brings us to the realization, the painful reali ban" az nnyugtat, ngygyt masszzs vgzse kzben. A fjda zation, that we cannot remain in harmony, i.e. pain-free, when we lomrzet vezet minket annak felismershez, hogy nem maradha ignore the order. Pain felt in specific and localized areas is also the tunk harmniban, a fjdalmat teht csak akkor kell trni, ha tes guiding light that tells us in what way we have erred and which tnknek ezt a parancst figyelmen kvl hagyjuk. Ha a fjdalmat function has been impaired. Ignorance or scoffing at the order of egy bizonyos, jl krlhatrolhat helyen rezzk, ez szintn segt nature invariably brings a breakdown of body and often of mind sgnkre lehet, hiszen jelzi, mit rontottunk el, melyik szervnk lla function. pota romlott meg. A termszet parancsnak semmibe vtte vagy kiThe underlying causes of pain can include environmental factors, gnyolsa elkerlhetetlenl testi-lelki sszeomlshoz vezet. A fjda wrong food choices, the accumulated side-effects of medications, lom leggyakoribb okai a kvetkezk lehetnek: krnyezeti tnyezk; muscular or bone lesions, lack of physical activity, as well as absen helytelen tpllkozs; tlzott gygyszerfogyaszts mellkhatsainak ce of contact with the natural vital elements of air, earth, water, and felhalmozdsa; a termszetes letelemekkel leveg, fld, vz, seasalt(l.). tengeri sk val kapcsolat hinya. (1.) Seasalt is a vital element but only when it is still in its natu * A tengeri s csak termszetes llapotban tekinthet let ral state i.e. with all of its 82-odd minerals of life present Le. elemnek. Termszetes llapotnak nevezzk, ha a napsugrzs p obtained by solar evaporation of clean seawater from pristine co rologtat hatsa rvn nyerik a tiszta tengervizekbl si partszaka astal areas, naturally crystalized, unrefined and free of the refi szok mentn; termszetes ton kristlyozdik finomts nlkl, s ner's chemical additives. See the book: Seasalt's Hidden Powers" mentes mindenfle kmiai adalkanyagtl. (I. mg A tengeri s rej from Happiness Press. tett elnyei c. knyvet; Happiness Press) Szksges mg megjegyezni, hogy a Do-in sorn jelentkez fent It is comforting to note that, with the daily practice of Do-in, emltett fjdalmak a rendszeres napi gyakorlatvgzssel hamar meg these pains soon disappear. The marked inprovement, felt within a sznnek. A jelents javuls pedig, amelyet egy-kt napon bell ta few days by those who persevere, will make these minor pains quite pasztalhatunk, gyorsan elfeledteti velnk a kezdeti nehzsgeket. tolerable.

Az egszsges ember szvesen vllal fizikailag s szellemileg is megerltet ignyes feladatokat. Csak a mestersges krnyezet s a modern let knnyed stlusa, valamint a pihensi szoksaink szeg nyessge indt arra bennnket, hogy igen knnyelmen, olyan meg oldsokat keressnk, melyek semmifle megerltetst nem jelente nek, s azonnali eredmnyt mutatnak. Az vek hossz sorn t ztt termszetellenes letmdot azonban nem lehet azonnal meggygy tani. Az igazn htott egszsget csak vekig cltudatosan vgzett Do-in gyakorlssal, megfelel tpllkozsi szoksokkal s meditci s gyakorlatokkal lehet elnyerni. Br a szorgalmas Do-in gyakorlk mr pr nap mltn mrhet javulst fognak tapasztalni, a sejtekig hatol, hossztv megjuls mg tbb szorgalmat s kitartst kve tel. Ha cljainkat knnyedn elrhetnnk, az eredmnyek nem len nnek olyan tartsak, mint azok amelyeket trelemmel s hossz kzdelem rn rtnk el. A legmagasabb cscs elrshez nem ele gend az els lpst megtenni, minden lpcsfokot trelmesen vgig kell jrni, mikzben minden ernket latba kell vetnnk, hogy clhoz rjnk. Az emberi gpezet termszetes llapotban jl kezelhet s rugalmas mg ids korban is. A merevsg a nem megfelel testpo lsnak egyik jele. Sokan mr id eltt abbahagyjk a Do-in gyakor lst, ha egy kis fjdalmat reznek, nem mlik el ugyanis azonnal a merevsg. Az emberi test azonban mindent kpes lekzdeni, mg a hossz ideje fennll merevsget is, rugalmassgnak visszanyerse utn pedig tkletesen egszsges marad, ha tovbbra is a termszet diktlta mdon kezeljk. Azok pedig, akik mr azon a ponton van nak, hogy nem rdekli ket visszanyerik-e egszsgket, vagy telje sen elvesztik, bizonyos tekintetben elfogadjk testk rigor mortis" (hullamerev) llapott. Az lni akarsnak ez a teljes feladsa krni kus fradtsgbl, tlzott tpllkozsbl, radioaktv sugrz szennye zdsbl vagy a mikrotpanyagok (pl. vitamin) hinybl eredhet.


Persons in good health accept and welcome physically and mentally demanding chores. Only the artificial environment and easy style of modern life, coupled with poor resting habits, lead us to search futilely for effortless and instant solutions. Years of unnatural living cannot be cured at once. True vibrant health is attained only after years of Do-in, diet, and meditation practice. Although measurable improvements will be noticed after a few days of diligent do-in practice, the long-range rejuvenation at the cellular level will take courage and determination. If goals were easily attained, they would prove to be less fulfil ling than those requiring patience and striving. Climbing the highest peak is begun with one step but it also requires the patient execution of all the stages, while pacing one's effort in order to maintain strength. The human machine, in its natural state is supple and fle xible even in old age. Stiffness is one sign of improper body care. Many prematurely give up the practice of Do-in when some stiff ness and soreness yet remain. The human body is always capable of overcoming even long standing stiffness: after regaining flexibility, it will maintain itself in prime health if treated as nature intended. Those who have reached the point of not caring whether they regain their health or lose it entirely have, in a way, accepted the state of rigor mortis'' for their body. This abandonment of the will to live could be due to chronic fatigue, excessive food intake, radiation fall-out, or micro-nutrient deficiency.



A drzslsnek, gyengd tgetseknek s nyomogatsoknak eze ken az oldalakon illusztrlt sorozata jval tbb csupn fizikai gyakor latoknl. A problma kzppontjban az elsdleges energia ll, mely minden let tmogatja. Ez az sszetart energia a testfelsznen ke ring a minden szervre egyedien jellemz' meridinok vagy csatornk mentn. E meridinok hosszn helyezkednek el testnk meghatro zott helyein azok a pontok, melyeken keresztl a vilgegyetem ener gija bejut illetve elhagyja szervezetnket. Ezek a pontok az letfon tossg energia receptoraiv s hordoziv vlnak fggetlenl az idegi impulzusoktl s ilymdon kapcsolatba kerlnk kzvetlen krnyezetnkkel s a tvoli bolygk hatsaival. A Do-in mvszete gy automatikusan s sztnsen irnytja ezt az engergit, biztostja annak akadlytalan tovbbhaladst a be- s kiramlsi pontokon ke resztl, s gyakran eltvoltja azokat az akadlyokat, melyek a kzbe es pontokon lerakdsok formjban jelennek meg (pl. zsr, kalci um, tlzott vzmennyisg, savak vagy nyirokcsomk szennyezd sei). Immr 20 esztendeje vagyunk tani a Do-in gygyt erejnek, s sok tantvnyommal egytt gyakran gondoltunk arra, hogy hatst modern tudomnyos eszkzkkel is igazoljuk. Mgis, a Do-in kt l nyeges eleme kzl a Qi ramlat s a meridinok vezetkrendsze re mindezidig soha egyiket sem sikerlt tudomnyosan bemutatni vagy fizikailag megjelenteni. Nemrgen tudsok igazoltk*, hogy l tezik a meridinoknak egy anatmiai struktrja s ebben a felsznt behlz vezetkrendszerben egy nem sejtes felpts (acellulris) folyadk ramlik irnytalanul s szabadon. Ezzel egy j komplett ke ringsi rendszert fedeztek fel. Ez a hlzat a vr-, a nyirok- s az idegrendszer mellett s azokkal egytt mkdik. Az j keringsi rend szer felfedezse legalbb olyan jelentsg, mint annakidejn a msik hrom rendszer felfedezse volt. * L. Prof. Kim Bong Han: A Kyungrak rendszer elterjedse, az akupunktra tudomnyos alapja. (Megjelense vrhat a Happi ness Press-nl.)

The series of rubbing/frictions, gentle pounding, and palpations outlined in these illustrated pages represent much more than mere physical exercises. The prime energy that supports all life is the bin ding force of matter. This cohesive energy circulates on the surface of the body following meridians or channels that are specific to each organ. Entering and leaving our body through exact places along these meridians top of head, toes and fingertips, coccyx (last ver tebrae), navel and gonads (sexual organ) these points are actual re ceptors and transmitters of a vital fluid, subtle and quite apart from nervous impulses, that links us to our close environment as well as the influence of distant planets. The art of Do-in therefore automatically and intuitively directs this energy, assures its smooth flow by clearing points of entry or exit, and often by removing stagnation from points in between where the energy is arrested by obstructions in the form of deposits: fat, calcium, excess water, acid or lymph nodes fouling. Witnessing the power of healing of Do-in for over twenty years, many students and I have often had the desire to explain its effecti veness by modern scientific explanation. After all, the essential fluid of Do-in (ki) and its duct system (the meridians) had never been scientifically demonstrated or located physically. Recently, science proved(2.) that an anatomical structure of the meridians existed and that an acellular, unidirectional free-flowing liquid runs in these superficial ducts. Thus, recognition of another complete circulatory system has been discovered. This network co exists and affects the blood, the lymphatic and the nervous systems. Its discovery is of an importance at least equal to that of the three others. Surprisingly, this colorless acellular fluid contains a large amount of DNA and RNA. Both substances were believed to exist (2.) See The Distribution of Kyungrak System, the Scientific Basis for Acupuncture" by Prof. Kim Bong Han. A forthcoming publication by Happiness Press.

Meglep mdon ez a szntelen acellulris folyadk sok DNS-t s RNS-t tartalmaz. Mindkt anyagrl eddig azt tartottk, hogy a sejt magban s a cytoplazmban ltezik, s az rkltt tulajdonsgok ki fejldst irnytja. Most, hogy felfedeztk ezt a szabadon raml genetikai hatanyagot a Qi ramlatban, joggal felttelezhet, hogy a sejt differencilds s a genetikai jelleg jval a szlets utn is befolysolhat a Qi ramlat stimullsval (harmonizlsval). Az ramlatot elszr szleitl kapja az jszltt gyermek, majd az egsz leten t tart rendszeres nmasszzzsal (Do-in) tarthat egyenslyban. Ha mr kpesek vagyunk a Qi befogadsra, annak hasznostsra s irnytsra a Do-in segtsgvel, s, amennyiben ez az acelulris folyadk valban tartalmaz DNS-t s RNS-t, akkor szervezetnk finom struktrjnak genetikai s rkletes sajtoss gait sajt akaratunknak megfelelen javthatjuk. Ami nem olyan r gen mg csak lom volt, ma mr kzzelfoghat s bizonytott tny.

in the cell nucleus and the cytoplasm, and are known to control hereditary development. Now that a free-circulating genetic agent has been found in the Ki flow, it can be assumed that cell differen tiation and genetic traits continue to be influences, well beyond the time of birth, by stimulation (harmonization) of the ki flow, dispen sed at first to the newborn by its parents, then though self-care (Doin) for the balance of life's duration. If we are able to receive Ki, harness and regulate it by performing Do-in, acccording to our will, and this acellular liquid does contain DNA and RNA, then the subtle structure of our human organism's genetic and hereditary traits are capable of being improved. What has been a hopeful vision is now a tangible and proven reality.



Az ember sohasem tl reg ahhoz, hogy elkezdje a Do-in gyakor lst. Az rett felnttkor az let igen veszlyeztetett szakasza, hiszen ekkor halmozdik fel testnkben s lelknkben a legtbb mreg anyag. A betegsgek elkerlse letnknek ebben az idszakban klnsen sok ert kvetel. A mrtktelen s stresszekkel teli let md kvetkeztben lerakdott mrgez salakoktl" kell szerveze tnket s lelknket megszabadtani illetve tisztn tartani. Llek nl kli, szenilis, panasszal s fjdalommal teli regkor el nznk, ha nem tiszttjuk meg testnket s lelknket idejben ezektl a szenynyezsektl. Fokozatosan t kell trnnk a materilis tpllkok fo gyasztsrl a mind tbb lelki tpllk befogadsra. Ez az tlls knnyti meg az tmenetet a fldntli ltbe, ahol materilis tpl lkra mr nincsen szksg, st csak akadlyozn a harmonikus hall utni letet. Az ember knnyen megrtheti, hogy szilrd tpanyagok nem felelnek meg az letbl a hall fel tart llek ignyeinek. Ha ltezne igazi tpllka a lleknek, akkor az nem llna msbl, mint a lehet legmagasabb szint vibrcibl s a tiszta kozmikus energi-

One is never too old to begin and persevere in the practice of Do-in. Maturity is the phase of life most threatened by the accumu lation of toxins in the physical body as well as the mind. To avoid all illnesses at this period of life requires specially concerted efforts to maintain the body and mind free of poisonous waste, stored from the excesses or stresses of a lifetime. If mind and body are not cle ansed of these, old age becomes a time of mindlessness, senility, woes and pains. A conscious reduction of material foods and an increase of spiritual foods also needs to be gradually made. This shift will pave the way for a smoother transition to the ethereal state of after-life, where material food is unnecessary and even a hindran ce to the harmonious life-after-death. One can readily understand that solid material food is less likely to satisfy the need of a soul in its life to death transition. If a true soul food exists, it would be of the highest vibration and approa ching pure cosmie energy. In this context, because of its ability to regulate energy flow, Doin serves very well to effect a smooth transition between maturity and infinity.

hoz llna legkzelebb. Ebben a vonatkozsban, ppen az energia ramls szablyozsban nyjtott kpessgei miatt, a Do-in szolglja leghatkonyabban a felnttkorbl a halhatatlansgba val tmenet zavartalansgt.


If consciousness is to rule and guide us, it must serve to insure that life continues by controlling the body's appetite, reducing it to the minimum required for supporting life. Our most subtle receivers of energy are those that feed our intui tion, consciously or unconsciously. These receivers glean much better when Do-in is a part of the path, resulting in a better physical and spiritual function, a heighte ned sensitivity to serve our life's purpose responsibly. Do-in gives us the assurance that the spiritual experience is al ways within the reach of us mortals.


Ha elfogadjuk, hogy a tudatunk ural s irnyt bennnket, akkor azt is biztostania kell, hogy letnk folytatdjk akkor is, ha tv gyunkat az let fenntartshoz szksges minimumra cskkentjk. A legkifinomultabb energia receptoraink azok, amelyek tudatosan vagy tudattalanul sztneinket tplljk. Ezek a receptorok ott bukkannak a legtbb energira, ahol a Do-in gyakorlatokkal elseg tettk keletkezst. Az ilyen helyeken jobban mkdnek a fizikai s szellemi funkcik, letfontossg felelssgnk is rzkenyebben szolgl bennnket. A Do-in biztost arrl, hogy szellemi lmnyeink szmunkra halandk szmra elrhetv vlnak.

The part played by meridians and pressure points in the structu ring of the human body has been known to traditional medicine for thousands of years. Through this network, both .finite' and .infinite' vibrations are received. Almost everyone is perceiving the finite ones: colors, odors, tactile sensations from earth, air, water and food. Vibrations originating in the infinite, however, are not captu red as well by all. Signals (even the finite are not captured equally") are not transmitted to some human receivers because they are out-of-commission, mismatched to the universal broadcast, or the individual's consciousness is turned to an irrelevant wave length. Our spiritual development depends on receiving the proper mix of finite" and infinite" energy vibrations. Often, too many finite ones, and only material pursuits and pleasures interest us. An excess of infinite" vibrations however, coupled with a slight lack of the finite consciousness" and our eyes turn upwards chronically, our feet are no longer planted firmly on the earth, and we fall victim to early physical death before having accomplished all of our tasks on


A meridinok s nyomsi pontok emberi testben jtszott szerepe mr vezredek ta ismert a hagyomnyos (keleti) orvostudomny szmra. Ezen hlzaton keresztl mind meghatrozott, mind pedig vgtelen vibrci jut testnkbe. A meghatrozott vibrcikat szinte mindenki rzkeli: sznek, szagok, tapinthat benyomsok a fldbl, levegbl, vzbl, telekbl. A vgtelenbl rkez vibrcik azon ban nem mindenki ltal foghatk. A jeleket, melyeket nem egyfor mn rzkelnk (mg a meghatrozottakat sem), nem emberi recep torok szmra kldik, hiszen nincs is irnytjuk, vletlenszeren kerl a kozmoszsugrzs tjba, vagy az egyn tudata fordul az ide gen hullmhossz fel. Szellemi fejldsnk a hozznk rkez meg hatrozott s a vgtelen energia vibrlsok megfelel keveredstl fgg. Gyakran elfordul, hogy csupn a vges energiaramlatok r nek hozznk, csak az anyagi valk s megfoghat lvezetek rdekel nek. A tl sok vgtelen vibrci azonban klnsen, ha a vges

tudat" hinya ksri, s szemnk gyakran felfel tekint, lbunkkal nem llunk szilrdan a talajon gyakran korai fizikai hallhoz ve zet, mieltt mg fldi feladatainkat elvgeztk volna. A Do-in nem csak megteremti a harmnit testnk s lelknk, valamint a nagy kozmosz sugrzs kztt, de ki is javtja a receptorokat s tovbb tkat a megfelel egyensly visszalltshoz. Ez a Do-in legfonto sabb feladata.

earth. Do-in not only sets the body and the spirit in harmony with the great galactic broadcast, but also repairs the receivers and trans mitters for achieving their exact balance. This is the higher function of Do-in.


Select a room or area that offers good light and ventilation outdoors is best and orient your body toward the east of the rising sun. Although anytime during the daylight hours is suited to perform the self-massage outlined here, early morning hours are best. Dress in loose clothing or wear as little as possible you will warm up soon enough! Remove any jewelry, rings, earrings, watch, bridge, hearing aid, etc. Wash eyes and ears with cold water and rinse the mouth and nostrils. Do not drink or eat prior to the practice. Void both the bladder and the colon. The hands, being used as tools for healing, should have trimmed, smooth and scrubbed fingernails. Since many of the exercies are done in the seiza posture (sitting on one's heels), it is recommended to place a thin, square pillow or folded blanket on the ground to prevent bruises to knees and ankles. For those who cannot endure seiza, sit on a chair the height of which allows the knees to bend at right angles when the soles are flat on the ground. Even if no other Do-in exercise is performed than the Salutation to the Sun" outlined on the facing page, much benefit is gained by each member of the family or group that per forms this together as it establishes a common bond, renders each person grateful, and perfects the harmony within. If a person, alone, does it, the link to persons distant, in space or time, is strengthened and the sentiment of belonging re-established. On the physical pla ne, this salutation frees the backbone, regulates the nervous system, and massages the inner cavities of the digestive and reproductive organs.


Megfelel vilgts s szellzs szobt vlasszunk legjobb a szabad g alatt , s testnkkel forduljunk kelet, a felkel nap g tja fel. Br a nap brmelyik rjban vgezhetjk az itt felsorolt gyakorlatokat, a legelnysebbek a korareggeli rk. Knny lt zket viseljnk, jobb, ha minl kevesebb ruhadarab van rajtunk gyis hamarosan felmelegsznk! Mindenfajta kszert, gyrt, flbe valt, rt, hidakat, hallkszlket vegynk le magunkrl. Mossuk meg a szemnket s a flnket, szjunkat s orrunkat jl bltsk ki. A gyakorlatok eltt tartzkodjunk az evstl s ivstl. Kirtett hlyaggal s belekkel kezdjk a gyakorlatokat. Kzkrmeinket, melyek a gyakorlatok sorn eszkzeink lesznek, gondosan vgjuk le, puht suk meg s kefljk tisztra. Mivel sok gyakorlatot seiza lsben (sarkunkon lve) fogunk elvgezni, ajnlatos egy kis ngyszgletes prnt vagy sszehajtogatott pokrcot a fldre terteni, hogy erre tr delhessnk. Akik nem tudnak seiza lsben lni, olyan mret szkre ljenek, melyen lbuk trdben derkszgben meghajlik, mikzben egsz talpunk a fldn helyezkedik el. Mg akkor is, ha ms gyakorla tot nem is vgznk, csak a Nap kszntse cm (1. bort oldal), az egyttlt a csalddal vagy a csoporttal olyan ktelket hoz ltre s olyan hlval tlt el mindenkit ez a tkletes harmnia, hogy ez nma gban is hasznos lehet. Ha pedig egyedl vgezzk ezt a gyakorlatot, akkor az idben vagy trben tvollev szemlyekkel ersdik a kapcso lat s a hovatartozs rzse helyrell. Fizikai oldalon, ez a ksznts knnyt a gerinc terhelsn, szablyozza az idegrendszert, s maszszrozza az emszt s szaport szervek bels regeit.



Minden foglalkozs a Nap kszntsvel kezddik, melyet seiza lsben vagy egyenes httal lve vgznk. Nk esetben a trdek olyan tvolsgra legyenek egymstl, hogy egy kl kzjk frjen, frfiaknl kt klnyi legyen a tvolsg. Keznket lazn helyezzk a talajra trzsnk mindkt oldalhoz. Gerincnket egyenestsk ki s nyakunkat hzzuk minl ersebben felfel. Nyugodtan, halkan lle gezznk. Egy mlyebb belgzs utn trzsnket lassan hajltsuk el re s kezdjk meg a kilgzst. Keznket most lassan cssztassuk elre, amg a trdek eltt a mutatujj s a hvelykujj begyek ssze nem rnek. Folytassuk a lass kilgzst, s kzben hajoljunk tr zsnkkel mg tovbb elre, amg a mellkasunk a trdeket el nem ri. Htunkat nyjtsuk j messzire elre, nyakunk gerincnkkel egy vo nalban legyen. Homlokunkat lassan helyezzk a hvelyk- s mutat ujjak alkotta hromszgbe. Ha a tdnk mr teljesen res, maradEach session begins with the Salutation to the Sun'' in the seiza or sitting position with the back held straight. Separate the knees by one fist's width for women, two widths for men. Place the hands, relaxed and flat on the ground, on each side of the body, straighten up the backbone, and elongate the neck upward. Breathe silently and calmly. After a deeper inbreath, begin to bend the trunk forward slowly as you start to exhale. The hands now slide forward in order to meet in front of the knees, index to index and joining thumbs tip to tip. Continue to exhale slowly, lower the trunk still more until the chest rests on the thighs. The back is now stretched forward, the neck aligned with the backbone. The forehead is touching the ground within the triangle formed by the touching fingers. With the Figyelem! A gyakorlatot ajnlatos egy vkony ngy szgletes kisprnn vgezni, ha kemny a talaj, gy megvjuk trdnket s boknkat az esetleges srl sektl. Please note: To prevent bruises on knees and ankles, a folded blanket or a thin square pillow should be placed as a mat if the ground is hard.

Sok si civilizci felfedezte mr a seiza ls elnyeit. Hogy lvezni tudjuk mindezeket az elnyket, az egsz gyakorlat ritmust s egyenslyt az albbiakban sszefoglaljuk. A szertartsos, tisztlkodsok a hagyomnyos vzfrd to vbb fokozzk a gyakorlat po zitv hatst.

Many ancient civilizations discovered the advantages of sitting in seiza. To reap all of its benefits, the balance of the entire practice is outlined here. The additonal use of abluti ons the cleansing with wa ter according to tradition maximizes the beneficial ef fects.

junk mg tovbb ebben a helyzetben, amg a szervezet megszabadul a mreganyagoktl s az elhasznlt energitl, azutn mly belgzs kzben lassan egyenesedjnk fel a kiindul pozciba. Tudatunkat sszpontostsuk erre a mly belgzsre, ennek hatsra s jelentsre. Mg ktszer ismteljk meg a gyakorlatot. Ez a gyakorlat a legtbb jelentst hordoz egyetemes ima, mely minden vallst sszekt.

lungs now completely empty, retain this position until the toxins and the spent energies of the entire organism are discarded, then straighten up slowly while inhaling deeply. Center the mind on the effect and the meaning of this inspiration. Breathe in and out once more, quietly, before repeating the salutation two more times. This practice is the most meaningful universal prayer that unites every religion.

A Do-in gyakorlshoz semmilyen egyb eszkzre nincs szksg, csupn a kt keznkre. lnk drzslgetsk serkentleg hat a vrkeringsre, az idegrendszeri energira s a Qi ramlsra. Ha a drzslst a csuklnl kezdjk, a td, a kerings/szexualits s a szv meri dinjai teljes sszhangba kerlnek akr stimullt, akr csillaptott llapotban. Stimulcival egyszerre csak egy szerv energija nvelhet s ezzel egyidejleg a felszabadul energia, a nvekv diffzi hatsra, cskken, ami az egsz szervezet stimulcijhoz vezet. Ilymdon, a leghatsosabb stimull mdszer a csillap ts.

The hands are the only tools" we use in Do-in. By rubbing them briskly, we circulate: blood, nervous energy and ki flow starting at the wrists, meridians of lungs, circulation/sex and heart are har monized, stimulated or calmed. Stimulation strengthens the energy of the only one organ while calming by the expanding diffusion of the energy that it frees, causing the entire organism to be stimulated. Therefore calming is the grea ter stimulation.

A kzujjak zleteinek rugalmassgt vizsglva egsz testnk lta lnos kondcijrl kpet kaphatunk. Ujjainkat knnyedn s fjda lommentesen hajltsuk htra gy, hogy tenyernkkel derkszget zrjanak be. Testing the flexibility of the finger joints is a valuable check on the general condition of the body. The fingers should easily and painlessly bend back at right angle to the palm.

zleteink megfelel llapott gy is ellenrizhetjk, ha ujjainkat htunkon tlsan sszekulcsoljuk. A karok knnyed vagy kicsit er teljesebb de fjdalommentes fel-le mozgatsval a hgyh lyag, a szv, a vkonybl s a td meridinjait stimullhatjuk. Another test of articulation's good form is by hooking fingers dia gonally across the back. A slight to vigorous (if no pain in shoul ders) back and forth motion of the arms in this position stimulates the bladder, heart, small intestine, and lung meridians.

A td, a szv s a kerings/sze xualits meridinjai stimullhatk a tkletesen ellaztott csukl knny tgetsvel csak amennyire klnk slya engedi. Lungs, heart, and circulationsex meridians are stimulated by light pounding, using a very flexible wrist and only the weight of the fist.

A legfontosabb nyomsi pontok a csuklk krl helyezkednek el. Ez a gyakorlat nem csak a bels meridinokat stimullja (1. elz oldalt!), hanem a karunk felletn s a kzfe jnk htoldaln levket is. The most important pressure points are lo cated around the wrist. This exercise stimula tes not only the internal meridians (see pre ceding page) but also those on the outside of the arm and the back of the hand.

Ez a pont a keringsi meridinon helyezkedik el, mely az egyetlen olyan meridin, ahol az sszes nyomsi pontot egyidejleg stimullhatjuk illetve csillapthatjuk.

This point is located on the circulationsex meridian, the only one in which all the pressure points may be stimulated or calmed.

Ha az embert igen nagy fjdalom kerti hatalmba, szinte sztn sen ujjainkat s csuklnkat kezdjk ersen nyomkodni. A kz nyo msa nem csupn a fjdalmat mulasztja el. A csukln elhelyezked pulzus ppgy hatssal van a tudat s a llek vltoz szintjeire, mint az egszsges illetve beteg egynre. gy a baloldalon lthat gyakor lat hatsra javul a pulzus vltoz ritmusa valamint az egsz szerve zet energia viszonyai.

A very prevalent intuitve practice consists in the wringing of fin gers and wrists whenever anguish or suffering overtakes us. Wrin ging one's hand does more than relieve pain. Situated at the wrists, the pulses affect the changing levels of mind and spirit just as they affect the individual in sickness and in health. Thus the exercise outlined at the left improves the changing rhythm of the pulse and the high and low tides of energy of the human organism.

Szvjuk be a levegt mikzben bal keznket lassan emeljk fl tenyernket magunk fel fordtva, mint egy tkrt. Jobb keznket emeljk a bal mg s bal hvelykujjunkat htulrl kulcsoljuk t. tartsuk vissza a levegt s jobb keznkkel fordtsuk el az ramu tat jrsval megegyez irnyban bal tenyernket gy, hogy ki fel nzzen. Ilyen helyzetben maradva, mindkt keznket gyorsan hzzuk le kldknk el kzben gyeljnk arra, hogy bal tenye rnk erteljesen kifel fordtva tartsuk. Ersebben ki tudjuk csavarni keznket s nagyobb gygyt hatst rhetnk el, ha a gyakorlat kzben keznket vzszintesen elre hajltjuk. (A gyakorlottabbak fi gyelmbe ajnljuk e gyakorlat magasabb szint mdozatt, melynek lerst a szerz Do-in 2 c. knyvnek 66. pontja alatt tallhatjk meg Happiness Press, 1989.)

Inhale as you allow the left hand to float up, palm facing you as if it was a mirror. Bring the right hand smartly up in back of the left and wrap it around the left thumb. Hold your breath in and use the right hand to twist the left one with is palm facing outward, turning it clockwise. Quickly bring both hands, still twisted forcefully out ward, down to the navel. Further twisting and higher healing can be achieved by bending the hands forward horizontally. (For an advenced version of this, please see exercise 66 on page 126 of Do-in 2 by the same author, Happiness Press, 1989).

Kzujjaink forgatsval a meridinok vgzdseit stimullhatjuk azon a helyen, ahol polaritsuk megvltozik. A baloldali kpen lt hat esetben a td meridinja a hvelykujjnl vgzdik, pontosab ban annak inas, hsos rszben, mely a mutatujjal sszekti. A vastagbl yang" centripetlis meridinja a hvelykujj hegynl kez ddik s a kar kls oldaln vgighaladva vezet a testbe. Rotating the thumb and all the fingers helps to stimulate the end of the meridian at the place where it changes polarity. In this parti cular case shown at left the lung meridian terminates at the thumb, more exactly in the webbed, fleshy part linking thumb to index. The Yang" centripetal meridian of the large intestine begins at the in dex tip and rises into the body along the outside of the arm.

A jobboldali kp a kisujj forgatst mutatja. Itt vgzdik a szv meridinja, melynek energija tramlik a kvetkez, a test belseje fel halad meridinba a vkonybl meridinba. The photograph on the right shows the rotation of the small finger where the heart meridian ends and its energy flows into the follo wing meridian ascending back into the body: the small intestine me ridian.

Minden ujjnkat kt klnbz zletnl lehet meg hajltani s megtrni. gy az letenergia a trseknl felhalmozdik, majd a nyoms cskkentvel felersd ve ramlik tovbb. Each finger may be bent and cracked at two different joints. This allows the vitai energy to briefly accumulate at the break then to flow more vigorously as soon as the pressure is released.

Location of the glands producing hormones

A fork is formed by the index and the middle finger of one hand which then bends back each finger of the other hand in rapid suc cession. The angle formed between the palm and the upright finger should measure ninety degrees (a right angle). Less than ninety deg ree means stiffened joints, more than ninety shows a lack of will.

Egyik keznk mutat s kzps ujjval villa alakot formlunk s ezzel a msik keznk minden egyes ujjt gyors egymsutnban ht rahajltjuk. A tenyernk s a htrafesztett ujjunk 90 fokot (derk szget) zrjon be. Ha a bezrt szg kisebb mint 90 fok, ez merev zletekrl tanskodik, ha nagyobb, akaratgyengesgre utal.

A LIG4 pontnl (vastagbl) nem rezhetnk fjdalmat. Ha a reg geli gyakorlatok kzben fjdalmasnak rezzk, ez vastagbl bntal makat jelez. A vastagbl renyhe mkdst gygythatjuk, ha ezt a pontot j mlyen megmasszrozzuk, addig, amg az izmot mr rugal masnak rezzk. The LIG4 point (large intestine) should not be painful. If your morning examinations finds it sensitive, it indicates that the colon is ailing. In order to heal the sluggishness of the large intestine, mas sage this point deeply until the flesh is flexible.

Az LP9 s az LP 10 pontok (td) stimullsval a lgzszervi s az emsztrendszeri funkcik oxignelltst fokozhatjuk. Ne feled kezznk meg a tdmeridin tbbi pontjrl sem, melyek a csuklk felett helyezkednek el. The LP9 and LP 10 points (lungs) should be stimulated to freely oxygenate the respiratory and digestive functions. Do not forget the other pressure points of the same lung meridian above the wrist.

A szv vonalnak s meridinjnak tallkozsnl tallhatjuk a HC8 pontot, mely a szvmkds kezelsben jtszik fontos szere pet. At the cross formed by the heart line and the heart meridian we will find the HC8. An important point for treating the heart.

Ha a kisujj krmt minden oldalrl jl megcsipkedjk, a szvm kdst javthatjuk s felgyorsthatjuk az energiaramlst a kvetkez meridinba (vkonybl). Szvinfarktus esetn letment lehet ennek a pontnak a ritmikus s erteljes stimullsa mindkt keznkkel egyidejleg. By pinching on each side of the nail of the small fingers, the condition of the heart is improved and we accelerate the flow of energy into the next meridian (small intestine). To save the life of a person who is suffering a heart attack, this point should be stimula ted rhythmically and strongly using both hands simultaneously.

EC J Az arc egsz felletn sz mos meridin helyezkedik el (1. a szemkzti oldalt!). A kpen a gyomor s a v konybl meridinjai keresz tezik egymst az als llkap cson. Arcunkat lnken masszrozzuk tenyernkkel fel s le. The entire surface of the face contains a number of meridians (see chart on op posite page). In the picture the stomach and small intes tine meridians are crossing on the lower jaw. Rub the palms vigorously on the cheeks in an up-and-down motion.

A Do-in gyakorlsa kzben ajnlatos idnknt kt keznket ln ken sszedrzslni, hogy gy nveljk gygyt erejket. From time to time during Do-in practice it is a good idea to rub the hands together vigorously to enhance their healing power. HEAD

Ujjbegynkkel j ersen masszrozzuk vgig fognynket, mely a fogantatsi meridin vgzdsnek rtsi pontja. gy az SE3 s az SE4 gyomorpontok, valamint a LIG19 s LIG20 vastagblpontok is stimulldnak. The gums, spillage point at the end of the conception vessel me ridian, benefit from a deep massage by all the fingertips. Stomach points SE3 and SE4 and large intestine point LIG19 and LIG20 are also stimulated.

Kzvetlenl a szemnk alatt kezddik a gyomor meridinja, az orr fels rsznek kt oldaln pedig a hgyhlyag meridin. Az orr kzps vonaln helyezkedik el a kormnyz meridin vgzdse, ezrt az arccsontokat s az orr kt oldalt igen erteljes drzslssel kell stimullni. Just below the eye begins the stomach meridian and on each side of the nose, in the upper part, the bladder meridian begins. The cen ter line of the nose contains the end of the brain-nerve governor, therefore, the cheekbones and the sides of the nose must be stimula ted by an energetic rubbing.

B R A I N N E R V E GOVERNOR gouverneur Cerebro nerveux

Fejnket forgassuk gyorsan egyik oldalrl a msikra gy, hogy 180 fokos vet fusson be". Szjunkat hagyjuk nyitva, laztsuk el. Ha nhny fordulat utn megindul a nylkpzds, ez tlzott folyadk fogyaszts ra, vagy tlzott yin jellegre utal. Shake the head rapidly from one side to the other making a 180 degree turn, leaving the mouth opened and slackened. If the saliva comes after a few shakes it is a sign of excessive drinking of fluids or too much yin from other causes.

Feszesen tartott klnkkel, mint kis kala pcsokkal, knnyedn tgessk fejtetnket ezzel stimullva a hgyhlyag, az epehlyag, valamint a hrmas melegt flnk felett elhe lyezked meridinjait.


The fists, well hinged at the wrists, form small hammers to lightly beat the scalp and stimulate the bladder and gall-bladder as well as the triple heater meridian above the ears.

Small Intestine In test in Grle


Hvelykujjainkat akasszuk be llkapcsunk al. Ha fjdal mat rznk, vagy kemny hst tapintunk, ers masszrozssal laztsuk el s tartzkodjunk a sok evstl. Ezzel a gyakorlat tal a toksods is elkerlhet. The thumbs are hooked and dug under the jawbone. If pain is felt or hard flesh is found, make softer by deep massage and resolve to eat less. Also prevents a double chin from forming.

Mindkt keznk ujjaival jl masszrozzuk vgig fels fog nynket, ahol a kormnyz meridin vgpontjai tallhat.

The fintertips of both hands deeply massage the upper gums, final point of the brainnerve governor.

The carotid artery feeds the thyroid gland found at the base of the neck. Press lightly and rapidly on each side of the esophagus all the way down to stimulate the production of hormones and obtain a very smooth skin.

A nyaki verr tpllja a nyak tvben tallhat pajzsmirigyet. Knny, gyors mozdulatokkal nyom kodjuk vgig nyelcsvnk mindkt oldalt gy stimu llva a hormontermelst. Ez a gyakorlat azt is elsegti, hogy szp sima legyen b rnk.

Hajunkat mindkt keznkkel markoljuk meg s lnken hzogas suk felfel. (Vigyzzunk, nehogy fjdalmat okozzunk magunknak.) Ez a gyakorlat a hgyhlyag s az epehlyag meridinjait stimullja. Klnsen ajnljuk msnapossg s gyomorronts esetn. Pull the hair by fistfuls and vigorously. This should cause no pain but stimulate the bladder and gall-bladder meridian. Recommended for hangovers and indigestion.

Orrunk fels rsznek leg keskenyebb szakaszn ersen szortsuk meg orrnyergnket s hzzuk elre nhnyszor, ezzel stimullva a kormnyz, a h lyag s a fogantatsi meridi nokat. Klnsen szexulis pa naszokra ajnljuk. At the narrowest part of the upper nose, strongly pinch the bridge and pull forward several times to stimulate the brain, bladder and reproductive organs. Recommended for se xual deficiency.

Fels szemhjunkat finom, ritmusos mozdulatokkal hzo gassuk a szemgolynktl elfe l. Ha csepeg vzcseppre em lkeztet hangot hallunk, ez a szervezet tlzott vztartalmra, illetve tlzott yin jellegre utal. Lightly pinch the upper eye lid and pull away from the eyeball with a good sustained rhythm. If you hear the noise of a dripping faucet it means there is an excess of fluids or other yin elements.

A fl a szervezet antennja, mely a kls vgtelensgbl rkez rezgseket veszi". Hzogassuk felfel, mintha testnket a flnknl fogva szeretnnk felemelni. Ugyanilyen mdon, a flcimpk lefel hzogatsakor boldogsg s nyugalom raszt el bennnket.

Flnket hajtsuk elre s laptsuk teljesen a fejnkhz. A bels flben hallhat ritmikus zaj stimullja a hrmas melegt, az epehlyag, a gyomor, st a vese mkdst is. A jobb fels kpen lthat mdon vezessk vgig mutatujjunkat a fl spirljain, majd a dobhrtyhoz rve, krkrs mozdulatokat vgezve hosszan nyomjuk meg. Ha mutatujjunkhoz flzsr tapad, ez tl sok fehrjre illetve tlzott lelemfogyasztsra utal. Bend the ears forward and flatten them against the head to create a rhythmic noise in the inner ear to stimulate the triple warmer, gall-bladder, stomach, and even the kidneys. In the upper right pho tograph the spirals of the ear are traced by the index ending by a sustained pressure and rotation on the eardrum. Wax on the index tip indicates an excess of protein or excess food consumption.

The ears are our external antennae receiving vibrations from infi nity. Pull them upwards and lift" the body by the ears. In the same fashion, pull down on the lobes to create happiness and serenity.


A hgyhlyag hossz meridinjt stimullhatjuk, ha a htunkon elre-htra grdlnk, mikzben nagy lbujjunkat keznkkel meg fogjuk. Elregrdlskor csupn a fejnk hts rsz vel hajtsuk magunkat. Stimulate the long meri dian of the bladder by roc king back and forth on the backside while holding the big toes in your hand, Pro pel yourself forward by pushing with the back of the head.


tgessk meg j alapo san htunkat s a cspk krnykt, ahol a kormny z, a hgyhlyag s az epehlyag meridinjai he lyezkednek el. A bal als fot azt mutatja, hogyan kpes egy egszsges em ber kzujjaival a bordi al behatolni s gy stimullni a jobboldalon a mjat, a baloldalon pedig a lpet.

Brain-nerves governor, bladder, and gall-bladder meridians are located near the back and the hips. Slap them thoroughly with the fists. Bottom left photog raph shows how, for a per son in good health, the fin gers are able to penetrate under the ribs to stimulate the liver on the right and the spleen on the left.

A mj s a lp me ridinjai a hnaljunk alatt helyezkednek el, a mellkason s a gyomron. A bordk erteljes drzsls vel a fenti szervek sti mullhatok. A balol dali fot a gyomor s a blcsatorna kzvet len masszrozst mu tatja.

Liver and spleen me ridians are found under the armpits, on the chest, and the stomach. An active rubbing of the sides of the rib cage stimulates. Photo at the left: direct massage of the stomach and intesti nal cavity.

Fogjuk meg mindkt trdkalcsunkat s kezdjk krkrsen masszrozni ket mind az 5 ujjunkkal. A bal trdet az ramutat jrsval megegyez irnyba forgassuk, a jobbat az ellenkez irny ba. A teljesen kinyjtott s ellaztott lbakon addig folytassuk a kr krs masszrozst a forgs amplitudjt llandan nvelve , amg lbunk magtl rngatzni nem kezd. E masszzs hatsra j kedvnk, humorrzknk visszatr, mivel a felszabadtott energia a mj gygytsra fordtdik. Grasp the kneecaps with all five fingers and rotate them briskly. Use a clockwise motion on the left kneecap and counter clockwise on the right one. With the legs fully extended and free of tension, increase the amplitude of these rotations until the feet wiggle auto matically. This massage never fails to bring good humor as it frees the energy to heal the liver. A combok bels oldaln tallhatk a lp, a mj s a vese meri dinjai. Mind a hrom meridin a lbaktl indulva flfel ramlik, ezrt a Qi ramlst lentrl felfel trtn' drzslssel tudjuk else gteni. Ezt a gyakorlatot vgezhetjk gy is, hogy a teljesen laza, ruganyos csuklkkal kzepesen vagy enyhbben tgetjk a com bunkat. A gyomor meridin a combok fels rszn fut vgig, az epehlyag meridin pedig a fels lbszr kls oldaln tallhat. Mivel mindkett lefel ramlik, a masszrozs is ezt az irnyt kell kvesse. The inside surface of the thighs contains the meridians of the spleen, liver, and kidneys. All three of them flow upward from the feet. If friction massage is used in order to promote the ki flow, rub in an upward direction. Medium to light pounding is applied also with loose knuckles and limber wrist movements. The stomach me ridian runs along the top of the thighs and the gall bladder meridian is on the external face of the upper leg. Both of these flow down ward and rubbing should follow the same direction.

A kpen bemutatott gyakorlat az emltett 5 meridin ramlst hivatott gyorstani s sszehangolni. A lgzs ritmusa automatikusan a mellkas kitgulshoz s sszehzdshoz igazodik.

For the five meridians mentioned in the exercise the practice illustrated above will serve to increase and harmonize their flow. The rhythm of the breath will automatically adjust to the expansion and contraction of the chest.


Hvelykujjunk vgvel tapogassuk vgig lbikrnk hts rszt s ahol rzkeny ponthoz rnk (BV57-epehlyag), kezdjk masszrozni, amg a fjdalom el nem mlik. Meg lep mdon, igen hamar bekvetkezik a vltozs, s min dig javulst hoz. The thumb tip probes in the area at the rear of the calf until it finds a sensitive spot (BV57-Gall bladder) and mas sages away the pain. Surprisingly, a change takes place quite rapidly and indicates an improvement. A kemny s merev lbikra arra utal, hogy a lb meri dinjaiban nem megfelel az energia ramlat. A lbikra h sos rszt mozgassuk balra s jobbra, hogy a szvetek ella zulhassanak. A fradt, megdagadt bokk hamar meggy gyulnak e gyakorlat hatsra. A calf that is hard and unyielding lacks the proper ener gy flow in all leg meridians. Move the fleshy part of the calf right and left to loosen its tissue. Fatigue and swollen ankles are soon revived.


A gyakorlathoz helyezzk a jobb keznket a jobb tr dnkre, a balt pedig a bal lbfejnkre. Felvltva, elbb nyomjuk jobb keznket lefel, majd masszrozzuk spcson tunkat egyre feljebb, a trd irnyba. Felstestnkkel hint z mozgst vgezznk, s a lgzsnk is ezt kvesse. Start this exercise with the right hand on the right knee and the left on top of the left foot. Alternately push the right hand downward while the left one rubs the shin up to the knee. The chest sways with the seesaw motion and the breath follows accordingly. Row, row, row your boat... Jobb keznkkel fogjuk t jobb boknkat s trdnket be hajltva, jobb lbfejnket hzzuk be hasunk el a fldn. Kzben trzsnkkel hajoljunk kinyjtott bal lbunkra s bal keznkkel fogjuk meg bal boknkat. Nyjtsuk ki bal lbunkat amilyen messze tudjuk, majd hzzuk vissza s be hajltva helyezzk most bal lbfejnket magunk el, mi kzben jobb lbunkat nyjtsuk ki s hajoljunk r. A gya korlatot gy, a kt oldalt vltogatva ismtelgessk, olyan tempban, ahogyan rugalmassgunk engedi, de a cl az, hogy az ismert angol gyermekdal ritmusra mozogjunk. Row, row, row your boat... Wrapping the right hand around the ankle, the right foot is brought into the crotch while the trunk leans forward so that the left hand can grasp the left ankle. Extend the left leg forward as far as possible and then pull that foot back into the crotch as the right foot shoots out. The speed of this alternating exercise can be tailored to each person's flexibility but the goal is to achieve the rhythm of the wellknown nursery rhyme.

A sarokcsontokat, melyek a csontsejtek aktv regenercijrt felelsek, sokksze ren kell stimullni gy, hogy sarkunkat ritmikusan a fldhz veregetjk, mikz ben lbunkat vltakozva kinyjtjuk s be hajltjuk. Heel bones govern the active regenera tion of bone cells and need the shock sti mulation of rhythmic beatings on the ground while stretching and folding the legs. A vesket, a hgyhlyagot, valamint az ivarmirigyeket (herk vagy petefszkek) az Achilles-n ers megszortsval sti mullhatjuk. Ha ezen a ponton fjdalmat rznk, az e szervek elgtelen mkds re utal. A testben brhol jelentkez les fjdalom csillaptsra masszrozzuk meg a BV60 s BV62 pontokat a kls boka csonton. Kidneys and bladder as well as sexual glands (testes or ovaries ) are stimulated by strongly pinching the Achilles tendon. If pain is felt at these points it means malfunction. To calm any sharp pain in the body, massage BV60 and BV62 on the outside ankle bone. A szexulis aktivits nvelsre, vala mint a htfjs s a merev trdek gygy tsra sarokcsontunkat fogjuk tenyernk be s ujjainkat mlyesszk bele talpunk ba. Take the heel bone in the palm as shown and dig all four fingers deeply to activate sex and to heal backaches and stiff knees.

Points de Reflexes des Pieds

Chart of the Foot Reflexes

Az itt bemutatott pontok mind egyike stimullhatja a hozzren delt szervek mkdst (1. kzps rajz!). Fntrl a harmadik fot az LF2 pontot (mj) mutatja. Az als fotn azt lthatjuk, hogyan kell lbujjainkat htrahajltani egszen addig, amg lbfejnkhz rnek. All points shown above stimula te the corresponding organs as shown in the drawing at the center. Third photo from top shows the LF2 point (liver). Bottom photo shows how each toe must be able to bend until it touches the top of the foot.

A kpen lthat pont ers szortsval a lp s a mj meridinjai aktivlhatk. Lbujjainkat forgassuk egyenknt mindkt irnyba, majd erteljesen hzogassuk meg ket. Spleen and liver meridians are activated at this point by squeezing strongly. In the photograph below each toe is rotated in both directions and then pulled out vigorously.

A baloldali fot azt mutatja, hogyan stimullhatjuk a szem s a homlokreg reflexeit. Az als kpeken lthat gyakorlat, melynek sorn talpunkat nhnyszor jl megcsapkodjuk, az sszes reflex-pont ltalnos stimulcijhoz vezet. Javasoljuk tovbb, hogy minl gyakrabban jrjunk meztlb lehetleg kis kerek kavicsokon, vagy veggolykon. In the photograph at left, we show how to stimulate the eye and the sinus reflexes. In the lower photograph, a few resounding slaps on the sole of the foot give general stimulation of all reflex points. It is also recommended to walk barefooted on small round pebbles or glass balls.

Ezzel az utols gyakorlattal egyszerre aktivlhatjuk az sszes meridint, mely az als vgtagokon helyezke dik el: kisujjunkat tegyk a BV65 pontra, zrjuk hozz a tbbi ujjunkat is, s fogjuk meg j ersen talpunk h sos rszt, majd hirtelen rntsuk elre lbujjainkat kivve a nagylbujjat. Ha a gyakorlatot reggel s este megismteljk miutn lbfejnket elzleg hideg vzzel jl lekefltk , stimullhatjuk a vesk, a hgy hlyag, a szexulis aktivits s a kerings mkdst. This last manipulation is also very beneficial for ac tivating all at once all the meridians located in the lo wer extremities. Letting the small finger rest on the BV65 and the other fingers aligned in the same manner on the fleshy part of the sole, hold securely and jerk forward rapidly all the toes except the large one. Repe ated morning and night after the customary brushing of feet with cold water, it stimulates kidneys, bladder, se xual activity, and circulation.
O U T S I D E extorieur


E mdszer eredeti megjelense ta szmos jabb Do-in gyakorlat kerlt napvilgra, melyek teljes lersa megtallhat a Do-in 2 cm rszletesebb kiadvnyban. Ez utbbi sszellts olasz, spanyol, por tugl s nmet fordtsban is elrhet. Azok a hallgatk, akik a Doin hatst mg mlyebben t akarjk rezni s a programot csukott szemmel vagy egy pontra irnytott tekintettel kvnjk vgighallgat ni, magnkazettrl ksrhetik figyelemmel a 113 gyakorlat rszletes ismertetst (a Do-in 2-ben meghatrozott sorrendben). Ebben a kiadsban csupn a f akupresszrs pontokat tntethet tk fel az brkon. Elkszlt tovbb egy nagymret sznes s rsz letes faliatlasz, mely feltnteti mind a 365 pontot, ami a Do-in gy gyt masszzs, a Shiatsu s az akupunktra alkalmazsa sorn szba jhet. (A faliatlaszrl tovbbi felvilgostsrt forduljon oktatj hoz.) A Do-in gyakorlsval mind fizikai, mind lelki stabilitsunk n velhet. A Do-in gyakorlsa tern biztat eredmnyeket rtnk el felnttek s rva gyermekek krben vgzett rehabilitcis kezel sek sorn. Egy vegyes trsadalomban mindazoknak, akik kpesek arra, hogy energijukkal maguk rendelkezzenek, nagyobb eslyk van az elrehaladsra s rvnyeslsre, st az let minden kihvs ra pozitvan tudnak reaglni.


Many other Do-in exercises have been rediscovered since this method was originally published. They are fully described in a lar ger compilation called Do-in 2." This latter method is available in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and German. A detailed cassette tape outlines each of the 113 exercises (In the sequence adhered to in Do-in 2) for the student who wishes to feel more deeply the effects of Do-in and derive heightened benefits by keeping the eyes closed or free-focused throughout the program. Only the main acupressure points can be shown in the charts con tained in this book. A large, colorful and detailed wall atlas showing all of the 365 points for the application of Do-in restorative massa ge, Shiatsu and acupuncture is available. The practice of Do-in promotes physical as well as emotional sta bility. Encouraging results in institutions for adults and orphaned childen in Europe have been acccomplished with the use of Do-in for rehabilitation. In a mixed society, those who control their energi es have a greater potential at their command and react positively to all of life's challenges.

BETEGSG KEZELSI PONT SZORONGS (hatrozatlansg) CG10 NYUGTALANSG HC7 & CS9 Flelem, lmatlansg, nyugtalansg. GUTATS BV31 & KR6 10 perc mlva LIG15-tel folytatni. VAKBL Lsd a lbfeji reflexek brn: jobb sarok. ASZTMA CVC22 FULLADS az arc elkkl (cianotikus) LF3 az arc spadt HC7 HARAPS a/ minden kznsges llati haraps LP1/SP20 Hromszor ismtelni, ktrs sznetekkel. Adjunk Ranshyo-t is. b/ veszett kutya harapsa BGN20 c/ Fagys KR6 (jobb) ha a megfagyott br fnyes piros KR6 (bal) ha a megfagyott br kkes szn d/ Rovarcsps BV65 ha a br lngol, forr, vrs KR6 (jobb) ha a br feldagad, viaszszeru, vrs BV31 vagy KR6 (jobb) e/ Kgyharaps A harapst kveten azonnal mlyen s ersen nyomjuk ujjunk vgvel 1 percen keresztl. f/ darzs vagy mhfullnk a nyelvben vagy a torokban BV31/KR6 (bal) 1. mogyorhagyma ital: csps vagy fullnk esetn 2. dohny: megnedvestett dohnylevelet helyeznk a fullnkra. (Klnsen mhfullnknl ajnlatos.) VRZS (lsd Hemorraghia)

FIRST AID POINTS Points de Premiers Soins

Trouble Maladie Anguish (indecision) ANXIETY APOPLEXY Followed in 10 minutes by LIG15 APPENDICITIS See foot reflex chart, right heel ASTHMA ASPHYXIA When face is blue (cynosed) When face is pale BITES A. All ordinary animal bites Three times at 2 hour intervals. B. Rabid dog bite C. Frostbite 1. When part is red and shiny 2. When part is blueish D. Insect bite 1. When skin is inflammed, hot, red 2. When skin is cold 3. When part is swollen, waxylooking, red E. Snake bite Immediately for 11 minute, deep, hard pressure with fingernail. F. Wasp or bee sting on tongue or throat 1 . Scallion juice: Apply juice to the bite or sting. 2. Tobacco: Dampen tobacco with water and apply to sting Point TO TREAT Soignez ce point CG10 HC7 CS9 BV31 KR6

CVC22 LF3 HC7 LPI/SP20 BGN20 KR6 (right side) KR6 (left side) BV65 LP1 KR6 (right side) BV31 or KR6 (left side)

KR6 or BV64 (right side)

BETEGSG ZZDSOK ha a br srlt ha a br nem srlt GSI s FORRZSI SEBEK A srlt fellet fjdalmnak egyhtsre TLZOTT SZEXULIS VGY LECSILLAPTSRA NYAKI VERR Vrpangs s grcsk Oszlassa szt vagy mly masszzzsal enyhtsk a fjdalmat. MELLKASI FJDALMAK KERINGS (vrpangsos) FZS A testhmrsklet emelsre (A hrmas melegtnl) Megfzs esetn HERPESZ Nyers telek, klnsen a gymlcsk fogyasztst szneteltessk. Hasznljunk fogport. KOLLAPSZUS (letveszly esetn) Ismteljk minden flrban, amg javuls nem ll be. TS brmilyen fejsrl s letveszlyes srls gerincsrls ha a flbl s a szjbl vr szivrog (KR6 bal oldalon, majd 10 perc mlva LIG15.) SZKREKEDS szorongs miatt (Kvl, kzvetlenl a trd alatt) blrenyhesg miatt

KEZELSI PONT BGN1 LIG15 BV65 SE29/CYC7 CSC8 CSC6 SC8 (oszlat) TW15 SIG4 & BV24

HC7 LIG15 HC7 BGN3 BGN31 & KR6 GB13/TW21 GB13/TW21 & GBV34 LIG2 & KR1

Trouble Maladie

Point TO TREAT Soignez ce point

(this is espcially good for bee stings). BLEEDING (See Hemorrhages) BRUISES If skin is broken BGN1 If skin is not broken LIG15 BURNS & SCALDS To relieve pain from burns/scalds BV65 CALM EXCESSIVE SEXUAL DESIRES E29 & CVC7 CAROTID ARTERY Congestion & spasms CSC8 Disperse or calm (deep pressure). CHEST PAINS CSC6 SC8 (disperse) CIRCULATION (congested) COLD To raise body temperature TW15 On triple warmer. Catching cold SIG4 & BV24 COLD SORES Discontinue all raw foods, specially fruits. Apply dental tooth powder. COLLAPSE (when death seems imminent) HC7 Every half hour until improveemnt. CONCUSSION 1. For ANY head injury LIG15 2. If death seems imminent HC7 3. If caused by spinal injury BGN3 4. If blood is oozing from ears and mouth BGN31 & KR6 -Left side, followed in 10 minutes by LIG15.



RNGOGRCS 1. Slyos, epilepszia-szer BGN11/12 vagy SIG3 2. Kipirult arc, vad tekintet, szraz szemek LP11 3. Slyos blgrcsk, nedves szem SIG3 4. Hisztrikus grcs, spadt arc KR15 BTORSG (hinya) (finom masszzs) LF8 GRCS Mindenfajta grcs esetn LF2 & LF3 Akut spasmusos szklet, fjdalmas vizeletvisszatarts KR8/9 HGYHLYAGGYULLADS Hirtelen, nagyon fjdalmas vizelsi inger, fjdalom rtskor BV66 FOGPANASZOK (1. Fogfjs) EMSZTSI PROBLMK (renyhe mkds mj) LF8 HASMENS (gyermekkori) CVC8 Gymbrborogats: egy lbos vizet forraljunk fl s vegyk le a tzrl. ztassunk be vzbe kb. 1,3 dl sajtba gyazott gymbrt. Nyomjuk ki a gymbr levt s hagyjuk llni nhny percig. Mrtsunk be egy kztrl kendt a fzetbe, csavarjuk szrazra, s helyezzk kzvetlenl a fjdalmas terletre. Takarjuk be egy szraz trlkzvel, hogy melegen tartsuk. Ismteljk, amg a br kipirosodik. Tartsuk melegen a vizet, s olyan forr borogatst alkalmazzunk, amilyet a beteg elvisel. Ha a gymbrt mr beletettk a fzetbe, tbb vizet ne engedjnk hozz. (Figyelem! Vakblgyullads s TBC-s panaszok esetn a gymbres borogats nem alkalmazhat.) SZDLS (lgiszony) FLFJS hirtelen LIG4 Ss pakols: kt cssze kst 15 percen keresztl melegtsnk, csomagoljuk be kt trlkzbe s helyezzk a fj flre. SZEMGYULLADS SE36, SIG6, BV1 Szezmmag olaj: vatosan bltsk ki vele a begyulladt szemet. RAMTS 1. Slyos esetben, ha a br spadt, hvs s nyirkos LIG15 2. Szederjes, hullaszn br, esetleg eszmletveszts HC7 3. Ijedtsg, nyugtalansg esetn SC7 (amg javuls nem kvetkezik be)

Trouble Maladie CONSTIPATION Due to anguish Outside, just below knee. Intestine laziness CONVULSIONS 1. Violent epileptic form 2. Bright red face, wild staring dry eyes 3. Violent intestinal convulsions and spasms, wet eyes 4. Hysterical convulsions, pale face COURAGE (lack of) CRAMP For all cramps and spasms For acute stricture (painful retention of urine) CYSTITIS Sudden and very painful urge to urinate, pain when passing urine DENTAL (see Toothache) DIGESTIVE TROUBLES (liver sluggish Foie) DIARRHEA In children Ginger fomentation: Bring pot of water to boil, turn off fire, place 4 oz grated ginger in cheese cloth and put in water, press juice out of ginger and let steep a few minutes. Dip a hand towel into the brew, wring it dry and apply directly over painful area. Cover with a dry towel to keep hot Repeat until skin reddens. Keep water hot and make

Point TO TREAT Soignez ce point GB13/TW21 GB13/TW21 & GBV34 LIG2 & KR1 BGN11/12 or SIG3 LP11 SIG3 KR15 LF8 (tonify - light pressure) LF2 & LF3 Add KRg/9 BV66

LF8 (tonify) CVC8



EPILEPSZIA HC7, BV15, CVC16 & 17, CVC26 KIMERLTSG 1. Nk s idsebbek esetben CVC4 2. Fizikai TW3 3. Idegi s lelki HC3 ARCFJDALOM (Arcidegzsba) BV62 JULS, ESZMLETVESZTS 1. Flelem vagy nyugtalansg miatt HC7 2. Hisztrikus tnetek ksrik KR15 3. Szvelgtelensg; a bal karba kisugrz ers szvtjki fjdalom; egsz mellkasunk mintha satuba lenne fogva; hideg verejtk a testen s sszeess HC9 vagy SP18 vagy CS7 FRADTSG 1. Pszichs depresszi SE36 2. Fizikai fradtsg LIG15 FLELEM (1. Nyugtalansg cmsz) LZ 1. Izzads nlkl KR7 2. Nagymrtk izzads ksretben LIG4 Klorofill pakols: salta, kposzta (vagy brmilyen hasonl zldsg) levelt vgjuk aprra, tegyk bele egy ruhba, s addig prseljk, amg leveses nem lesz. Az egszet helyezzk a homlokunkra. SMR (1. Herpesz) INFLUENZA (slyos) LP1 1. Koplaljunk; ne igyunk folyadkot; csak rizskrmet egynk. 2. Mustr pakols: a szrtott mustrt keverjk ssze vzzel, helyezznk zsrpaprt a mellkasra, s tegyk bele a pakolst. Takarjuk be egy szraz trlkzvel s hagyjuk a mellkason amg a br kipirosodik. A mustr pakolst nem szabad kzvetlenl a brre helyezni. 3. Gymbres meleg borogats (1. hasmens cmsznl) CSONTTRS S RNDULS 1. Brsrls, horzsols, zzds, stb. esetn a fjdalom enyhtsre BV62 vagy BGN3 (az 5. gykcsigolynl) 2. ltalban rnduls esetn GVB30 3. Trseknl, a csont helyrettele utn BV12 (A trs utni gygyulst segti.)

Trouble Maladie

Point TO TREAT Soignez ce point

applications as hot as the person will allow. Don't throw water out after the ginger has been added. (Note: If the disorder might be appendicitis or tuberculosis, do NOT use ginger fomentation.) DIZZINESS (fear of heights see Vertigo) EARACHE Sudden LIG4 Salt pack: Roast 2 cups rock salt for 15 minutes, wrap it into 2 towels and apply. EYE INFLAMMATION SE36, SIG6, BV1 Sesame seed oil: Gently apply oil to inflamed eye. ELECTRICAL SHOCK 1. Severe, when skin is pale, cold and clammy LIG15 2. Livid, corpse-like, maybe HC7 unconscious SC7 3. When there is fear, restlessness Until improvement. HC8, BV15, CVC16 & 17 CVC26 EPILEPSY EXHAUSTION CVC4 (tonify) 1. In women and the aged TW3 2. Physical HC3 3. Nervous and mental BV62 FACE ACHE (facial neuralgia) FAINTING HC7 1. from fear and apprehension 2. If there are any hysterical KR15 symptoms 3. Heart failure, severe pain over the heart radiating to left arm, feeling as if chest is in a vise, HC9 or SP18 or CS7 followed by cold sweat, collapse Point TO TREAT Trouble



FAGY AS (1. Haraps cmsznl) GZMRGEZS LF8 VRZS 1. Ers, kls vagy bels vrzs, stt vns vr s lass fl- ill. orrvrzs esetn TW5 & KR6 (A KR6 baloldali pont utn 10 perccel ksbb LIG15.) 2. lnk piros vr. Ha slyos, a vrzs megllsig TW4 3. Ha nem ers a vrzs, elllsig SC3 4. Serdlkori panaszok esetn SC3 5. Orrvrzsre SC8 FEJFJS (1. Migrn) LIG4 Klorofill pakols (1. Lz cmsznl) FEJSRLS Mindenfle fejsrls esetn akr slyos, akr knnyebb TW15 SZV (gyengesg) HC9 SZVELGTELENSG LF14 & 15, BV15 ARANYR BNG1 & BNG19 CSUKLS CS8 & BV17 A szemldkk kztti pontot is tgessk nhnyszor. CSPIDEG (lidegzsba, derkfjdalom) BV54 MAGAS VRNYOMS KR1 (Ismteljk minden 2 rban) HISZTRIA KR15 GYOMORRONTS, MSNAPOSSG SE45 1. Koplaljunk, hogy beleink kirlhessenek (& HATROZATLANSG) CSC6 2. 2-3 napig cskkentsk a rizs- s a sfogyasztst, hogy blfjdalmaink enyhljenek. ROVARCSPS (1. Haraps vagy Csps cmsz alatt) ESZMLETVESZTS A/ Normlis lgzst grcss rngatzs ksri. 1. Slyos, epilepszia-szer BGN12 vagy SIP3 2. lnk piros arc LP11 (4. csigolynl)

Trouble Point TO TREAT Maladie Soignez ce point FATIGUE 1. Psychic depression SE36 2. Physical fatigue LIG15 FEAR (see Anxiety) FEVER Without perspiration KR7 With excessive perspiration LIG4 Chlorophyl plaster: Crush green leaves (lettuce or cabbage, etc.) in cloth, squeeze until juicy and apply to forehead. FEVER BLISTERS (see Cold Sores) FLU (critical) LP1 1. Fast, drink no liquid. Or eat just rice cream. 2. Mustard plaster Mix dry mustard with water, place wax paper over chest, spread on the plaster, cover with dry towel, leave on until skin reddens. Do NOT apply the plaster directly on the skin. 3. GINGER fomentation (see under Diarrhea). FRACTURES & SPRAINS (Entorses) 1. If skin is bruised, broken, crushed, etc.- to relieve the pain BV62 or BGN3 On 5th Lumbar Vertebrae. 2. For sprains in general GVB30 3. In fractures, after bone has been set, use BV12 To assist in healing after the break FROSTBITES (see Bites) GAS HEMORRHAGES LF8 1. Severe, external or internal, dark venous blood and slow bleeding from ears and nose TW15 & KR6 Left side followed in 10 minutes by LIG15. 2. Bright red blood. If severe, until bleeding stops. TW4



3. Spadt arc, hisztrikus tnetek KR15 B/ Normlis lgzs, de grcsk nlkl 1. Brmilyen fejsrlsnl LIG15 (a vllon tallhat ponton) 2. letveszlyes fejsrlsnl LP9 (flrnknt ismtelni, amg javuls nem mutatkozik) 3. Gerinc srlsbl szrmaz rzkds esetn BGN3 4. Ha a szjnylsbl vr szivrog BV28 vagy KR6 (Baloldali KR6 pontnl, majd 10 perc mlva LIG15) LMATLANSG Idegi s lelki izgalom miatt SE45, LF3 & 10 bersg miatti lmatlansg LF10 (csak nyugtat masszzzsal, ne stimulljunk!) KR1 Vrpangs vagy blokd miatt (nyugtat, mly nyomsos masszzzsal s talpmasszzs) VESE Vrpangs vagy elzrds BV1 TRD (zleti gyullads) GVB34 (knny stimulls) 1. Gymbres meleg borogats (1. Hasmens cmsz) 2. Daikon s tamari (1. Fejfjs cmsz) MJ (Hepatitis/mjgyullads) (stimulls) LF8 TD (asztma) LF2 & LF3 Begyulladt hrgk BGN19 MEMRIA VESZTS (aranyr) A fejtet htoldaln egy ujjnyi szles kis mlyedsben. Mivel a betegsg oka a tlzott tpllkozs, kezdjnk ditzni. Kilgzskor klnkkel tgessk fejtetnket. ljnk le ltuszlsbe, s karunkkal s keznkkel megtmaszkodva lepnket verjk a fldhz. MIGRN (1. Fejfjs) IZMOK GVB34 IDEGZSBA (1. Arcfjdalom) ORRVRZS SC8 (eloszlats) ZSIBBADS BV17

Trouble Maladie 3. If not so severe, until bleeding stops. 4. For puberty trouble 5. For nose bleed HEADACHE (see Migraines) Chlorophyl plaster (see under Fever). HEAD INJURY For all head injuries, whether slight or severe HEART (weak) HEART FAILURE HAEMORRHOIDS HICCUPS Also strike BNG between eyebrows several times. HIP NERVE (sciatica, lumbar pain) HYPERTENSION HYSTERIA INDIGESTION & HANGOVERS 1. Fast to rest intestines. (& Indecision) 2. Eat only small quantities of soft rice, reduce salt intake for 2 or 3 days to ease intestinal pains. INSECT BITES (see Bites or Stings) INSENSIBILITY A. When breathing is present accompanied by convulsions. 1. Violent epileptiform 2. Face bright red 3. Pale face, hysterical symptoms

Point TO TREAT Soignez ce point SC3 SC3 CS8 (disperse) LIG4

TW15 HC9 (tonify) LF14 & 15, BV15 BNG1 & BNG189 CS8 & BV17 BV54 (disperse) KR1 (every 2 hours repeat) KR15 E45 CSC6

BGN12 or SIP3 LP11 (4th vertebrae) KR15



FAJDALOM 1. ltalnos (mindenfajta fjdalom) BV67 (mlyen masszrozzunk) 2. Hirtelen belenyillal fjdalom BV62 (Ers bels fjdalom esetn spakolst is alkalmazhatunk) (1. Flfjs cmsznl.) 3. Heresrls miatti fjdalom KR2 LIG4 vagy SIP7 4. Tompa fjdalom MENSTRUCI SR6 vagyLIGFll Rendszertelen vagy elgtelen Menstrucis fjdalmakra: Spakols (1. Flfjs cmsznl) PUBERTS/SERDLKOR stimulls HC3 csillapts BNG13 MREG 1. Hnys s hasmens; hideg kkes spadt arc; hideg verejtk LIG4 & SIP7 (Felvltva, flrs sznetekkel.) GVB41 2. les hasi fjdalom miatt a beteg egszen meggrnyed 3. get rzs a szjban s a torokban, mintha lngolna torkunk; BV65 s/vagy BV21 s/vagy KR11 nehz lgzs; spadt, levert, hullaszer brzat 4. Nyugtalansg, kimerltsg, g fjdalom, melygs; felpuffadt, spadt, hideg, verejtkes arc; tipikus ptomain (hulla-alkaloida) SE43 mrgezs SE43 & LP9 5. A 4. pontban felsorolt tnetek ersdnek s a beteg sszeesik (A kt pontot felvltva kezeljk, amg javuls nem tapasztalhat.) S (tltengs) BV64/65 Rideg, ingerlkeny hangulat Ilyen hangulatban legjobb belni egy forr frdbe. BV54 ISISZ (lidegzsba) 8 perces hossz, mly masszzzsal csillaptsuk. TW15 SOKK LP9 is Slyos esetben BV12 HIDEGRZS (Megfzs) A kezelst azonnal a tnetek megjelensekor kezdjk meg.

Trouble Maladie

Point TO TREAT Soignez ce point

B. When breathing is present and no convulsions occur: 1. In any head injry LIG15 2. Head injury, death seems imminent LP9 Every half hour until improvement. 3. When there is concussion from spinal injury BGN3 3. When there is blood oozing from orifices BV28 or KR6 Left side followed in 10 minutes by LIG15. INSOMNIA Nevous and mental excitation SE45, LF3 & 10 Wakefulness LF10 (Calm only, do not tonify!) KR1 Congested or blocked Calm (deep pressure and sole of the foot massage). KIDNEYS Congested or blocked BV1 KNEE (Arthritis) GVB34 (tonify lightly) Ginger fomentation (see under Diarrhea). LIVER (Hepatitis) LF8 (tonify) LUNGS (Asthma) Bronchial tube inflamed LF2 & LF3 MEMORY LOSS (Hemorroids) BGN19 One finger width in back of top of head in small depression. Cause is over-eating, so cut down on your intake. Breath out, and using your fist, hit the top of your head. Also, sit in the lotus position, and supporting yourself with your arms and hands, pound your buttock on the floor. MIGRAINES (see Headaches) MUSCLES GVB34 (Tonify) NEURALGIA (see face Ache)



NEMI VAGY hinya BNG4 erekci hinya KR2 ORRREG LF20, SE2, BV13, GB20 & BNG23 (Mindegyik fenti pontot csillaptssal kezeljk.) 1. Ltusz pakols: reszeljnk meg egy ltuszt s adjunk hozz 5% gymbrt, majd tegyk az egszet egy rongydarabra s helyezzk az orr fl s a szemek al. Takarjuk be egy trlkzvel s hagyjuk gy egy jszakra. Ha tovbbi kezels szksges, tegynk egy kis darab ltuszt (fl gyufaszl mret) az orrnyilasokba, s jszakra hagyjuk benne. Nhny jszakn t ismteljk meg a kezelst, amg egy nagyobb megszradt, sszellt vladk darab ki nem jn az orrnylsbl. (Ha ltuszgykrhez nem jutunk hozz, srgarpval is elvgezhetjk a kezelst.) 2. Meleg gymbres borogats (1. Vese cmsznl): a gymbres borogats utn folytassuk a kezelst ltusz pakolssal. BRHMLS (Feklyes, kelsekkel teli, rkos) Ne egynk nyers telt. TOROKFJS LF17 (1. Megfzs cmsz) GRCSS FJDALOM (1. Grcs) LF4 RNDULS (ltalban) CVC2 s/vagy GVB30 CSPS 1. Ha hideg a fellet LP1 2. Feldagadt, viaszszer, lnkpiros fellet) KR6 (jobboldal) 3. Torokban vagy a nyelven; torok vrs, csnyn feldagadt KR6 vagy BV64 (Kezelst 5 percenknt ismtelni, amg nincs javuls.) HGYCSSZKLET (Fjdalom vizeletrtskor) LF2, LF3, LF6 LEGS (napozskor) BV66 NAPSZRS KR32 slyos esetben enyhbb esetben LP11 merevgrcs (tetanusz) megelzsre LP1 (Azonnal kezdjk meg a kezelst. Mindkt keznkkel 5 percen keresztl, 3 rnknt)

Trouble Maladie NOSEBLEED NUMBNESS PAIN 1. General (all pains) 2. All pains of a sudden darting or shooting nature For intense internal pain, apply a salt pack (see under Earache). Do not apply a salt pack on an open sore. 3. Pain due to injury to testicles 4. Dull aching pain PERIOD Irregular or insufficient For painful menstruations: Salt pack (see under Earache). PUBERTY POISON 1. Vomiting and purging, face pale blue, cold, collapse cold sweat Alternately at 1/2 hour intervals. 2. Violent abdominal pain, doubles patient up 3. Burning in mouth & throat, throat feels on fire, great difficulty in swallowing, face pale wretched, death-like 4. Restlessness, exhaustion, burning pains, nausea, face swollen, pie cold, covered with sweat; specific for Ptomaine Poisoning 5. Symptoms in No. 4 but accentuated and with collapse, treat Alternate treatment until improvement occurs. SALT (excess) Rigid, irritable If your condition is too salty, soak in a hot bath.

Point TO TREAT Soignez ce point SC8 (Disperse) BV17 BV67 (Deep on) BV62 KR2 LIG4 or SIP7 SR6 or LIG11 HC3 (tonify) BNG13 (calm) LIG4 & SIP7 GVB41 BV65 &/ or BV21 &/ KR11 SE43 SE43 & LP9 BV64 & BV65



IDEGFESZLTSG LF3 TOROK torokgyullads, angina LP11 A kezelst a krmnk hegyvel 2 rnknt ismteljk. rekedtsg LP11&LIG4 FOGFJS LIG1 s/vagy BV62 Nyomsos kezels: nyomogasd meg a fj fogat vagy a begyulladt nyt. FOGFJS, FOGHZS (vagy brmilyen fogszati beavatkozs; pl. frs) kezels eltt HC7 s/vagy SC9 kezels alatt SC1 kezels utn BGN3 (ktrnknt) HVELYI RENDELLENESSG kregben BV23 fjdalom a petefszekben SE28 mh LF7 sztrogn kivlaszts (elgtelen) BV26 GOMBS FERTZSEK 1. Klorofilles zuhany: felhasznlatlan zldsget (fonnyadt kposzta, fels levelek, stb) fzznk meg vzben, szrjk le s testhmrskletre htve zuhanyozzunk le vele. 2. lfrd: egy kis kdat tltsnk meg klorofilles vzzel (1. fent) s ljnk benne, amg kihl a vz. LETER HINYA BV39 Hosszirny mlymasszzst alkalmazzunk a kisujj irnyba. AKARATHINY (A hatrozottsg visszanyersre) SC6 Egynk hirtelen kisttt zldsget. SEBEK, VGSOK, ZZDSOK, STB. 1. zzdsokra TW15 2. felszakadt sebekre BGN3 3. szrt sebekre, mly vgsokra LP1 4. slyosan felszakadt sebekre, horzsolsokra BGN3 5. krm berepedsre BGN3

BNG4 KR2 LF20, SE2, BV13, GB20 & BNG23 (calm all of these) 1. Lotus plaster: Grate lotus, add 5% ginger, place in a cloth, apply directly over nose and under the eyes, cover with a towel and leave overnight. If additional treatment is necessary, put a piece of lotus (1/2 the size of a wooden matchstick) in the nostril and leave overnight. Repeat this nightly until a large piece of hardened mucus is discharged. (If lotus root is not available, carrot can be substitued.) 2. Ginger fomentation (see under Kidneys): Follow the ginger fomentation with a lotus plaster. SKIN DISCHARGE (including boils, runing sores, cancer) Eat no raw foods. SORE THROAT (see Colds) LF17 SPASM (see Convulsions, Cramps) LF4 SPRAINS (in general) CVC2 &/or GVB30 STINGS 1. When part is cold LP1 2. Part swollen, waxy looking red, rosy KR6 (right side) 3. In throat, or tongue, throat swollen puffy, fiery red KR6 or BV64 Every 5 minutes until improvement. STRICTURE (painful retention of urine LF2, LF3, LF6 SUNBURN BV66

Trouble Maladie SCIATICA (lumbar) Calm by deep, sustained massage for 8 minutes. SHOCK (if severe) add SHIVERS (catching cold) Treat at the first sign of shivering. SEXUAL DESIRE (lack of) (for no erection) SINUS

Point TO TREAT Soignez ce point BV54 TW15 LP9 BV12

BETEGSG Tetanusz: 1. A tetanusz elkerls rdekben azonnal kezeljk a sebet 2. Ha csupn a seb krl szlelnk izomrngatzst 3. Ha a seb legkisebb rintse is grcst vlt ki


LP1 BGN3 SE45 s/vagy BV66 vagy SP9 (bal)

Trouble Maladie

Point TO TREAT Soignez ce point

SUNSTROKE If severe KR23 Not so severe LP11 To prevent Tetanus LP1 To prevent Tetanus LP1 Treat immediately. Each hand 5 minutes every 3 hours. TENSION (nervous) LF3 (calm) THROAT pharyngitis, angina LP11 Treat with nail tip every 2 hours. hoarseness LP11 &/ or LIG4 TOOTHACHE LIG1 & / or BV62 Dentie: Apply dentie to sore tooth or inflamed gums. TOOTHACHESs & EXTRACTION Or any operation at the dentist's - e. g., drilling, etc. HC7 & or SC9 Before SC1 During BGN3 (every 2 hours) After VAGINAL DISORDERS BV23 Cortex SE28 Ovaries (pains) LF7 Uterus BV26 Secretion of estrogen (lack of) YEAST INFECTIONS 1. Chlorophyl douche: Cook unused greens (wilted cabbage, vegetable tops, etc.) in water, strain and use liquid at body temperature for douche. 2. Hip bath: Fill small tub with chlorophyl liquid (see above) and soak lower portion of trunk in this until the bath cools. VITALITY (lack of) BV38 Calm by deep massage (linear) in the direction of the little toe.

Trouble Maladie NO WILL (to restore positiveness in a person) 1. Eat lightly sauted leafy green vegetables. WOUNDS, CUTS, BRUISES, ETC. 1. If bruised and crushed 2. If lacerated, torn 3. Punctures and deep cuts 4. Severely torn wounds, grazes 5. Crushed fingernail Tetanus 1. To prevent tetanus treat immediately 2. If there is twitching of muscles round the wound only 3. Where slightest touch aggravates spasms

Point TO TREAT Soignez ce point SC6

TW15 BGN3 LP1 BGN3 BGN3 LP1 VGN3 SE45 &/ or BV or SP9 (left)

TARTALOM A szerz elszava A Do-in eredete Hogyan segt ma a Do-in? Do-in definci breds Fontos gygyt pontok Do-in a csecsemkorban A kozmikus energia befogadsa Tvedhetetlen-e a Do-in? A/ A fggetlensg szelleme B/ A fjdalom szksgessgnek elfogadsa C/ Buzgalom s kitarts A Do-in hatsainak tudomnyos magyarzata A hall utni let s a Do-in Egy inkbb szellemi gyakorlat: Kevesebb tpllkra van szksg Elkpzelt informci vagy vzi? Hogyan kszljnk fel a gyakorlatokhoz? A gyakorlat Kz Fej Bels szervek Lb Gygytsd tennmagad nkpz mdszerrel Elssegly pontok 2 4 5 5 6 7 7 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 24 30 37 42 49 50 4 5 5 6 7 7 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 24 30 37 42 49 51

TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface to the last bilingual edition The Origin How Do-in helps today? Do-in - a definition Awake and a-going... Important healing points Initiation of infants Drawing on the universal energy Does Do-in sometimes fail? A/ Spirit of independence B/ Accept the need for feeling pain C/ Courage and determination Do-in effects explained scientifically Life's continuation after death and Do-in More mental exercise: Less physical food required Thought-information or vision? Are you ready for practice? The practice Hands Head Brain nerve governor Leg Healing thyself with self-teaching AIDS... First aid points Points de Premiers Soins

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