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Generalized Anxiety Disorder

First 1100 characters of The Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory:

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Length: 693 words (2 double-spaced pages)
Rating: Purple

The Anxiety/Uncertainty Management Theory

According to William B. Gudykunst in his article "A Model of Uncertainty Reduction in

Intercultural Encounters," the uncertainty reduction theory explains initial interactions
between two strangers from the same culture. Studies, however, suggest this theory can
also be extended to interpersonal communication between two people from different

Uncertainty refers to how well you can accurately predict how strangers will behave
during their initial interaction and the ability to explain the strangers' behavior. Research
on uncertainty reduction theory has been limited to attitude similarity. However, it has
been argued that in order to understand the influence of similarity on interpersonal
relations, research must examine cultural similarity/dissimilarity also. This term refers to
how similar and/or different the cultures are from which the communicators come.

According to research, uncertainty is higher in intercultural encounters than in

intracultural encounters. There are three major factors that influence communication... [to
view the full essay now, purchase below]

Anxiety Uncertainty Management Theory

Explanation of Theory:"Intercultural encounters are characterized by high levels
of uncertainty and anxiety, especially when cultural variability is high. Effective
communication is made possible by our ability to mindfully manage our anxiety
and reduce our uncertainty about ourselves and the people with whom we are
communicating" (Griffin, p. 496).

Theorists: William B. Gudykunst


Primary Article:“A model of Uncertainty Reduction in Intercultural Encounters,”

Journal of Language and Social Psychology, vol. 4, 1985 pg. 79-97

Individual Interpretations:Whenever two people meet for the first time, there is
uncertainty accompanied by feelings of uneasiness known as anxiety. These
feelings are heightened whenever there is an intercultural encounter between.

Metatheoretical Assumptions:

Ontological Assumptions:n/a

Epistemological Assumptions:n/a

Axiological Assumptions:n/a

Critique:1. Explanatory: AUMT has ample explanatory power, it explains human

2. Predictability: AUMT is predictive in that it claims this same process occurs
for each encounter between strangers
3. Parsimony: AUMT a bot complex with many axioms and a sub-theory
("Stranger") embedded within it. However, it explains simply the interaction that
takes place in encounters between strangers, and attempts to predict multiple
outcomes depending on variables.
4. Falsafiability: This theory has been tested and used many times in research
over years and is able to be tested.
5. Internal consistency: The theory flows well incorporating all axioms and never
contradicting one another
6. Organizing power: AUMT
7. Heuristic Provacativeness: AUMT is heuristically provocative because it
provides a base from which to begin other/more research on the same topic.

Ideas and Implications:Gudykunst provides an excellent explanation for why

strangers in intercultural encounters feel anxious and uneasy. He also gives many
axioms and explanations for phenomenon that happen in situations within the
intercultural context. For example, axiom 12 states "An increase in our ability to
complexly process information about strangers will produce an increase in our
ability to accurately predict their behavior." Griffin 413

Example: Out watching a basketball game with her friends, Laura notices a guy
with a puzzled look on his face. Bobby, thinks he recognizes Laura from his
communication class on Tuesdays and Thursdays and begins to approach her.
Filled with uncertainty and anxiety about seeing a man she does not know
walking towards her, Laura's face lets Bobby know that she does not recognize
him. Realizing he has made a mistake, Bobby turns around, Laura is not the
person he thought he recognized from class. However, he still could have made
an initiative by saying "Hello, I am sorry, I thought you were someone else, my
name is…" for example. However, feelings of anxiety and uncertainty prevented
both strangers from introducing themselves to one another. These feelings are
more intense if the two people involved are from different cultures.

Relevant Research:n/a

Location in Eight (8) Primary Communication Theory Textbooks:

Anderson, R., & Ross, V. (1998). Questions of communication: A practical

introduction to theory (2nd ed.). New York: St. Martin's Press. N/A

Cragan, J. F., & Shields, D.C. (1998). Understanding communication theory: The
communicative forces for human action. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. 274-276

Griffin, E. (2000). A first look at communication theory (4th ed.). Boston, MA:
McGraw-Hill. 393-404

Griffin, E. (1997). A first look at communication theory (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-
Hill. 407-417

Infante, D. A., Rancer, A. S., & Womack, D. F. (1997). Building communication

theory (3rd ed.). Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. 410-415
Littlejohn, S. W. (1999). Theories of human communication (6th ed). Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth. N/A

West, R., & Turner, L. H. (2000). Introducing communication theory: Analysis and
application. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield. N/A

Wood, J. T. (1997). Communication theories in action: An introduction. Belmont,

CA: Wadsworth. N/A

Posts Tagged “Management Theory”

Apr 09 2009

The Simple Reference for Descripting What is Stress Management

Posted by Jason in Diseases, Conditions and Treatments, tags: Adverse Effect, Cause Of Stress,
Civilization, Context Management, Emotional Condition, Human Behavior, Liv, Management Concept,
Management Theory, Micro Level, Mind And Body, Modernization, Personal Preferences, Stress Concept,
Stress Management, Stress Theory, Stressors, System Functionality, Technological Advancements, Two

The Definition

Do you have any answer for “what is stress management”? Stress management term is
built up of two theories, stress theory and management theory. Stress concept will talk
about everything that can bring either good or bad effect on someone’s pattern or action.
Thus, it will be useful for knowing the stress concept in what is stress management to
help the person back to the normal emotional condition.

The “anything” stated in explaining what is stress management above refers to something
both tangible and abstract. The tangible cause of stress can be like items or gadgets which
bring contribution in lessening the work and effort. And the abstract cause is coming
from both concepts and emotions as the effects from certain events and also personal

The next concept is management. It is the concept of recognizing and coping with the
aspects in the organizational plan of anything both appropriately and successfully. In this
case, the management can be done by obtaining more people due to maintaining the
structure for you, or done in the micro level of the self. In this context, management is
explained as the individual’s ability to keep the system functionality of the self suitably,
combining mind and body.

So, what is stress management in full definition? Now, we can conclude that stress
management is the appropriate identification of stress elements (called stressors) and the
ability to control them successfully as well as controlling these stressors without having
any adverse effect.

What is Stress Management for?

So, what is essentially the purpose of stress management? The increasing studies about
human behavior as the effect of technological advancements and rapid civilization (that
brings great impact to modernization), in fact, have supported the creation of stress
management concept.

Still on what is stress management, the increasing theories of useful daily living practices
and also the increased contending responsibilities as the effect of the technological
facilities improvement, in fact, have improving the burden of responsibilities that every
person has to meet to properly fit in a modern society as well.

The increased type of stress inserted to the main social stressors like social and cultural
events of basic living has needed the study of identification ability to these new stressors
and the understanding about their effect on human thinking and reasonableness

How to Implement it

What is stress management’s way of implementation? The practice of stress management

can be done in several ways, either as a therapeutic technique by the individual to the self
or will be garnered from institutions that have great prerequisite of the practice of stress

What about People in Different Folks?

Then, what is stress management’s technique for different folks? The program of stress
management will never be the same, because the different occupations of people will
develop different stress patterns. Student’s stress aspect is different from office worker’s
stress aspect. So that with a couple under domestic trouble.

So, you need to recognize that the nature of stress management. It is more than just a
normal identification. That’s why, addressing the stressors to stress management
institutions will be useful.

The Final Outcome Expectation

Ultimately, you may ask about what is stress management’s expected result. In fact, stress
management do not tend to eliminate the stressors out of our life, but tend to have the
useful process to organized the identified stressors and also recognize how to include the
stressors without interrupting the individual’s other needs in their everyday life.

Don’t keep yourself trapped in doubt. Have more knowledge about stress management
and get yourself updated with what is stress management by clicking the links here!

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