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Intro to NETS for Grades K-2

Integrating Technology with

School Curriculum

By: Julie Rizzotto

Communicate and display information by collaboratively collecting
data, creating graphs, identifying trends and forecasting
possibilities using database and presentation software (1,2)

I think it would be fun to have the

class record attendance,
record who brought a lunch
vs. buying a lunch or record
who is wearing tennis shoes
vs. sandals. We could enter
the information on our class
computer and forecast the
next day's results as well. At
the end of the week we will
have graphs and charts to
display our classroom
statistics, which we can print
and display on the wall.
Students use critical thinking skills to conduct research, solve
problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital
tools and resources. Students will achieve this by identifying and
defining authentic problems and significant questions for
investigation. (4)

It's never too early for young children to learn about environmental issues! As a
class we can brainstorm for several issues regarding environmental concern. We
can then use the internet to get additional information and display this information
on our class blog. My students can also draw pictures describing the problems
and solutions found. I can scan my student's drawings and add them to our
classroom blog. Parents can visit our class blog to find their child's drawing and
to stay well informed about current classroom activities.
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology
concepts, systems, and operations by selecting and using
applications effectively and productively. (6)

On the whiteboard, I will list four

projects/assignments the children will be
completing within the near future. As a
class we can discuss the assignments and
collectively decide which technology
applications would be the most suitable
and appropriate for the given assignment.
We will then complete the assignments
using the application decided on. For
example, if the project was to learn about
the life cycle of a butterfly and make a
poster illustrating the different stages, we
would use the internet to find the details of
the life cycle and the children could take
turns using the class computer drawing
their interpretations of the stages. I will
print their drawings and have the students
assemble the life cycle stages on our
classroom bulletin board.
Students use a word processing application to demonstrate
personal responsibility for lifelong learning. (6)

Students can use the

classroom computer to
write something new they
have learned this week.
Students can print what
they wrote and add it to our
classroom bulletin board
titled, “This Week I
Learned...” We can do this
project on Friday afternoon
and display the information
for the following week to
come. The students will
repeat this process every

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