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Lesson Idea - Multimedia

Lesson Title Stat in the Real World

Content Area Statistical Reasoning – High School

Content Standards MSR.FQ.1 Students will apply the statistical method to real-world situations
i. Formulate questions to clarify the problem at hand and formulate
one (or more) questions that can be answered with data
ii. Collect data by designing a plan to collect appropriate data and
employ the plan to collect the data
iii. Analyze data by selecting appropriate graphical and numerical
methods to analyze the data
iv. Interpret results by interpreting the analysis and relating the
interpretation to the original question
Technology Standards 1.3.a Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate
information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits
1.3.d Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and
problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and
1.5.a Students formulate problem definitions suited for technology-assisted
methods such as data analysis, abstract models, and algorithmic thinking in
exploring and finding solutions
1.6.b Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital
resources into new creations

Integrated Technology - Camera (iphone or laptop camera will work)

- Video Editing Software
Reference or - iMovie
Supporting Resources - Microsoft Word

Bloom’s Taxonomy - Applying

Levels - Evaluating
- Creating
Integration Level LoTi Level 5: Expansion

Importance of This type of multimedia allows for students to share screens, audio, and video
Technology sharing which gives them a variety of ways to display mastery of concepts
and share their thinking. In addition, this student project can differ in many
ways, which will allow for students to give rationales that will defend their
projects. If the technology was not used, students could create a hard cover
project, but giving them the technology allows for more creativity and for them
to be able to share their projects and findings with others.
Internet Safety and In order to minimize risk for my students/self, I would make sure that any
Student Privacy website or technology used does not ask for or use any personal information.
I would also advise students to keep in mind how to be a good digital citizen
and keep themselves safe. I would also make sure that any website used
matches all of the districts’ data privacy regulations. Lastly, I would explain to
admin and parents how the tools being used are enhancing learning,
Universal Design Videos are a great way to be able to address all student needs. Videos offer a
Rationale variety of different ways to accommodate all students. In addition, students
are allowed to choose their topic and have complete control over how they
choose to display data, calculate data, and find a topic. This will allow for
students to find something that is meaningful to them and create a meaningful
Lesson Idea This will be a project that will be introduced at the end of the unit. Students
will have already learned about statistical methods and ways to formulate a
statistical question, finds ways to collect data and analyze it. This project will
work as a summative assessment (in place of a test). Students will have a
week to work on this project in class. They are also allowed to work on it
outside of class if they wish, but they should be able to complete it in class.
After students have complete the project, we will watch all of their
presentations as a conclusion to the unit. During this time, they will be graded
based on a rubric.
Students will be able to choose their statistical question, and method of
presentation. The only thing that is required is that they video their
presentation and post it to our class blog. This allows for students to be in
control of their learning and create a meaningful product. Students will
receive a graded rubric with comments/feedback in their projects.
Design Reflection After designing this lesson, I believe that this activity will heavily impact
student learning. Students will be able to create meaningful products, engage
with the material, and learn how the information they are learning in school
relates to the real world. This enables students to make authentic connections
with the material and truly learn the concepts.

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