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Lesson Idea - Multimedia

Lesson Title Teach Me Rad

Content Area Algebra Concepts & Connections in the 9th grade

Content Standards A.NR.5: Investigate rational and irrational numbers and rewrite expressions involving
square roots and
cube roots.
A.MM.1: Apply mathematics to real-life situations; model real-life phenomena using
Technology Standards 1.1d Technology Operations
Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations; demonstrate
the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies; and are able to
transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.

1.3.a Effective Research Strategies

Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other
resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.

1.3.b Evaluate Information

Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information,
media, data or other resources.

1.3.c Curate Information

Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and
methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or

1.4.a Design Process

Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing
theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

Integrated Technology Microsoft PowerPoint

Reference or
Supporting Resources

Bloom’s Taxonomy Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating

Integration Level LoTi 4: Integration

Importance of Multimedia authoring tools are critical to the project as it could not be completed
Technology without technology. Since for the video to be shareable it needs to have been made
with technology. Without using a multimedia authoring tool, the project would be
less interactive or engaging as if it was made with technology. No other type of
technology is used in the implementation of this lesson idea.
Internet Safety and Student privacy issues could arise as the students are to share their presentations on
Student Privacy the class page for all students to see. To do this the parents would need to sign a
permission slip so that students could post their videos for others to see. Since their
face and voice will be shown in the video and it is their own creation. Getting the
parents' permission will alleviate concerns and if the parents don’t sign off then the
teacher would just not share that students work for other students to see. Students will
be using the internet to research about radicals so to protect students the teacher will
inform students about looking for websites that are reliable and which will not expose
students to danger. The students would be warned not to go to unnecessary websites
and If students are found going to inappropriate websites, then the student would be
sent to the front office. With this the students should understand what to do and not to
do when it comes to using the internet.
Universal Design Within the UDL principles the tools that I have selected for this lesson plan fall under
Rationale Options for Recruiting Interest. Since it provides learners with as much discretion and
autonomy as possible by providing choices in the level of challenge, type of tools
used, color, design & layout of the graphics, and sequences or timing of tasks. It will
also provide tasks that allow for active participation, exploration, and
experimentation. Thus, outcomes are authentic, communicate to real audiences, and
are purposeful. The Microsoft PowerPoint would fall under the Options for
Expressive Skills and Fluency UDL principles. Since they provide learners with spell
checkers, grammar checkers, word prediction software, speech to text software,
human dictation, and recording.
Lesson Idea The teacher will first introduce the unit on radicals and give the definition of what a
radical is to the students. The teacher will also show an example of creating a
PowerPoint video to the students that is pertaining to a different unit. Thus, the
students must research everything on their own except for the definition of radical.
The students will be creating a PowerPoint video to put on the digital class page. This
PowerPoint video will cover what the students understood about the radicals allowing
the students to showcase their understanding by teaching a mini lesson on radicals.
This project will be introduced at the beginning of the unit on radicals allowing
students to try and comprehend the unit on their own before being taught the
information. This project will take a week giving the students time to research, ask
questions, and put the whole PowerPoint together.
The learning will be assessed by if they were able to write the definition of radical in
their own words. If they could demonstrate the ability to compute radical expressions.
Thus, showing that they took the time to research on their own and comprehend what
radicals are. The final product showcases the students learning by if they were able to
comprehend the main idea behind radical and how to compute them. To extend this
lesson into a higher learning level after all the projects are turn in, the teacher will
have students break off into two teams where they will take turns coming up to the
board and solving problems that come from their PowerPoint video. With this the
students are engaged in another activity and can demonstrate the ability to recall the
learning that they did on their own. The teacher will provide feedback in the feedback
section of the digital gradebook. In this section the teacher will reflect on what the
student did well in their presentation and comment on if the student missed any of the
key points that were required in the presentation.
Design Reflection This activity can impact students learning as it allows the students to search for the
answers themselves. This leaves the student in charge of their learning with teachers
guiding them from behind. Students should feel more responsible for their learning in
this way and have more satisfaction when they understand the content. To further
extend this lesson the teacher could have the students revise their presentations at the
end of the unit with any new information they have learned about radicals and the use
of radicals. There are probably other technology tools that could enhance this project
but the time it would take to teach the students how to use the new technology and for
them to plan around with the technology to fully grasp it would be cause the
technology to be less beneficial for the lesson idea.

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