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Lesson Idea - Multimedia

Lesson Title Trigonometry in Action: Unveiling the Secrets of Right Triangles through
Multimedia Exploration
Content Area Geometry Grade Level: 10th grade

Content Standards G.GSR.6.3: Use trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve
for sides and angles of right triangles in applied problems.
Technology Standards 1.1. Empowered Learner: Students leverage technology to take an active role
in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning
goals, informed by the learning sciences.
1.1.c. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves
their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

Integrated Technology  PowerPoint Cameo Tool

 GeoGebra Geometry Tool
Reference or ChatGPT assisted me in developing this lesson idea by providing information
Supporting Resources on strategies for internet safety and student privacy.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Remembering:

Levels - Students recall the basic concepts of rational functions and discontinuities.
- They remember the steps involved in finding discontinuities in rational

-In the video preparation phase, they apply their knowledge to create a
presentation that effectively communicates the process.

- Students analyze different types of discontinuities and apply critical
thinking to determine how the factors in the numerator and denominator
contribute to these discontinuities.
- During video presentations, they analyze their assigned functions and
communicate their findings to the class.

- During the video presentations, both the presenting group and the class
evaluate the clarity, accuracy, and creativity of the presentations.
- Students evaluate their own work and that of their peers during the Q&A
and discussion sessions.

- The culmination of the lesson involves students creating video
presentations, which requires creativity in explaining the concept of finding
- Students create solutions to problems independently and collaboratively,
demonstrating their mastery of the topic.

Integration Level Level 4: Integration

Importance of Multimedia authoring tools enhance students' ability to create visually

Technology engaging content, especially in trigonometry. They can utilize charts, graphs,
and interactive elements, making abstract concepts more tangible and
comprehensible. These tools, including videos, animations, and interactive
features, captivate students' attention, fostering better retention and a deeper
understanding of the material. The use of multimedia authoring tools also
enables effective simulation of real-world scenarios in right triangle
trigonometry. Students can integrate images, videos, or simulations that
mirror actual situations where these mathematical concepts are applied,
reinforcing their practical applications. While it's feasible to teach right triangle
trigonometry without multimedia authoring tools, significant advantages would
be forfeited. Without these tools, visual representations may be limited to
static diagrams on paper, hindering the effective communication of complex
concepts and real-world applications. Additionally, the absence of multimedia
could hinder the accurate simulation of real-world scenarios. Multimedia tools
allow for the incorporation of visuals that closely mimic the situations where
right triangle trigonometry is applied. Other technologies employed in the
learning experience include graphing software or online tools like GeoGebra
or Desmos for visualizing right triangles, video recording and editing software,
online collaboration platforms, and presentation tools such as PowerPoint
and Google Slides.

Internet Safety and Implementing a learning experience that involves technology, online
Student Privacy collaboration, and video creation introduces potential issues related to
internet safety and student privacy. Here are some concerns and strategies
to address them:

 Concern: Students sharing personal information or inappropriate

content on collaborative platforms.
 Strategy: Establish clear guidelines about the type of information that
can be shared. Monitor and moderate online discussions to ensure
adherence to guidelines.
 Concern: Inappropriate content in student-created videos or misuse
of video recording and editing tools.
 Strategy: Provide guidelines on appropriate content and behavior.
Review and approve student videos before sharing them publicly.
Use age-appropriate privacy settings on video-sharing platforms.
 Concern: Storage and security of student data collected through
online tools and platforms.
 Strategy: Choose reputable and secure platforms that comply with
data protection regulations. Ensure that students are aware of and
understand the privacy settings of the tools used.
 Concern: Parents may worry about their child's online activity and the
potential exposure of personal information.
 Strategy: Communicate transparently with parents about the
educational value of the project, the safety measures in place, and
how student privacy is being safeguarded.

To minimize risk, I will establish clear guidelines for acceptable behavior,

information sharing, and content creation. Additionally, I will actively monitor
online collaboration platforms. Obtaining explicit consent from parents or
guardians for students to participate in online activities and create videos is a
priority. Furthermore, I will provide students with information on online safety
and responsible digital citizenship.
Universal Design The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework strives for a flexible and
Rationale inclusive learning environment, catering to the diverse needs of all students.
This activity aligns with the UDL principle of Engagement by prompting
students to create real-world applications that utilize right triangle
trigonometry, enhancing the authenticity and relevance of the learning
experience. Additionally, multimedia authoring tools offer a spectrum of
creative options, allowing students to choose various formats, visuals, and
interactive elements. This caters to diverse learning preferences, engaging
students through different modalities. In relation to the UDL principle of
Representation, the activity guides students to use multimedia tools to
present information in diverse formats. Visual learners can incorporate
graphics, diagrams, and charts, while auditory learners can include spoken
explanations. This accommodates the varied ways students process and
comprehend information. Lastly, in alignment with the UDL principle of Action
and Expression, the use of a multimedia authoring tool empowers students to
choose how they express their understanding. Some may opt for creating
animations, while others may focus on verbal explanations. This flexibility
accommodates differences in students' expressive abilities.
Lesson Idea I will start by teaching the fundamental concepts of right triangle trigonometry,
covering methods to find missing sides and angles using trigonometric
functions. Following this, I'll introduce real-world applications of trigonometry,
exploring measurements of heights, distances, and angles in various
contexts. Students will then engage in application problems individually.
Subsequently, they will collaborate in pairs or small groups to create a real-
world scenario involving right triangle trigonometry. This could range from
measuring the height of a tree to calculating the angle of elevation for a
building. Each group will visually represent their chosen problem.

Students will have to create a video explaining the outline of their solution
approach. I will allocate a week for this project, during which groups will share
their videos with another group, providing constructive feedback on clarity,
accuracy, and overall creativity. This phase encourages collaboration,
allowing groups to enhance the quality of their videos based on valuable
feedback. Once the group projects are complete, students will have the
opportunity to publish their work online, specifically on YouTube, aiming to
assist future students in understanding trigonometry application problems. On
a designated day, each group will showcase their finalized video to the entire
class. To foster active participation, I will facilitate discussions and address
questions from the class after each presentation.

Design Reflection The activities in this lesson are designed to positively impact student learning
by integrating real-world applications, multimedia elements, and collaborative
experiences. Students not only grasp the principles of right triangle
trigonometry but also apply them to solve practical problems. The utilization
of multimedia authoring tools and video creation boosts engagement and
allows for creative expression, accommodating various learning styles. The
collaborative project fosters peer learning and communication skills.

To enhance this lesson as an introduction, consider adding elements such as

having students research and present historical or cultural applications of
trigonometry. Additionally, incorporating reflective journaling can further
extend the lesson. This involves students documenting their learning process,
challenges faced, and insights gained, fostering metacognition and self-

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