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Jan. 23, 2014 Expect delays, nighttime lane closures and periodic lane shifts for a 10 mile work zone to widen Interstate 20 from Interstate 77 ( 7!"7# past $pears %reek %hurch &oad ( '!"(# in &ichland %ounty" %ompletion is anticipated summer 201!" Expect minor delays, flagging operations and possi)le nighttime detours on *lpine &oad (under I+20# )etween ,araway -ri.e and /olo &oad in &ichland %ounty while ramp intersections are )eing impro.ed and I+20 )ridges are )eing widened 0 reconstructed" %ompletion is anticipated summer 201!" 1est)ound traffic on I+20 )etween $pears %reek %hurch &oad and I+77 is shifted and will continue for approximately for 2 to ! months" 3his shift will split the west)ound motorists into two separate lanes of traffic )ordered )y concrete )arriers" 3he right lane will tra.el ad4acent to the west)ound lanes and will )e a)le to access all existing exits" 3he left lane will tra.el ad4acent to the east)ound lanes and will )ypass the $pears %reek %hurch &oad and %lemson &oad exits, )ut will ha.e access to the *lpine &oad and I+77 exits" Expect nighttime lane closures on I+2( from the I+77 interchange (mile marker 115# to $+(0%aw %aw &oad" (mile marker 12(# in )oth the east)ound and west)ound directions" 6ightly lane closures will continue through 7uly 2015" Expect sporadic delays to complete the work on 8$+1 (9er.ais0 illwood03wo 6otch# from the %ongaree & to : mile past ;eltline &oad" 3he anticipated completion date is 7anuary 201!" Expect lane closures and flagging operations on <ope ,erry &oad in =exington )etween 8$+ 27' and idway &oad for a )ridge replacement 1! ile ;ranch %reek" %onstruction is expected to )e complete ay 201!" Expect lane closures and flagging operations on 8$ 27' in =exington )etween 9eorge $treet and 1est ;utler $treet for widening and intersection impro.ements" ,lagging operations and lane closures will also impact 1est ;utler $treet, &eed *.enue, >ld %hapin &oad, 8$+1, and /ark &oad in this .icinity" %onstruction is expected to )e complete *pril 201!" ;eginning >ct" 21, 2012, -errick <ollow &oad )etween ;ack)one &oad and -errick /ark &oad will )e closed to through traffic for phase two (final# of the )ridge replacement <ollow %reek" 3he detour route will )e ;ack)one &oad, -og =eg &oad, &idge &oad and -errick /ark &oad" $igns will )e posted marking this route" 3he road is expected to re+ open to through traffic ,e)" 7, 201!" 3his site is located approximately four miles northeast of 3own of ;ates)urg+=ees.ille" Expect minor delays and flagging operations on ;road & &oad from 9reystone ;oule.ard to =ucious &oad in &ichland %ounty for the replacement of the )ridge the ;road &"

3his pro4ect will re@uire reducing traffic to one lane in each direction" 3he expected completion date for the pro4ect is the summer of 201!"

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