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The Trustees present at the meeting were: Chairman Larry Bulman, Terry Brown, Glen McKernan and Ronald Gordon
(Douglas Brockway was absent). Also in attendance were Coo rdinators Edward J. Fun and Scott Whipple . Guest in
attendance: Edward Bartho lomew , Jr. Ass istant Cou nsel to the Majority.

Chairman Bulman called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. He reminded the Trustees on Friday, May 4, 2007 because
there was no quorum present to conduct busi ness we wou ld have to review and approve the minutes of December 13,
2006 .

Minutes of the previous meeting held on December 13, 2006 were read. Mot ion made to accept the minutes by Trustee
Terry Brown and seconded by Trustee Ronald Gordon. Motion Carried unanimously.

Plattsburgh Training Coord inator Edward J. Furr, 11 and South G lens Falls Train ing Coord inator Scott Whipple discussed
the successes of the 2006-2007 school year and stated how happy they were with the three apprentices competing in the
NYS Apprentice Competitions.

Motion made by Trustee Terry Brown and seconded by Trustee Ronald Gordon to send Business Manager Bulman to
Ann Arbor \0 show support for Brother Guidon and attend the 2007 Industry Day to be held Wednesday, August 15,2008.
Motion Carried

Chairman Bulman discussed the upcomin g 2007-2008 school year to start around September 10,2008. He informed the
Trustees and Coordinators that Ed Bart holomew , Assistant Counsel to the Majority would be arriving shortly to discuss
our pending grant. Coordinators Furr and Whipple outlined the need for welding equipment and Plasma Cutters for their
training centers. Chairman Bulman informed them that he was waiting for approval of a New York State Grant or a
United Association Grant that he was in the process of puttin g together.

Chairman Bulman distributed financial reports for the JATC Building Corporation and the Apprenticeship Fund. Ed
Bartholomew arrived at 6:05 pm and Chairman Bulman asked the Trustees and Coordinators to take the detailed financ ial
reports home with them to review at their leisure.

After introducing Ed Bartholomew, Larry gave a full report on the lnternational Apprenticeship Competition. He
explained to all present that it was the first time in over 30 years , that the United Association had held this competition.
There Were four disciplines in which to compete. Every Local in the United States and Canada was allowed to send one
apprentice for each discipline. The disciplines are: Plumbing, Pipefitting, Welding, and HVAC-R. Local 773 sent
Apprentice Christopher Baxter to compete in the Plumbing Competition held in Long Island. Chris placed first in the
State Competition .

Apprentice Timothy Guidon was sent to compete in the Pipefirting Competition held in Albany. Tim placed first as well.

Apprentice Colin Linehan was sent to compete in the Welding Compe tition held in Oswego. Colin placed fifth in the

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Apprent ice Jason Platt was chosen to compete in the I:-N AC-R competition in Buffalo was not able to attend due to a
family wedd ing,

Both Tim Guidon and Chris Baxter competed in the Regional Competition held in Providence, Rhode Island. Chris
Baxter placed second in the Plumbing discipline and Tim Guidon placed first in the Pipefirting discipline. Brother
Guidon by winning the Regional Competition now headed to Ann Arbor, Michigan to complete in the U.A. Intemational
Apprentice Competition .

Mr. Bartholomew stated to the Trustees that it is a true reflection on our program by how well these students did. We
should all be very proud. He asked where the apprentices were from , and Chairman Bulman informed him that Brother
Guidon is fr m Argyle and Brother Baxter is from South Glens Falls . Mr. Bartholomew said he would be pleased to
report to Senators Little and Bruno that {hey each have a constituent that won the NYS Pipe Trades Competition and that
Senator Little has Timothy Guidon competing later this month ill Ann Arbor, Michi gan at the United Association
Internat ional Training Competition,

Chairman Bulman fumed the meetin g over to Mr. Bartholomew to discuss our pending training grant. He proceeded to
say that both Senators Little and Bruno are comm itted to education and tra ining. They recognize that our local union has
done an outstanding j ob in this field. He also acknowledged that in New York State , Apprentice Training Program s are
a real option for young men and women who don't wish to go on to college. The trades are also becoming a real option
for (hose who have a two year college degree or come home from military duty. He apologized for the lengthy delay in
the processing of our gran t but ex plained that there is a legal process where all grant s submitted by members of the
legislature must be approved by the Attorney General's Office, State Comptroller, and in our case, the Department of
Labor who will the agency administering our grant. He also acknowledged the work to put this grant together by Larry
Bulman and his Secretary, Beth Russell , who has been a pleasure to work with. He then stated that Senator Little wanted
him to express sincere thanks to the Trustees for purchas ing a Tr ainin g Ce nter on the Plattsburgh Air Base a few years
ago. He acknowledged that we looked for assistance from Senator Little in the purchase of that buildin g, but both
Senators Little and Bruno find it more appropriate 10 help apprentic eship program s to purchase equipment and assist WIth
operat ing cost s. Chairman Bulman then thanked Ed for his assi stance wit h the whole process .

After ordering dinner, Chairman Bulman gave a report on the North American Pipe Trades Training Conference he
attended in Toronto, Canada. June 18-21. Chairman Bulman also informed the Trustees that he had sent a bill for Weld
Testing to Doug Brockway of Brockway Mechanical Systems, Inc., requested for his employees who did not pass the test
given by the Local 773 Training Fund.

At the conclusion of dinner, Ed Bartholomew thanked the Trustees for their time and commitment and insisted that he
purchase his dinner and proceeded to g ive Chairman Bulman $20 for his meal.

Motion to adjourn by Trustee Gordon and seconded by Trustee Brown. Chairman Bulman adjourned the meeting at 7:20
prn .

Respectfully submitted,

Cd.uwLd-J~ Jt
Edward J. Furr, 11
Training Coordinator

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