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Essay: The Science of Self

Francois O'Haly - 4/12/2010

I have studied these things — you have not.
• Reported as Newton's response, whenever Edmond Halley would say anything
disrespectful of religion, by Sir David Brewster in The Life of Sir Isaac Newton
(1831). This has often been quoted in recent years as having been a statement
specifically defending Astrology. Newton wrote extensively on the importance of
Prophecy, and studied Alchemy, but there is little evidence that he took favourable
notice of Astrology. - Wikipedia 'Isaac Newton'

Newton was not the first of the age of reason. He was the last of the magicians,
the last of the Babylonians and Sumerians, the last great mind that looked out on
the visible and intellectual world with the same eyes as those who began to build
our intellectual inheritance rather less than 10 000 years ago.
• John Maynard Keynes, Address to the Royal Society Club (1942)

Well apparently spirituality doesn't actually exist because it can't be proven

by the scientific method. I'm not even really sure how to answer this. I
guess if you've ever had spiritual experiences you don't need scientists to
tell you whether they're real or not. Or maybe you do. Maybe you're just
crazy like the materialist would have you believe. Apparently, again,
humanity has lived in ignorance for ages and it was only with the advent of
science that some people have had that great ignorance lifted. Never mind
that some of the greatest minds that illuminated science, Isaac Newton,
Copernicus, Pythagoras, Einstein, Da Vinci, etc. were all philosopher
shamans who made their great discoveries in communion with the Great
Spirit. And I'm not just saying this myself this is according to their own
testimony. Never mind that science itself at its furthest reaches of
understanding only brings us back into a total state of wonderment
confronted with the beauty and the greatness of the infinite, of the
universe, of creation. The ancient Egyptians were an extremely scientific
people. Every stone they laid had mathematical and astronomical
significance. They even had a science of the afterlife that somehow not only
corresponds with other ancient culture's understanding of the afterlife but
also with the experiences of those who have had near death experiences
according to the most modern research. Look at the Mayan calendar. The
ancient world is a wonderful place filled with lots of questions that modern
science has still not answered. Can you tell me how the ancient Egyptians
knew the exact diameter of our planet? I'm sure there's an explanation and
I'm sure it's a very scientific explanation. Didn't they know how many miles
away the sun was as well. How about how the Dogon tribe in Africa told
researchers the location in the sky where the star that they came from was?
A star scientists discovered afterwards by looking for it where they were
told it was. Holger Kalweit who has travelled the world studying shamanic
culture has found that shamans around the world are all essentially
students of the almost exact same beliefs and practices. The shamanic
initiation for example in which the shaman faces madness, great personal
crises, as a means of losing the limited mind and integrating into a higher
shamanic consciousness is common from Siberia to the Amazon, is found in
Irish myth, is found everywhere in the world even in the modern world with
people who know nothing about shamanism. The spiritual path itself which
finds itself expressed in so many different schools of thought from the
present back into the depths of antiquity is the same everywhere it is
found. How is this not a science? If what i've experienced spiritually is the
same as what Pygmy shamans, Greek philosophers, and yes what some of
the great founding fathers of science itself have experienced then excuse
me if I think of this as a science. There are ancient archetypes hardwired
into our psyches, into our DNA. Your third eye is a reality, it is a half formed
reptilian eye located in your skull that serves as a telepathic conduit out
into the universal mind. The highest chakra the crown chakra has been
proven to produce DMT. Just another example of science discovering what
the ancients already knew? So the ancients who understood chakras by
studying their own internal energy systems are stupid but scientists who
don't really understand chakras and have just discovered something about
them through the study of anatomy are way smarter? The vast majority of
pharmaceutical drugs are derived from the active compounds of plants that
scientists were led to by herbalists and medicine people. How is it that
schizophrenics who in ancient times became great healers through great
tribulation are now simply just over medicated and told that there is no
hope for recovery. Science is still in its infancy. Science has accomplished
great and wondrous things obviously. But in regards to the science of the
self, of the mind, of psychology, the ancients laugh in our faces. The
modern man is a mere shadow eclipsed in all ways by the understanding of
the great ancient philosophers. If science is just now figuring out that
vitamin D for instance is vital for your well being then how advanced is
science? We think of ourselves as being so much more advanced than the
ancients because we can rape and pillage our own ecosystem so rapidly in
the name of consumerism. We have lost the most important science of all,
the science of self. We are pushing this planet to the very limits of its ability
to survive because we have lost our connection to this all important
science. Just because you have never examined your own inner self and the
workings of your consciousness doesn't mean that you are somehow right
in this argument. Sir Isaac Newton the founding father of science was a
devout student of alchemy. It was his journey into the great universal mind
that brought about his great insight that led to the formation of science
itself. Just as it has been this great universal mind that has given us all of
the creative works of humanity. The greatest creative masters have only
created what they have by tapping into this source. By being a conduit, a
vessel for the source. The source of everything not just of science but of life
itself. Here's a quote to end this essay that comes from Persian legend,

And then a change came over Jamshi_d. He forgot that all he had was from
Ahura Mazda. He thought that all that gave prosperity to men came from
him, and from him alone. The first time that he thought this the Glory went
from off his brow, leaving him pale and trembling.

Jamshi_d is the great king who led his people to peace and prosperity and
the accomplishing of great things. Ahura Mazda is the creator. The glory on
Jamshi_d's brow is the illuminated third eye of true knowledge. This is a
good metaphor for our current situtation here on Earth. The modern man is
left pale and trembling forgetting the greatness of the creator, seeing the
world only through the limited selfish ego. This is science of self.

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