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the level of the ground, and about one foot within

the peat; and ova it was railed m artificial hill, abaft
eight feet higher than the neighbouring gromd ; and
as the whok hill akfifird of both peat and meadow.
ground intermixed togabir, it phionly appeared, the
the pelt was older than the ern ; and that the puke.,
who railed die hill, mai fiat have dug a large Ink
in the peat; to bury the an there, and to formed
the hill of the peat and meadow-ground mixed top
ther. R.cond the hill, where the um lay, they had
made alio many half-circular ridges, with trenches be
tween than, one beyond another, in this manoer:

Where a is the river, and the ; and the hilf

circles Blew fame of the ridges, the number 1
which Mr. Ofgood has now fagot. The urn am
broke by the peat-fpade, and it ckne up only. it
fmall pieces, fo that nothing was found in it r swl
no body happened to bc there at that time ben tit
No coins of my fort have barn found he the pat
But there may, perhaps, be a variety of thing. e
the bottcm of it : bra as the peat U always full el
water, whkh is never quite drained off, fo it is ra
so eary Maio to examine the bottom.
7 I kg

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