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_. ':. 1 (.(l\J\il.1\~ ' ",,,J.,, #,is \""",,",, wiIhotA ':lOll.

. 119fV .

-40" 13ir~Jg

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\1'; W'IlS ~ a +a r ~ w ,. d Q,y of Si,'UJlTlrner

. \f'i #t,e l&w1\ of Cando'm i('l, Goa. Every:me Was ,oolsi e pi "'.M' "9) or swi tTl Mlt\ 'but (l hool,j ~rCl" b~ 1-he. nGLm E o'f

fkite~ u.X.ts, gH+,i'!J ,,10M' in his '~!I hovs,e. Now, ctS ':PJ ~n

see, HoWe,9 LtlClS "4efj 5C).'!J' to. '".9'-' He 'nod hai r rtDJ4' ~ ~iJ~fS oF PlP,er,r~ ,,,,lAd D-lr'I""9~ His ~LT\ cololX" ch~ ~ e.E"-'f~do.~o.c:,ordi'ng to h.s moods. Hoke_y had mu\t~to\cureJ, fI~e5, o. .... ~ a.. re d 't\ose A 14 e also Won!. ~~e cra:iwS+ dothesl

,E ~~" thou,," wOlS "e\" ~ 5O:l~ \ 00.' ne on fhe

o'\l\-s\de, he was ~e. '3en~1estJ 5wliletes t ,"0,1:\ 'o't\ ~ ~r'!~i de ..

An \e '!\ll!lf v,Jan\eii. UX6 ~ lfr'oQRe 'SQme tr(~nC\s _ g,ut

trle4 \0 90 a nd inU! W .$on'\eo,'r\e.

t.!I)Qut.i ,., un D,~. 'T\,o.ts w ~ Hd~

so, M\ Sf! ~~Ie ..

'qf,ielnds '. Pe glf ~1!"I!t'"h~ 1br -Ale .fa ir ..

~' -~~" " , When ~ go+ there1 ft.» rr.oJ~ !.AMi, o._9:ipe ~d5e .----.

- i • UJD.51 ~t!! "~~Msi 1he~ W05 0.. "USE rc.lf:ef-

. . ~6tu-\er Qrod a errEke' w\w.I .. 1hEfe vJeOi ~ent.!l·.

~ of ~s .J.~ ~'e. Ido~ rna hi~ tn iMfn,.~e

Do me"}- g&"fconA ~l Bua- l.iJ~ ,rmdC ~~ ihe Ml'&~ Q II -PnoJ ~e vJiB(e SO mony ch~klrm_

wQ,S sH"\-i,.,y lu,der 0 h~ ~Qn free;,Co.ble ~ lOMkr fhCl\ be lta:\ b.n b.Jote '

~fr J\e was so sOf\t' ~ 'r.e- \IIQS ,go i'l9 10 I'll. S

rQP·uTap ..• TQp.-.. foots~ep5. ~ 1JW

0. ~\e '9,r\ ci\::oih t\~l\t ~"9 -IoUo1ords kllnl *9.;, r~n'" dfe!6 and. ~ pctU- tai '5 .

UPleUo"M,B flaMe is TcviQ .. \Ahat \S !:JOUr$?" -a:l +he

~I QM \-\~ke.JI.tI' ht •

ttW~!i 'ClJ,'(e ~O ... here Q1 o.\f1N!r ~ ~l1ta 50 \-\.ke~ \o\cl "~o. t\.e whoJ.e s.~.

I Can ~ !:jOU k. tv\~ -f,iencls,·Sa.J. ra!'l,jo. s~ei~" t(l aM sure'


~'!J ..Jerz, a. ina"

~~rJ:~rjo~e,J at -th, ~US" i at fiftan2;1 f'J1Q'lf'"

,. . . :·::r: Iri

' ..\ .• ,:. ··'"'f

+hat wondertu I day ~ Hola~_d~'-i4ed to.. l·_·_ ...............

fake 0. rid e an n.i s ·fl~{n3 .::q rret! He t lc!W - . ove.f the ti:hJ o.nd. -\he s.-ea.) his hair bj~Iow'n3

\r\ lh!. w,nd. ... HOke:), ~0Utdh+ r-emeroN"r eves:

lpcirg hc&PPief' fber'\ he· 'W".5 *"cd- r.19ht.~

A \l w(l sUj·e\L. _L ""

In #1'15, fV,,~ro"h"\9 b,ob~1 a.

s,ad 3 5(; ~r!:J ~ lo'~~i 'nJ 'rrt'LU"I '1a

ke'y -fhe Hootl_ga '" ,9oes +0 ct fo',(" E: 'Jef ~or'\,€ ge +s clerf W ; ed b~ .. h\l~ and an rul'\ o..u)O.&,_ A ~md~ h-ffie

.9" J1Q',rn'~ -r\ becames \:\;\')0

fn€;ncl .. Tamo. f'tIUkes Ho~e.9 ,1\--e most, fU 10.'- rna.n Ll'\ +Own Q nel e ,HE, '",_ ,t'>~

to Ju 0; 're

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