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Profiling MOVE

I am Aravind, my native place is Nagerkoil , doing PDM in Tata Dhan academy. In this I am going to say about my motivations, values and achievements. According to me Motivation is Psychological procedure which induce person to action and move towards a goal desired by particular person. There are lot of changes before and after coming to academy, even though I was grown up in family where culture and values like honesty are followed very strictly but I did not have over all knowledge or understanding what drives me to do a particular work or values which is necessary to improve myself.

I am very laid back person and I was considered by many people as lazy but in academy only I understood that I am really lazy person and what are the reasons made me lazy like indifference to subject and liking to other activity and because of opportunity cost and not so unconsciously ignoring important work and doing the preferred work at cost of work should be done. From my past records I could understand that my motivations are Achievement motivation and Affiliation motivation

Achievement motivation is not very dominant in me. But like other person I am also like to respond to rewards and other persons acknowledgement, these things are motivate me but these are not sustainable. When I am succeeded or attained goal and got reward or got satisfaction then afterwards I could not maintain same level of motivation for the work. Affiliation motivation is a motivation shaped by environment and like all other person I am also influenced by environment or surrounding when I came to academy. For example before cause of two reasons one is situation that like tomorrow I have examination then I would read on the eve of examination and other one is due to my liking like if I get interesting novel I can read all over night by sacrificing sleep and food. As I said affiliation motivation made me little bit change in me due to influence of my surroundings like reading every day becoming more open and become positive mind person. From some of my incidents in my life I tried to decipher the motivation of me to perform well. From sixth to tenth I usually got first in my class in social studies. In ninth and tenth I had mathematics teacher who inspired me so I got good marks in mathematics. Now I reflect on it I found that before or after I have not performed same level so this shows that my motivation does not come because I have to achieve or competition and from this two incident I could conclude that my high performance mainly due to love of subject or teacher and not because of other motivation. Even reward motivation does not work for me.

Other motivation which works for me is fear. Fear factor mostly makes me to hesitate or avoid work but some time it gives enthusiasm to work and put effort more to perform well on the task. So these two motivations are present in me.

The values according to me are non-negotiable principles which even in crisis situation and even it would create loss or put in disadvantage position. There are two type of values are present 1. Terminal values and 2. Instrumental values Terminal values are the values as a person you want to acquire before ending of your life these values would be broader and like superordinate goal for individual. Instrument values are certain characteristics that I acquired or want to acquire and used as guide lines for leading a life. Instrumental values I feel that I have some instrumental values like open minded, honest, polite, cheerful and forgiving. These qualities I have and this are cultivated in me partly by culture in my family partly by experience. I am very short temper person but I could not have grudge or anger after that moment and many times I have asked sorry for my conduct during my angriness. Terminal values These values I want to acquire before the end of my life. These are I arranged in order that 1 is most important and last is least important. 1. 2. 3. 4. Happiness Comfortable life Sense of accomplishment and Social recognition

I want to lead contended life, I am not overtly ambitious and I have philosophy that life meant to be lived happy. So comfortable life like security in life and some comforts are needed for me I always dreamed of becoming famous. Even though I accept that this getting social recognition is fancy for me than conviction to me. The values I have are honesty, kindness and fairness. From my grandfather who follows honesty I learnt honesty is better and even though it is some time embarrassing but it in longer time it is better than lie and it does not create complicatedness and when lie is exposed it creates more embarrassment than honesty Fairness I learnt it is good because in my childhood when I failed I used to hide my mark sheets and lie that it has not yet given but one time due to suspicion my mom checked and found that so these type of

incidents made me to be fair to me and to others. I also biased about things but I learnt eventually when making decision or judging others task or giving reflection it should be on their work and my prejudice or my likes and dislikes should not come even though I tried to follow but due to anger and petty jealousness I have not been always fair to others. Kindness is the one thing I learnt from my mom even though I gave very hard time during childhood and teenage she still loves same amount on me which cannot be even said to my father so I am trying to empathize others feelings and be kind to them as possible. Even though these are values still I have not reached a stage where I can say confidently that whatever may come I will not oscillate from my values.

I learnt from my father that one should have principle and should have professional ethics. From my experience also I learnt that ethics needed in life and profession to be a good and very committed worker. I am still trying to evolve my own ethics of my life and profession but all I want it should be morally correct. The ethics I have is individual character ethics and partly work character ethics are present by me. The ethics which I dont have that is lacking on my part is virtue ethics, doing right things, I am not capable of this because many times I have wanted to ask apology but I was ashamed or feeling what others would say about me restricted me to follow this virtue ethics and another thing lack of courage if exploitation or some by passing then I do not have courage to stand and support for right. Self-discipline is another area I woefully lack from MOVE I and II, I learnt that need and importance of self- discipline and from my own experience also I learnt that without discipline what would happen like irregular growth, bad reputation, suffering and guilty feeling

Way forward
All i want to say is that I want to be pragmatic and make realistic goals which enable me to perform well in my life. The values I like to corporate in me are 1. 2. 3. 4. Self - discipline Taking initiatives and responsibility Avoiding procrastination and Risk takings

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