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Editorial Note, Issue 92:

Every new year promises to be a pleasant surprise and this year is no exception. This year, our NCC Editorial Team has decided to ride together with the mood of change and sprinkle touches of novelty unto our NCC Newsletter. Firstly, we have maneuvered towards a change in our layout, hoping that this will be well-received by our loyal readers. It aims to bring the very insights and updates we have to all of you at its most reader-friendly front. Next, we proceeded ahead with editing works. In honoring all original submissions and to keep originality at its highest, we do our best to appreciate our article contributors by bringing to you the rawest of thoughts and the least of modifications. Again, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed towards the NCC Newsletter regardless of its magnitude. Finally, flipping from cover to cover, we believe it is apparent that the essence of our Newsletter are the articles. Hence, we urge all of you out there with a NCC story to share to write in to us. Do not hesitate to reach us for we are usually just an email away. For any form of feedback or critique, do sincerely contact us too as we believe that constructive criticism will be our essential food for improvement and we will accept and reflect on them humbly. With this, we hope that you will enjoy Issue 92. Blue Skies! The NCC Editorial Team. Email:

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