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Explanation for Kenning: 1. A teacher is lead-killer, because I use pencils to write my homework, and pencils contain lead.

Teacher is the person who gives us homework, therefore, teachers kills pencils, which is also lead. 2. A bus driver is a couch- wheeler, because bus drivers sit on a couch, while they are in control of the wheels of the bus. 3. A computer is the ultimate-cheater, because there is no research that can be done faster than Google your research questions. 4. Love is the unbreakable- handcuffers, because love is symbolized as handcuffs, which hold tight the two people in love. When it is true-love, it is unbreakable. 5. Bombs are the incoming-diggers, because you never know when will bombs come, and when the bomb explodes on the ground, the bomb digs a hole in the groud.

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