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Slab Design Slab Thickness Slab Finishes Slab IL Loading 175 mm 2 1 kN/m

2 5 kN/m 2 15.28 kN/m

Self Weight


Lx Ly .

3.658 m 3.76 m



Bending Moment Coefficient D (mm) D' (Cover =25mm, Steel=10mm) Bending Moment K=M/bd2fcu Z=d{0.5+(0.25-K/0.9)} As=M/0.87fyZ (mm2) Asmin=0.13%bd (mm )

Two Way Slab 0.039 175 140 7.974 0.0163 133 168.1 227.5

Deflection Checking As Provided (mm2) As Required (mm2) 252 227.5

fs=2fyAsreq/(3Asprov) Bending Moment Modification Factor

246.7592593 7.973984067 2.0000

Actual L/d Limit L/d

26.13 40.00


One Way Slab 0.086 175 140 17.584 0.0359 133.00 370.6 227.5
Not Applicable

Slab Load To Beam

Concrete Thickness Concrete Self-weight Finishes Dead Load Imposed Load

150 mm 2 3.6 kN/m

2 1 kN/m 2 0 kN/m 2 1.5 kN/m

Total UDL


Long Span Short Span The effective load transfer are Short Span Long Span

3.658 m 2.694 m

5.954 kN/m 7.523 kN/m


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