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The Glorious Intrusion

Community Group

Sunday December 18, 2011

John 1:1-18

R - Review
A summary of the sermon This time of year we relish, and in this text is revealed, the liberating reality that Rescue has come, from above the sun, outside of ourselves, in Jesus Christ - the preexistent Word that became esh. Johns announcement of this glorious intrusion of God himself into the esh and realm of mortal man, is the antidote to our self-salvation projects and our attempts at self-validation. We are liberated by the announcement (good news!) that out of the fullness of God we have received grace upon grace, and it is this grace alone which can ll our empty hearts and cavernous souls, not only this time of year but for all of time.

E - Examine
Taking a closer look at the passage preached In verse 16, what is the role of God and what is the role of man? What is the signicance of gospel being an announcement and not an admonishment? How is the image of birth used by John in verses 12-13, so important for us to cherish in life here and now? What about the nature of birth and whos in control of it, speaks of whos in control of our salvation as well?

C - Chat
Sermon quotes to spur on conversation and interaction Modern man has his feet rmly planted in midair - Francis Schaeffer Jesus is either a liar, a lunatic or Lord - the one thing he cannot be is simply a good teacher. - C.S. Lewis Jesus did not come to affect a moral reformation, he came to affect a mortal resurrection. The arrival of Christ is Gods announcement that we cannot save ourselves.

A - Apply
Helping us make the connection from thinking to action How does Johns assertion in verse 4 propel us and comfort us in our pursuits under the sun? How do the claims of John 1:1-18 answer the cries of Ecclesiastes? Unpack the account Tullian gave of his time with the Dallas Cowboys; how was his access via the chaplain illustrative of the access Christ brings to sinners?

P - Pray
A time to pray for each other

Copyright Adam Masterson and CRPC 2011

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