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Matthew 17: 1-9

Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high
mountain, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his
clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with
him. Then Peter said to Jesus, 'Lord, it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three
dwellings here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.' While he was still speaking, suddenly a
bright cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud a voice said, 'This is my Son, the Beloved; with him
I am well pleased; listen to him!' When the disciples heard this, they fell to the ground and were
overcome by fear. But Jesus came and touched them, saying, 'Get up and do not be afraid.' And when
they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus himself alone.

As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus ordered them, 'Tell no one about the vision until after
the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.'


When Jesus was transfigured, "his face shone like the sun." We sometimes forget
that Jesus did not transfigure Himself; He was transfigured by God. On that
mountain, God transfigured Jesus, and allowed Peter, James and John to witness this
great event.

God reaches into every human life and transfigures us; we have shared in that
wondrous moment that God gave to Jesus! How does God transfigure us? Through
love, through the human experience of love. The author Victor Hugo wrote, "To love
another person is to see the face of God." God transfigures us when we love and are
loved. You have experienced this. You know that when you love somebody, you see
them in a way that is different from anybody else. You know how wonderful it feels
when you are the apple of someone else's eye. Love transfigures us. God is love. When
you love somebody else, they see the face of God. When you are loved, you see the
face of God. Through love, we are transfigured, changed, to go out and share that
love with the world.

Thank you to Fr. Greg Carruthers SJ and Rebecca Rathbone of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace for their contributions to this week's
edition of Living Faith.
In the Gospel that we heard proclaimed today, Jesus heard the voice of God saying,
'This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased." Can you imagine God saying
these very words to you?
'You are my Son, my Daughter, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased."
God's love transfigures us. When we love one another,
God is revealed to us in a very special way.
To love another person is to see the face of God.
Who shows you the love of God?
To whom do you show the love of God?

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(part 1)
Reflections by Fr. Gregory Carruthers, SJ

In what sense is Jesus truly human? In what sense is Jesus truly divine? On the cross
when Jesus says "I thirst", who is the "I" that is thirsting, a human "I" or a divine "I"?

The Church summarizes the Mystery of Jesus revealed in the New Testament, this way:
Jesus is one Divine Person in two natures (a fully divine nature and a fully human nature).

The one Divine Person means that whenever Jesus says "I" it is a Divine "I" that is
speaking, that is, it is a Divine Person who is speaking. Precisely, the Divine Person is the
Second Person of the Trinity (the Eternal Word of God/the Eternal Son of God). When
Jesus says, "I am the Bread of Life" or "I am the Resurrection and the Life" or "I thirst", it
is always the one and same Divine Person who is speaking.

But what about the "in two natures"? Next week, we will reflect on this...

Humans are created in the image and We are all part of the human family The Earth is sacred. Creation has its
likeness of God. The Church calls for and we are all interconnected and own intrinsic value. We have a
Integral Human Development, which interdependent. We must see responsibility to protect and to
addresses the whole person (social, ourselves in others and collaborate cherish the Earth's ecological
economic, political, ecological, toward solutions. We are all in this diversity, beauty, and life-sustaining
spiritual) and every person. together! properties.

How we live affects the dignity of the The economy must serve people, and We must all consider the good of
individual and the progress of not the other way around. All others, and the good of the whole
society. All persons are entitled to persons have a right to dignified human family. We must love our
participate in community and in work, and to fair wages and working neighbours, locally and globally, and
decisions that affect their lives, and conditions. Working is a form of prioritize the human family over
cannot be excluded for any reason. participating in Creation! commercial interests

The moral test of any society is based The state is an instrument to build Rights arise from what we need to
on how the most vulnerable are human dignity, human rights, and the live as God intended us to. These are
treated. This does not call us to focus common good. Such functions of innately linked to our responsibility
on the poor to the exclusion of government should be performed at to ensure the rights of others - to not
others, but simply to prioritize those the lowest level possible, so that take more than we need, at the
who are in most need of solidarity. everyone may participate expense of others.

To discover how you can put these Catholic Social Teachings into
PEACE . .; meaningful action, visit!

Development and Peace is the official
Humanitarian Aid and Development
To be in right relationship with God organization of the Catholic Church in Development
and with each other. Peace is the Canada, and the Canadian member of and Peace ., · ••,,
fruit of Charity and the consequence Caritas Internationalis - the official Aid CARITA$ CANADA ��
of Justice. It is the sign of caritas and Development arm of the Catholic o,.. SQ\.\0�
('love') in action! Church, headquartered in the Vatican.

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