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As Catalysts of Change.

Challenge: To Make a Difference

Luke 6:32
Our Moral Norm
the norm
by which
all our
thoughts ,
and deeds
are judged
and evaluated
morally .

1. THINKING of alternatives & consequences.

2. SEARCHING the what why who where when how.
3. CONSULTING others Church God
4. Acting HUMANLY.
5. Acting LOVINGLY.
6. Acting LAWFULLY.
7. Following the VALUES of JESUS.
8. Following the DECISION of CONSCIENCE.
The Core Values of USC
Core Value What it is. What it demands. What is its implications to me.
1. Integrity Wholeness is greatly connected to holiness. “Walk your talk.” To be true to our words.
Must be faithful in living out our respective call, role and functions seriously. “Be
perfect as the Heavenly Father is perfect.” Mt. 5:41
2. Excellence It is associated with diligence. Diligence in Christian teaching - doing one’s part
while remaining steadfast in one’s faith, strong and unwavering reliance on God. Heb
6:11-12; 1 Pt. 1:5-8 Diligence in performing Christian duties and responsibilities.
“I’ll do my best. God will do the rest.” “Nasa Diyos ang awa. Nasa tao ang gawa.”
Pray as if everything depends on God. Work as if everything depends on you.
Giving one’s best in all aspects in life in oppose to mediocrity.
3. Commitment Christian commitment characterized by zealous love for the Lord Jesus Christ –
following Him consistently even amidst trials and sufferings . Luke. 9:23; John
14;15 It entails a fervent resolve to perform, regardless of the cost, that something
which is deemed important be realized. Recall Josh in the film. His commitment to
give Witness to the Truth – despite of…… St. Arnold, San Carlos, St. Joseph, San
Lorenzo Ruiz, San Pedro Calungsod, etc.
4. Social
The Core Values of USC
Core Value What it is. What it demands. What is its implications to me.
1. Integrity

2. Excellence

3. Commitment

4. Social It is based on a Christian ethical principle to exercise accountability for their

Responsibility actions in fulfilling their Christian duty. Actions / attitudes that do not promote
the common good in all aspects are considered irresponsible acts. RECALL
Activity: Social Problems vis-à-vis My Attitudes and Behavior.
Take time to be aware. It is the opportunity to help others. Be vigilant. Social
responsibility demands preferential option for the poor – considering the materially
deprived, the underprivileged and marginalized – the last, the least, the lost and the
lonely as significant members of the society.
The Core Values of USC

Core Value What it is. What it demands. What is its implications to me.
5. Evangelization Refers to the passionate and dynamic proclamation of Jesus Christ’s message of
salvation and the reign of God. Deep and solid foundation and knowledge of the
Gospel – ‘good news” – Scientia dimension so that knowledge and truth be at the
service of God, the ultimate truth. Carolinians must possess the value of
evangelization in order to share what they have learned from the academic and
religious formation they have received from their Catholic education.
Evangelization is geared toward conversion - essentially an ongoing genuine
conversion. Inspiring and educating people into a consciousness of God’s personal
love and compassion for all His children.

6. Christian It pertains to the capacity to direct, convince or inspire people particularly in a group
Leadership or organization.
A leader grounded in the Bible. A servant leader seeks to serve than being served.
True servant leadership requires integrity of heart and skillful hands. A servant
leader rooted in the person of the historical Jesus, nourished by prayer and the
reception of the sacraments and inspired true following of Jesus.

Lord, heal our land … Father, heal our land … hear our
cry and turn our nation back to you … Lord, heal our
land … hear us, o Lord and heal our land … forgive our
sin and heal our broken land … Amen!
issues/problems by Knowing THE SEVEN BASIC
(R. Verzola (ed.): by Heeding to the 10 SOCIAL

MAL-GOVERNMENT (concentration of power

suppresses the voice of communities and ordinary
people, oligarchic leadership adopts policies that favor
the rich and discriminate against the poor, corrupt
bureaucracy makes it doubly difficult for the poor to rely
on the government for services and for redress)
land, capital and information in the hands of a small elite
is growing more intense)
NATURE ABUSE (logging, mining, & quarrying keep
on ravaging the land and destroying the very basis for our
TOXIC–CAPITALISM (profit-seeking corporations
release into our air, water, soil & the rest of our living
environment toxic, radioactive or other harmful
substances which disrupt normal human body functions
and cause cancers and other diseases…)
CHRONIC VIOLENCE (violence among women,
children, farmers, fisher folk, workers, politicians etc…)
CULTURE–AGGRESSION (assailed daily by foreign
icons that are cultural junk...penetrated in entertainment
media, communications and information technology)
The institutional core of the Greens development
efforts will be the community: a web of relations
real human beings and their natural environment.

Against the ideology of greed,

we advocate “enoughness” or “sapat.”
(PCP 2)
“The spirit of the Lord
is upon me, because he
has anointed me to
bring good news to the
poor. He has sent me to
proclaim release to the
captives and recovery
of sight to the blind, to
let the oppressed go
free, to proclaim the
year of the lord’s favor.”

Luke 4,18-19
The church provides a
vision toward an
integral human and
societal development
of the world which is
the prophetic Catholic
Social Teachings (CST)
What is CST?
CST is a clearly
discernible body of
official Catholic social
teachings on the world
order, in its economic,
cultural and political
For development to be integral, it must serve the total
person in all dimensions including the interior…nor can
development be integral if it does not serve the good of
the whole community and of all its members…human
dignity and solidarity are fundamental values from which
our development as a people must proceed.
God destined the earth and all it contains for all men and
all peoples so that all created things would be shared
fairly by all mankind… private property is derived from
the nature of the human person and ought to be
considered an extension of human freedom but … it has a
social dimension: the world is given to all and not only
to the rich … private property is thus subordinated to the
universal destination of goods.
For our interpersonal relationship and social structures to
be put in order, justice is not sufficient, love is
necessary… for in justice, the other person can remain an
alien…in love the other is a friend…we must therefore,
be willing to sacrifice something of what we see as our
rights for the sake of the common good.
The Kingdom of God proclaimed by Jesus is not a
Kingdom to be imposed by the force of arms but by way
of peace…peace is the harmony in the human heart and
in the social order brought about by justice, requiring
respect for human dignity and rights and the constant
practice of solidarity…it is the fruit of love which goes
beyond what justice can provide…non-violence is a
quality of the love of Jesus: love your enemies… the
road to total liberation is not the way of violence, class
struggle or hate; it is the way of love, brotherhood and
peaceful solidarity.
The common good dictates that more attention must be
given to the less fortunate members of our society… we
the Church opt for all men, women and children of the
world but above all we preferentially opt like Jesus for
the little ones, the poor, and the marginalized… the
value of being pro-poor urges us to be more concerned
about street children, the unemployed, poor fishermen,
farmers and workers, exploited women, slum dwellers,
sidewalk vendors and beggars, tribal Filipinos and
others at the margins of human and social life.
The human person is the subject of work and must not
be treated as an instrument of production…work should
enable the person to subdue the earth…work is a way of
sanctification… labor has priority over capital…the
dignity of work and the priority of labor over capital are
twin principles that should urgently be applied…
solidarity among workers and with workers to protect
and promote their fundamental rights and discharge
their responsibilities properly is necessary.
Our natural resources are not to be exploited as though
they are inexhaustible…we have the duty of responsible
dominion over nature…this sovereignty granted to us
by the creator is not a license to misuse them… we are
but stewards of creation…we are not its absolute
Persons are active and responsible subjects of social
life…no social transformation is genuine and lasting
where people themselves do not actively participate…
people’s participation is a recognition of God’s
fundamental gifts of freedom & responsibility… we
need to activate these freedom & responsibility and
encourage the emergence of people’s organizations,
sectoral associations and the like… the building of
God’s kingdom here on earth depends on human
cooperation with the grace of God…empowering people
is a prerequisite in the renewal of our country.
Pastors have competence in the moral principles
governing politics while the laity have competence in
active and direct partisan politics…but both clergy and
laity must be involved in the area of politics when
moral and Gospel values are at stake.
Serving the truth is always first…truth is a value, so, we
have the general duty to tell the truth…we owe the truth to
those who have the right to know…the common good can
demand at times that the witness tell the truth even if this
might cause difficulty to family and friends…however,
we have the law of secrecy (confessor) and certain
professional secrets (patient & doctor)… advertising
agencies have the responsibility for honest and truthful
presentations…newspapers, radio, and TV have the
responsibility for truthful, fair, and objective presentation
of the news.
You may do the following exercise.
Answer as instructed.
IDENTIFY the SOCIAL TEACHING expressed in the following:
Luke 12:13-21
Matthew 25:31-46
Matthew 13:24-30
Matthew 17:22-27
Matthew 22:15-22
Mark 7:14-23
John 4:1-42
John 12:1-8
Amos 5:10-15
Jeremiah 7:1-7

This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: “Stand at
the gate of the Lord’s house and there proclaim this message:
“‘Hear the word of the Lord, all you people of Judah who come
through these gates to worship the Lord. This is what the Lord
Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Reform your ways and your
actions, and I will let you live in this place. Do not trust in
deceptive words and say, “This is the temple of the Lord, the
temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord!” If you really
change your ways and your actions and deal with each other
justly, if you do not oppress the foreigner, the fatherless or
the widow and do not shed innocent blood in this place, and
if you do not follow other gods to your own harm, then I will let
you live in this place, in the land I gave your ancestors for ever
and ever.
Isaiah 58:3-10
James 2:14-16

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