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Rose Arn Georfo

1. How would you define power?

2. Where does power reside and how is it manifested?
3. What makes power an important concept in the study of society and politics?

Power is the ability to exercise one’s will over others (Weber 1922). Power has
the ability to influence others in beliefs, actions, as well as, in events. The power resides
in individuals as they have the power to think for themselves, as George R.R Martin
states “​Power resides only where men believe it resides”, ​in politics, individuals can
exercise their power through voting for the leader. But, power can also reside in one
man, like in an authoritarian government, where the power is given only to one man, but
this kind of power will most likely control the poor and that’s when power gets ugly.

Power is important in the study of society and politics because it shapes politics,
in a way, to know who has the power to influence people in a good way, a “soft power”
as we call, where there is no oppression. It is also important in society, because power
has the ability to resolve conflict. Power can also help the society to be harmonious
when the power is not abused.

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