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First love



School Study Book library Novel



Exam School is the best place for study everything, and the school also the best place for a geek who actually loved books because he can read some book he want to learn everything that can improve his skill or just to get have fun like read a novel. Novel sometimes contain a story about teenager that get their first love at school and the novel actually contain romantic moment at their first love. Mostly we get our first experience about love at the school when we still teenager and we get our first love in there. But, remember our objective going to school is to study. We can study everywhere we want in the school like class and the library. By studying some books we can improve our knowledge to make our point of view when we get problem more capable or more complex and we can view some problem from some point of view. Increasing our knowledge and our point of view problem solving is good. So, we can solve our problem in the life easily, with the best solving for our problem, and we can minimize our stress. And the short plan from increasing or improve our knowledge is to train we. So, we can answer or solve some problem at the exam and we can pass every exam. We can pass every exam like graduation exam, government exam, or the entrance exam that held by the university. If we study hard when we still school and pass the entrance exam we can continue our study at the university like Gadjah Mada University. If we study hard when we still school it can made we get some scholarship and we can study at the university using that scholarship that we get by struggle.

Bayu Ahmad Fauzan 12/334639/PA/14872

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