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Pit & Stake


Horseshoe-width from the stake Inside the pit Outside the pit


Pit 4


Players will pitch 4 horseshoes from behind the foul line. Unlike the o cial rules, points will be received after each throw, so a leaner can not be cancelled out by another pitch that knocks the leaner from the stake, however the horseshoes will not be cleared. The foul line will be 40 feet from the pit. There are no points for horsehoes that hit the stake or pit and land outside the pit. Players will receive points for the best 2 throws. The point system will be as follows: 100pts - 2 horseshoes rings (completely encircling the stake) 80pts - 2 horseshoes leaners (resting on the stake) 60pts - for every ringer 40pts - for every leaner 20pts - for every horseshoe within one horseshoe-width from the stake 10pts - for every horseshoe inside or touching the pit 5pts- for 2 horseshoes outside the pit

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