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antennas backline backline antennas

80 40 80 80 20

60 20 60 20

80 40 80 80


Players will serve from behind the backline and inside the sideline. The ball must stay between the antennas, cannot hit the antennas and must go over the net. Players will be given a retoss if the ball is caught or dropped. Players must tell the scorekeeper where they are serving to (point area). Once the scorekeeper says OYeah and their designated point, the server may proceed. Server has 4 serves and will receive their best score. 100pts Serve hits the tape and rolls over inbounds and hits the inside the 60 & 80 marker near the net but the server needs to call a tape roll serve 100pts Serve hits the yellow marker over the net but the server needs to call line serve 80pts Serve hits the green markers, including the line but the server needs to call it 60pts Serve hits the purple marker, but the server needs to call it 40pts Serve hits the red marker, including the line but the server needs to call it 20pts Serve hits the beige or grassy areas inbounds but the server needs to call it 10pts Serve hits inbounds but is not the designated marker 5pts All serves that hit the antenna, dont make it over the net, and/or land out-of-bounds

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