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~Grade 9 & 10: E-Portfolio Checklist

Grade 9 & 10: E-Portfolio Checklist

For additional details or instructions please visit: General overview: Contents of your E-Portfolio must be your original work. Anything you use that is not yours, must be cited using easybib or the citation machine. Your E-Portfolio also needs to be unique to you! Please make sure that it is easy to navigate and that you can find what you are looking for in three or less clicks! Remember before you click publish make sure you.... 1. Answer all the questions and requirements provided with as much detail as possible; 2. Provide references, where necessary, using Son of Citation Machine or EasyBib; 3. Ask a friend or two to read your blog post and provide any feedback so you can improve your post; 4. Listen to your blog post with SpeakIt! to make sure that it make sense and to avoid having too many run on sentences; 5. Check your spelling with "SpellCheckPlus" Online Spelling and Grammar Checker for English ... 6. Add the necessary "Categories" and "Blog Post Title". Must have Contents: 1. Home (Page) 1. Title following this example: A.C. MYP E-Portfolio 2. Introduction in both English & Spanish (Make sure there are NO spelling mistakes, especially since this is the first page that people will see) 3. Your Avatar, remember it needs to be appropriate for IB and future University applications 4. An original Design and Layout to your E-Portfolio, unique to you! 5. Delete the Social Media links that are at the top right hand side of your page. 1. Subject Areas (all blogs): 1. On each page, please embed (using Scribd if need be) ALL summative assignments that you have already completed for each

course so far in MYP. Remember NOT TO publish your name. Please use initials for all your work. For categories, indicate for each submission (your grade when you completed the assignment, the Unit, the AOI, Skills developed or learned.) 1. Art 2. Humanities 3. Language A (English) 4. Language B (Spanish) 5. Life Skills 6. Math 7. Music 8. PE 9. Science 10. Technology 1. Animoto Introduction Video 2. (Categories- Introduction, AOI: Approaches to learning, Grade 9 or Grade 10) 3. Power Searching with Google 4. (Categories- AOI: Approaches to learning, Grade 9 or Grade 10, Reflection Blog, Research) 5. Learning Styles 6. (Categories: AOI: Approaches to learning, Grade 9 or Grade 10, Reflection) 7. Investigate Stage for your E-Portfolio 8. (Categories- Design Cycle: Investigate, AOI: Human Ingenuity, AOI: Approaches to Learning, Grade 9 or Grade 10, Unit: E-Portfolio) 9. Plan Stage for your E-Portfolio 10. (Categories- Design Cycle: Plan, AOI: Human Ingenuity, AOI: Approaches to Learning, Grade 9 or Grade 10, Unit: E-Portfolio) 11. Design Stage for your E-Portfolio 12. (Categories- Design Cycle: Design, AOI: Human Ingenuity, AOI: Approaches to Learning, Grade 9 or Grade 10, Unit: E-Portfolio) 13. Create Stage for your E-Portfolio 14. (Categories- Design Cycle: Create, AOI: Human Ingenuity, AOI: Approaches to Learning, Grade 9 or Grade 10, Unit: E-Portfolio) 15. Evaluate Stage for your E-Portfolio

16. (Categories- Design Cycle: Evaluate, AOI: Human






Ingenuity, AOI: Approaches to Learning, Grade 9 or Grade 10, Unit: E-Portfolio) 1. Do not forget to indicate the categories that each post belongs to! My Web 2.0 Tools (Page): Embed Symbaloo Page, this page should include ALL online learning sites that you have been introduced to up to date in all your classes. The sites on this page are educational sites ONLY. Highlights of my learning (Blog): 1. Google Search Course Certificate 2. (Categories: Technology, Certificate, Grade 6 or Grade 7) 3. Please place ALL assignments or work that you are proud of here. You will be sharing this with your parents in May. 4. Categories: Your Grade, The Course, What the Assignment is, ie, test, project, quiz, essay, lab report, experiment, music video, etc. 5. Please complete these reflection questions and paste above the chosen piece of work. 1. Subject: 2. Title of Assignment: 3. Completed in Grade: 4. My learner profile for this activity: Inquirer - Knowledgeable - Thinkers - Communicator - Principled - Open-Minded Caring - Risk-Takers - Balanced - Reflective. 5. AOI: Approaches to learning - Community and Service Human Ingenuity,Environments, Health and Social Education. 6. I chose this piece of work because (explain why you are proud of this piece of work and why you would like to share it in your Highlights of your learning: CAS (Page or Blog): 1. Here you will put all the work that you have done in Community and Service 2. You can chose to have either a blog or a page for this 3. Please also include learner profiles you demonstrated during the activity 4. You can get images off the schools FB page and the schools Community and Service webpage. Personal Project (Grade 10 only) 1. Embed your Personal Project Proposal 2. Share images of your event 3. Embed the final product 4. Anything else you think you should include Extras.......

2. Anything else that you would like to include in your E-Portfolio. There

are some really awesome ideas out there!

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