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2nd Quiz of 2nd Week PART A 1.Deltoid muscle is an example of which type of fascicles arrangement; A. fusiform B. triangular C.

unipennate D.multipennate E. parallel 2. Which of the following muscles does not act to open the mouth? A. orbicularis oris B. zygomaticus major C. levator labii superioris D. depressor labii inferioris E. all the muscles act to open the mouth 3. Which one of the following is true about pectoralis minor A.extends the shoulder joint B.abducts the scapula C.depresses the clavicle D.flexes the shoulder joint 4. One of the following muscles elevates and adducts scapula, its the A.deltoid B.subscapularis C.trapezius D.latissimus dorsi 5. Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the abdominal wall? A. external abdominal oblique B. transversus abdominis C. rectus femoris D. internal abdominal oblique E. all are layers of the abdominal wall


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