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Tutela ambientale e valorizzazione turistica

Lorenzo Bagnoli

Tutela ambientale Valorizzazione turistica

Non sono in contraddizione!

Siti sfondo naturali e non modificati

Parchi e aree di tutela naturalistica

Dagli anni Ottanta anche fini turistici

Siti sfondo urbani

1. 2. 3. 4. Politiche turistiche urbane: il vaso di miele la restrizione degli ingressi Laccesso a pagamento leducazione del turista

Siti sfondo naturali e in parte modificati

Parchi culturali o letterari

Siti scrigno
Musei allaria aperta ed eco-musei

Siti posticci
1. Marchi di qualit: Le certificazioni Iso 14001, Iso 14040, EMAS ed Ecolabel Le bandiere blu Le bandiere arancione I borghi pi belli dItalia

2. 3. 4.

Religious Tourism and Sustainability in Iconic Representations

Lorenzo Bagnoli, Rita Capurro University of Milan-Bicocca. Italy
Powerpoint di appoggio allarticolo: Bagnoli, L., & Capurro, R. (2012), Religious tourism and sustainability in iconic representations, in A. Trono (ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference Sustainable Religious Tourism - Commandments, Obstacles & Challenges (Lecce-Tricase, 26th-28th October 2012), Monteroni di Lecce, Esperidi, pp. 105-117.

Sustanaibility and tourism

Unachievable oxymoron (Latouche, 1998) Necessary utopia (Manzi, 2001)

Visual geography and sustainable tourism

A method to study sustainability in religious tourism icons

We will thus attempt to evaluate whether the images of the religious tourism destinations conveyed by the hosts/perceived by visitors are actually presented/understood as sustainable or not.

1. Environmental sustainability

a. Tourism and mountains

b. Tourism and pollution

c. Tourism and transports

d. Tourism and forests

2. Social Sustainability
Usually this issue is about the authoctones of different religions but in the case of tourism is also important to analyse it: a. Between hosts and guests b. Among the guests themselves

a. Between hosts and guests

b. Among the guests themselves

3. Economic Sustainability


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