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AP Art History Mrs. Wiener Test on Early Christian, Byzantine and Islamic art: Part I. Multiple choice.

Circle the best answer for each question. 1. a) Mihrabs b) Altars c) Niches d) Domes 2. The orant pose is meant to signify prayer and shows people with a) the crucified Christ b) Judas Iscariot c) Christ as a shepherd d) hands clasped e) hands outstretched 3. The visual arts were popular in early Christian and Byzantine times in the form of a) wall paintings b) mosaics c) central plan churches d) basilican plan churches 4. The architects of the Hagia Sophia were a) Justinian and Theodora b) Saint Apollinaire and Justinian c) Anastasis and Andrei Rublyev d) Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus 5. The dome of the Hagia Sophia was built a) the same way the Pantheon was b) using the pendentive system c) using the squinch system d) was built using barrel vaulting 6. are against physical representations of Christ. a) Iconoclasts b) Iconophiles c) Followers of Justinian d) Followers of Saint Apollinaire can be found in pagan, synagogues from antiquity and mosques.

7. In Early Christian art, Christ is usually depicted a) as a judge of mankind b) as a drooping figure on the cross c) as a mighty warrior d) as a youth, often a shepherd 8. In Byzantine art, Christ is often depicted as a) as a judge of mankind b) as a drooping figure on the cross c) as a mighty warrior d) as a youth, often a shepherd 9. The vestibule, entryway, that led into Old St. Peters is known as a) a baldacchino b) an atrium c) a narthex d) a transept 10. The faithful in Islam are called to prayer five times a day from a) qiblas b) mihrabs c) mosques d) minarets e) maqsuras 11. The Mosque of Cordoba was built over the a) 7th-9th b) 8th-10th c) 9th-11th d) 10th-12th centuries.

12. The Mosque of Cordoba is known for its many beautiful elements, one of which is a) a pendentive dome b) a squinch dome c) a 165-foot minaret d) a hypostyle hall 13. The Virgin as a loving mother is known as a) Pantokrater b) Theotokos c) Anastasis d) Crucifixion

14. Gold backgrounds in art became popular in a) Early Christian art b) Byzantine art c) Islamic art d) Roman art 15. All of the following were popular media during early Christian and Byzantine art except a) mosaic b) ivory c) tempera d) fresco Part II. Short answer based on slides. Answer five out of six questions. 1. Identify the work and its medium. Date the work. In what famous early Christian/Byzantine city can it be found? Describe elements of the work that are both Roman/classical AND early Christian. 2. Identify and date the work. What is the medium? Explain the iconography on both the left and right sides of the work. In what way is the work typical of early Christian art? 3. Identify and date the building. In what city can it be found? Describe both the wondrous exterior and interior features of the building. 4. Identify the main figures in the work. What is unusual about the main figure of the work? How does the work try to get out of any contradictions between who the main figure is and where the mosaic is located? What is the message of the work, and how does it connect to conceptions of church and state that the Byzantine world was developing at this time? Describe one other element of the work, be it formal or contextual. 5. Identify and date the building. On what type of building is this mosque based? Name one culture that influenced the design of this mosque. Explain why there are mosaics on the exterior of the mosque, as well as on the interior. 6. This is called the Harbaville Triptych. What is a triptych and what is it used for? What kind of influence can we see in this piece of Byzantine art? In what way can we see this influence in the work?

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