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AP Art History Mrs. Wiener Test on Etruscan and Roman art: Part I. Multiple choice.

Circle the best answer to each question. 1. The first time we see sarcophagi with reclining figures is a) Egyptian art b) Minoan art c) Etruscan art d) Greek art e) Roman art 2. All of the following are media found in Roman art except a) marble b) concrete c) porcelain d) tempera e) porphyry 3. Marcel Duchamps Fountain is made of a) marble b) concrete c) porcelain d) tempera e) porphyry 4. Portrait of the four tetrarchs is made of a) marble b) concrete c) porcelain d) tempera e) porphyry 5. Capitoline Wolf is from the ___________ era of ________ art. a) Archaic; Etruscan b) Classical; Roman c) Classical; Etruscan d) High Republic; Roman 6. Chimera of Arezzo is made of a) terracotta b) bronze c) paint d) wood

7. Though the Etruscans borrowed the mythology of the Greeks, the Etruscans produced innovations in their sculptures by a) changing the gods personalities b) creating elaborate drapery for the gods clothing c) creating interesting arm gestures for their gods d) placing them on the rooftops of their temples 8. Etruscan temples were __________ the Greeks, and were made of _________. a) highly similar to; wood and sun-dried brick b) mostly different from; wood and sun-dried brick c) highly similar to; marble and terracotta d) completely different from; terracotta and wood 9. Many Etruscan temples still stand today. a) true b) false c) Theres not enough evidence to make such a statement. 10. A groin vault is also called a __________ and is _____________. a) barrel vault; an extension of a simple arch, creating a semi-cylindrical ceiling over parallel walls b) cross vault; an extension of a simple arch, creating a semi-cylindrical ceiling over parallel walls c) barrel vault; formed by the intersection of right angles of two barrel vaults of equal size d) cross vault; formed by the intersection of right angles of two barrel vaults of equal size 11. A pseudo-peripteral temple has a) freestanding columns surrounding the temple b) statuary on the gabled rooftop of the temple c) has pedimental friezes d) has engaged columns surrounding the cella 12. Head of a Roman patrician is an example of a) a work made of porphyry b) a work made of concrete c) a work representing a Caesar in the prime of life d) verism e) idealized youth 13. Augustus Caesar was made in the _________ and shows how much the Romans ____________. a) High Empire; borrowed from their Etruscan forebears

b) Late Empire; struggled to hold their empire together at that time c) Early Empire; admired Greek art d) Republic; venerated old age 14. Portrait of Marcus Aurelius was made in the ____________ and shows how much the Romans _______________. a) High Empire; borrowed from their Etruscan forebears b) High Empire; struggled to hold their empire together c) Early Empire; admired Greek art d) Republic; venerated old age

15. The Pantheon is __________ft. in diameter, and the domes top is also the same number of feet from the floor. a) 8 b) 100 c) 142 d) 188 16. ____________ depicts the Romans battling barbarians; the sculptor eliminated the groundline, piling bodies one on top of another, and spread writhing and highly emotive forms across the relief. a) The Arch of Titus b) The Apotheosis of Antoninus Pius c) The Ludovisi Sarcophagus d) Trajans column 17. ____________ depicts the Romans battling the Decians and shows a detailed relief of the organized way in which the Romans went to war. a) The Arch of Titus b) The Apotheosis of Antoninus Pius c) The Ludovisi Sarcophagus d) Trajans column 18. Portrait bust of a Flavian woman shows the Roman expertise a) in making reliefs that varied from high to low b) in wall painting c) non-idealized portraiture d) with the drill e) with a crane 19. ___________ undertook the building of the Colosseum as a present to Rome after _________s harsh and selfish rule.

a) Augustus; Caracalla b) Augustus; Vespasian c) Vespasian; Caracalla d) Vespasian; Nero e) Augustus; Nero 20. The __________ at the Colosseum shielded the spectators from the harsh glare of the sun. a) pulley system b) attic c) velarium d) columns e) marble seats 21. The order of columns on the Colosseum was, from bottom to top, a) Corinthian, Ionic, Tuscan-Doric b) Tuscan-Doric, Ionic, Corinthian c) Ionic, Corinthian, Tuscan-Doric d) Ionic, Tuscan-Doric, Corinthian 22. The Greeks would probably have approved of the column order choice on the Colosseum. a) true b) false 23. The Roman __________ is a precursor to the Christian church. a) basilica b) column c) temple d) apse e) transept 24. __________ built the Ara Pacis, the Altar of Peace during ________. a) Augustus; 96-192 CE b) Augustus; 27-96 CE c) Constantine; 192-337 d) Marcus Aurelius; 96-192 25. An artwork that depicts Roma as an allegorical figure is a) Portrait of four tetrarchs b) Portrait of Augustus Caesar c) the Apotheosis of Antoninus Pius d) Decursio Part II. Short answer.


Identify and date the work. From what larger piece is it? Describe the subject matter of the work, and explain how it fits in with the aims of the larger work on which it appears. What is typical of the Romans about the medium and technique used to make the work?


Date and identify the artwork and its medium. What is the subject matter depicted on the artwork? What is the purpose/function of the work, and was it typical of the society that produced it?


Who is the artist and what is the name and date of the work? What the heck is going on in this work? Please explain it to me! How did transportation of the work affect the subject matter? Why did the artist allow the mistake to remain? How is the work emblematic of Dadaism?


Date the work. What culture produced this work, and how it exemplify the key values of the culture that created it? 30.

Identify and date the work. Why is this such an influential building? What other buildings did it inspire? What is the light source? What other building shares the same type of light source?

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