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Rc Hj. Abdul Hamid Kamarudin, PJK Lecturer Health Science Faculty, UiTM

Who are the leader?

Those person who elected by group of people A person who can lead, guide, coach a group to achieve group goals.

A leader
A person who has the ability to give a change to the society. Cartell, 1953
A person who is sucessfully influence others in achieving the objectives of the group Koontz and Donnel, 1958

How leadership is elected?

1. By appointment by Allah Rasul and Nabi. 2. Syura an appointed committee to elect a leader. 3. Generation status Sultan. 4. The oldest person in the society/group. 5. The brave and the strongest person.

Modern leadership are chosen by

Election. Coup de Appointed by the authority.

Types of leadership
Position Power (kuasa kedudukan)
Personal power (kuasa peribadi)

Power of punishment (Kuasa Hukuman) A leader have the authority to punish members who are not obeying his rules, orders and obligations.
Example : transfer to another department, lose job, terminated the worker, other punishment

Benefit power (kuasa ganjaran)

A leader can give benefit to members who follow rules, orders, regulations and support the leader.
Example : Upgrade post, give land, appointed new job

Athority power (Kuasa sah)

Members follow the orders, rules, by the leader due to his position. Example : Penghulu, President Club, Head of Social Bereau

Personal Power Charasmatic leader

Members follow the leader due to certain charismatic of the leader that influence them.
Example : Leader that uphold democracy in his/her struggle.

Expertise power (kuasa kepakaran)

Members follow the leaders due to his/her expertise in a certain field. Example : Head of OT Department Dean of Forestry.

Style of leadership
Authoratic. Laizer Faire Socialist

Characteristics of leader
Carries water for people. Thinks of ways to make people productive. Comfortable with people in workplace. Manage by wandering around. Arrive early stays late. Common touch. Good listener. Approachable/availibility. Decisive. Fair. Humble. Persistent. Make it look easy. Tolerant of open disagreement. Knows people names. Trust people. Delegates whole important job. Give credit to others. Weed the garden.

10 ways to cultivate leadership skill that build respect.

1. Strive to improve but avoid perfectionism 2. Share your ideas and offer your opinion. 3. Develop problem-seeking and problemsolving habits. 4. Evaluate past performance and set new goals every three month. 5. Exercise persistence and proceed with energy and passion

6. Be known as a do-it-now, action person.
7. Challenge the way you do things, especially those with which youre comfortable. 8. Be prepared to do some elses job. 9. Accept the facts that few things will ever be perfect, and ambiguity is a part of your job. 10. Tackle projects and tasks that others avoid

How can you make them interesting?

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