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Humayra Suleman

Unaltered photographs I am using this photo because I like the layout and the medium close up I prefer the clothing and pose by the model. It goes well with my magazine because my magazine is chart music and this image relates to hiphip/rap music because of urban look portrayed through style of clothing and also the pose.

This image will not be used as he is nit facing the camera and he is facing the side. It is a bit blurry as well and would not make a suitable magazine photograph.

I am using this on to because it will be good for as a front cover. She is looking directly at the camera and she is representing pop music because of her stereotypical girl style with hair and clothing of the model.

This image will not be used because the model is holding a cup of coffee in her hand, which makes the photo unprofessional and it ruins background of the image if I cut her out and she is holding something.

Humayra Suleman

These two photos will also not be used because you cannot see her whole body, which does not make it look as effective on the page. I thought that it was not appropriate for a magazine photograph.

This photograph will be used on the double page spread because this is a full body image of her and it allows the reader to acknowledge the speake in the interview.

These three images ill not be used, they are f the same person and they are not relevant to any of my articles and they dont fit into the magazine page. I made the article to be relevant to the front cover, so I used the same model to base the article on.

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