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  How did you attract/address

your audience?
Mode of address
For my mode of address, I have used the
style of peer to peer and teacher to pupil.
The most common mode of address is
aimed towards the younger people. So I
have used this style. A comparison of
mode of address is The sun newspaper
and the guardian newspaper.
Uses of images
• I have only used one image for my front
cover and that is the main image. I have
used a medium close up shot of the DJ.
This way it fills the page and everybody
who looks at this magazine looks straight
to the picture first. The reason I haven't put
any pictures in with my cover lines is
because I just wanted it to be straight
forward and simple.
I have used three images for my contents
page, a small image of my front cover
promoting an advertisement, another DJ
because if people don’t like the music from
the main DJ, there is another one as a
back-up. And finally a picture which was
taken and I’m using it for the awards
• The main image and the only image for my
double page spread fills up one full A4
side. It has writing over the top but it fills
the page rather than it being boring. The
image is of a DJ and all of the information
on the double page spread is linked with
him. In this image he is looking down
towards the right so that is where I have
put the text.
• There is two main colours running
throughout the magazine and those
colours contrast very well. The colours are
grey and yellow. Grey for the background
fill and yellow mainly for the text. My main
cover line is in yellow, the name of my
magazine is in yellow. I didn’t want colours
that clash together or colours that sent
your eyes funny because it will not attract
readers at all.
The name of my magazine is in the yellow colour.

Main cover line is yellow

with the background being grey.
Yellow for the page heading.

Grey background.
Heading is yellow on my double page spread.
• There is only one prop I have used for the
magazine and that is The hat on the
person who is on my front cover of my
magazine. I have used this because a lot
of trance DJ’s wear the same style hats.
So this is connotes the trance genre
straight away.

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