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I WONDER - By: Jeannie Kirby I wonder why the grass is green, And why the wind is never seen?

Who taught the birds to build a nest, And told the trees to take a rest? O, when the moon is not quite round, Where can the missing bit be found? Who lights the stars, when they blow out, And makes the lightning flash about? Who paints the rainbow in the sky, And hangs the fluffy clouds so high? Why is it now, do you suppose, That Dad wont tell me, if he knows?


Who has the persona asked about the mysteries of nature? His father In your opinion who is who in the poem. Give a reason for your answer. It could refer to God because only God is capable of the miraculous life that we take for granted. What does the phrase fluffy clouds mean? The clouds are like soft cotton floating in the sky. Which element in the extract is described as cannot be seen but can be felt? The wind What is the poem about? It is about the wonders and mysteries of nature. Do you think that the personas father knows the answer? Why do you say so? No he doesnt know. The line that says this is Why is it now, do you suppose, That Dad wont tell me, if he knows? The persona asks many questions about things in nature? What does this tell you about the persona. The persona is a very curious person. Which phrase in the extract shows that the person is inquisitive about nature? I wonder why









Explain in your own words the phrase the trees to take a rest. The tress have stopped growing.

10. What does the persona wonder about the birds? The persona wonders who teaches them to build a nest. 11. Which element mentioned in the poem is invincible / something that cannot be seen but cen be felt? The wind. 12. State two messages the poem has for the readers we should take the time to appreciate nature. We should be aware of the things happening in nature. 13. Write two themes of the poems. Nature holds a lot of wonder for us Appreciating the natural elements around us 14. Which element about the grass puzzles the persona? The persona is puzzled about the colour of the grass. 15. What does the persona thinks about the birds and trees? How do the birds know how to build nests and how do trees know when to take a rest. 16. How does the persona feel about life now compared to the past? The persona feels life is so much easier now compared to the past. 17. What does the persona say about the wind? The wind can be seen but cannot be felt. 18. Why does the persona uses the paints when referring to rainbow? This is because the rainbow is colourful and looks like someone has painted those colours. 19. What does his father feel about his father? He is wondering if his father actually knows the answers to all his queirries.

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