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Rectus femoris Vastus lateralis, medialis, intermedius

iliac spine/patella

flexes thigh and extends leg

greater trocanter and linea aspera/tibial tuberosity via the extends leg patellar tendon

Label as above. See p. 368.

OTHERS Gracilis Sartorius Tibialis anterior Extensor digitorum longus Peroneus longus pubis/tibia adducts thigh iliac spine/tibia rotates leg laterally tibia/ superior first metatarsal dorsiflexes foot tibia + fibula/phalanges fibula + tibia/inferior first metatarsal extends toes everts foot, plantar flexes foot

Shinsplints is a term for inflammations of the tibial periosteum of tendinitis associated with the tibialis posterior or anterior. It usually results from running on hard surfaces.

Label as above. See p. 374.



plantar flexion,standing on toes, flexes leg flexes toes, inverts foot

Flexor digitorum post.tibia/distal longus phalanges

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