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Minerals Four questions that determine minerals: -Is it a solid? -Does it have a crystalline structure? -Is it formed in nature?

? -Is it nonliving material? Vocab Mineral- A naturally formed, inorganic solid with a crystalline structure. Elements- Pure substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means. Atom -The smallest part of an element that has all the properties of that element. Compound - A substance chemically joined, or bonded together. Crystals- Solid, geometric forms of mineral produced by a repeating pattern of atoms that is present throughout the mineral. Silicate Minerals- Minerals that contain a combination of silicon & oxygen. Nonsilicate Minerals- Minerals that do not contain a combination of silicon & oxygen. Luster- The way a surface reflects light. Streak-The color of a mineral in powdered form. Cleavage- The tendency of some minerals to break along flat surfaces. Fracture-The tendency of some minerals to break unevenly along curved or irregular surfaces. Hardness- A minerals resistance to being scratched. Density- The measure of how much matter there is in a given amount of space. Ore-A mineral deposit large enough & pure enough to be mined for a profit. Reclamation- To return the land to its original state after the mining is completed. What is a Mineral? Minerals are crystals that have repeating inner structure, minerals generally have same chemical composition throughout. All minerals contain 1 or more of the 92 elements. Minerals are made up of atoms of 1 or more elements. Most minerals are made of compounds from lots of elements. Halite is made of sodium & chlorine. Minerals are made up of 1 or more crystals.

Crystal shape=arrangement of atoms=the kind of atoms that make up the mineral. Most common type of mineral classification is chemical composition. Chemical composition divides minerals into 2 groups, silicate & nonsilicate minerals. Silicon & oxygen are 2 most common elements in Earths crust. 90% of Earths crust=silicate minerals. Silicon & oxygen combine with Al, Fe, Mg, & K. Common silicate minerals- Feldspar, Biotite Mica, & Quartz. Feldspar=50% of Earths crust & main part of most rocks on Earths surface. Contain Si, O, Al, K, Ca, & Na. Mica are soft & shiny, easily separated into sheets when broke, biotite is one in many varieties. Quartz is silicon dioxide, building block of rocks, quartz crystals are noticeable in granite. Nonsilicate minerals are made of C, O, Fe, & S. Native Elements- minerals composed of one element, about 20 are NE, i.e. Au, Pt, diamond, Cu, S, & Ag. Carbonates- minerals containing combos of C & O in chemical structure. i.e. calcite, carbonates used in cement, building stones, & fireworks. Halides- compounds formed when atoms of F, Cl, I, & Br combine with Na, K, or Ca. i.e. Halite (rock salt), Fluorite (diff. colors), halides used to make fertilizer. Oxides- elements combine with oxygen. i.e. corundum and magnetite, oxides are used to make abrasives and aircraft parts. Sulfates- contain sulfur and oxygen (SO4). Gypsum is common sulfate that makes up the white sand at White Sands National Monument in New Mexico. Sulfates used for cosmetics, toothpaste, and paint. Sulfides- one or more element combines with sulfur. Galena is example. Sulfide used to make batteries, medicines, and electronic parts. Identifying Minerals Colors are misleading, quartz is clear in pure state, red if rose quartz, and purple if amethyst. Weathering and impurities cause color changes. Types of luster: Metallic, Nonmetallic, Submetallic. If shiny or glassy luster is metallic. If it is vitreous (glassy, brilliant), silky (swirly, fibrous), resinous (plastic), waxy (greasy), pearly

(creamy), or earthy (rough) then it is nonmetallic. Streak plate is porcelain, streak color never changes, more reliable. Way mineral breaks is determined by arrangement of its atoms. Mica breaks easily into distinct sheets, halite breaks 90o in 3 diff. directions, diamonds breaks in 4 diff. directions. Mohs Hardness Scale: Talc, Gypsum, Calcite, Fluorite, Apatite, Orthoclase, Quartz, Topaz, Corundum, Diamond. Density= mass: volume Density measured in g/cm3 Objects density: density of water = specific gravity Special properties: fluorescence, chemical reaction, optical properties, taste, magnetism, radioactivity. Fluorescence: calcite and fluorite will glow under UV light. Chemical Reaction: calcite fizzes if weak acid is put on it. Optical Properties: calcite doubles image Radioactivity: measured by Geiger counter, minerals containing radium or uranium Magnetism: magnetite and pyrrhotite are natural magnets attracting iron. Taste: halite taste salty. Environment in which minerals from determine minerals properties. The Formation and Mining of Minerals Evaporating Saltwater: Body of salt H2O dry up, minerals (gypsum/halite) left behind, as salt H2O evaporate, minerals crystallize. Limestones: surface/ground water carry dissolved materials into lakes/seas where they crystallize at bottom. Calcite and dolomite. Metamorphic Rocks: Changes in pressure, temp., chemical makeup alter a rock, metamorphism takes place. i.e. calcite, garnet, graphite, hematite, magnetite, mica, and talc. Hot Water Solutions: Ground H2O goes down, magma heats it up, reacts w/ minerals forms hot liquid solution, dissolved metals & other minerals crystallize out of hot fluid to form new minerals. I.e. gold, copper, sulfur, pyrite, and galena. Pegmatites: magma moves up forms teardrop shaped bodies called pegmatites. Hot fluids cause mineral crystals to become large, i.e. topaz, tourmaline.

Plutons: Magma rises but stops moving sometimes and cools, forms millions of mineral crystals, all solidifies=plutons. I.e. mica, feldspar, magnetite, and quartz. Deep mining and surface mining, choosing depends on how far down and value of ore. Surface Mining- removal of minerals or other materials at or near the Earths surface. I.e. open pits, strip mines, and quarries. Copper and bauxite ores. Deep Mining- removal of minerals or other materials from deep within the Earth. Passageways must be dug. Diamonds and coal. Reclamation is expensive and time-consuming. Recycling is another way to help the environment. Ores are nonrenewable resources.

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