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Hydro energy is a water energy.

A dam is built to trap water usually

in a valley where there is and existing lake.Hydro power stations

can produce a great deal of power very cheaply.

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Hydro power is a renewable energy. 1. The dams are very expensive to build.

2. Once the dam is built,the energy is 2. Building a large dam will flood a very large

virtnally free. area upstream,causing problems for animals

3. No waste or pollution. use to live there.

4. Produce much more reliable than wind and 3. Finding a suitable site can be difficult-the

solar. impacts on residents and the environment may

5. Hydro power stations can increase to full be unacceptable.

power very quickly unlike other power 4. Water quality and quantity downstream can be

stations. affected,which can have a impact on plant life.

By: Wendy

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